& Awards, Announcements
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lead poisoning is preventable
2, 2001] We
will observe National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week July 19-25. One
of the most common preventable pediatric health problems in the
United States today is lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is simply the
presence of too much lead in the body and is caused by exposure to
lead that is eaten or breathed in the form of dust.
we have come to a greater understanding of the effects of lead
poisoning, crucial legislation has been passed to decrease the
amount of lead in the environment. As a result, few children suffer
from the serious physical effects of lead poisoning. However, many
children continue to be exposed to low doses of lead that can result
in more subtle but still serious health problems. Even at low doses
of exposure, a child may suffer from developmental delay, lower IQ,
hyperactivity, learning disability or hearing impairment. Since
children who have elevated blood lead levels may have no observable
symptoms, parents may be unaware of the problem until the damage has
been done.
at any age can get lead poisoning, but children are at the greatest
risk. The primary source of lead exposure for children is lead-based
paint. It is estimated that lead-based paint is present in 74
percent of all homes built before 1978. Lead dust accumulates in
cracks over the life of a house. Where you can see chipping paint,
there is always lead dust. Children are most likely to swallow lead
dust simply because they are closer to the ground, and they
frequently place hands or other objects in their mouths. Certain
activities such as opening and closing windows can create an aerosol
so that children can inhale the lead dust.

sources of lead include imported crayons and miniblinds, improperly
glazed pottery, the solder that connects water pipes, and some folk
remedies. Certain hobbies such as stained glass, target shooting or
furniture refinishing carry a risk for lead exposure. Adults with
certain occupations are exposed to lead. These include construction
workers and auto repair workers as well as others. Workers can
unknowingly carry lead dust home from the workplace and expose their
families. Children of people who remodel their own homes are at very
high risk for lead exposure. Lead has also been deposited in the
soil from leaded gasoline and lead paint. Since lead is not
biodegradable, once deposited in the soil it stays there.
only method to diagnose lead poisoning is by a blood test. In 1995
the Illinois Department of Public Health designated areas of high
and low risk for lead poisoning throughout the state. This was done
by ZIP code. Those children living in areas determined to be low
risk can be assessed by using a set of questions designed to
determine the risk of lead poisoning to that particular child.
Children who are high-risk as determined by the questionnaire and
those who live in a high-risk ZIP code area need a blood test.
[to top of second column in
this article]

to Illinois law, all children 6 months through 6 years of age must
be assessed for lead poisoning one time before entering day care,
preschool or kindergarten. The American Academy of Pediatrics,
however, recommends yearly assessment, especially at 1 and 2 years
of age, as these children are at the highest risk for central
nervous system impairment.
poisoning can be prevented by taking some simple precautions. These
children away from peeling or chipping paint.
floors, countertops and windowsills at least weekly with a
phosphate-based detergent.
children a diet high in iron, calcium and Vitamin C, low in fat,
and offering healthy snacks throughout the day.
proper procedure when renovating or remodeling, and keeping
children and pregnant women out of the work area until
renovations are complete and the area has been cleaned.
a child’s hands, face and toys often.
the cold water to run for several minutes in the morning before
using it and using only cold water for drinking, cooking and
preparing infant formula.
shoes when coming indoors so that lead dust is not tracked
inside the house.
work clothes separately when in an occupation that carries a
high risk for lead exposure.
storing food in pottery made outside of the United States.
grass to reduce a child’s exposure to lead in the soil.
more information on childhood lead poisoning or for information on
how to have your child assessed for lead exposure, call the Logan
County Health Department at (217) 735-2317 or ask your health-care
County Health Department news release]
Gender gap
in health interest
29, 2001] Despite
decades of research showing men live shorter lives than women and
have higher rates of serious diseases, studies show men do not take
as much interest in their personal health as women.
[Click here
for Part 1]
[Click here
for Part 2]
lack of a good diet and enough exercise, many men both locally and
suffer from stress.
hear so much about stress. There is a whole population of men that
are under increasing amounts of stress. Farmers have unique type of
stress that many people aren’t aware of, with the bad economy, the
weather and other things they worry about. They have traditionally
been stoic," Eldredge said. "Stress-related depression and
other illnesses are on the rise locally."
other findings, the survey also concluded that:
Men are more likely than women to be overweight, based on a
mathematical tool called the Body Mass Index that measures the
relationship between height and weight. The survey found that 62
percent of men and 43 percent of women have a BMI score of 25 or
more, which puts them at increased risk for such health problems as
heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Among men responding to the survey, 12 percent feel a great deal of
stress almost every day, compared with 15 percent of women. Men are
more likely than women to relieve that stress by drinking alcoholic
beverages (22 percent vs. 15 percent).
Men are much more likely than women to be concerned about developing
colon cancer (43 percent vs. 36 percent), despite statistics from
the American Cancer Society which indicate that 51,200 women and
44,000 men will develop the disease this year.
[to top of
second column in this section]
interest in men’s health
the generally gloomy assessments of men’s health awareness,
however, there is clear evidence that men are beginning to take
better charge of their health. The success of magazines such as Men’s
Health, Prime and other wellness-oriented, healthy-lifestyle
publications underscores a growing interest in wellness and healthy
lifestyles among men.
and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala and Surgeon General David
Satcher have issued a plan called "Healthy People 2010,"
which provides a nationwide blueprint for a program to build on the
advances in medicine and health care treatments to improve the
nation’s health over the next decade. Some of its key goals are to
reverse the commonly held view that men simply die earlier than
women and to close the gender gap in life spans.
if men are reluctant to actually go to the doctor, they can get
information by just
using their computer. Many Internet sites are devoted to men’s
health issues, including
and menshealth.com. Members
of One Health Plan are offered online health risk assessments and a
health library at www.onehealthplan.com.
causes of death for men in the United States:
of heart
obstructive pulmonary disease
and influenza
immunodeficiency virus
and legal intervention
The Centers for Disease Control, 1995)
Gender gap
in health interest
28, 2001] Despite
decades of research showing men live shorter lives than women and
have higher rates of serious diseases, studies show men do not take
as much interest in their personal health as women.
[Click here
for Part 1]
and exercise is a problem for everybody — especially men in the
rural areas, who
feel they get enough exercise just working. They do exercise, but it’s
not consistent," Eldredge said. "Our whole society has
become more sedentary."
general lack of understanding and male acceptance of health care has
a high cost, medical researchers say. No matter how smart a man is,
no matter what kind of professional status he’s achieved, he can
still ignore things he shouldn’t ignore and pay the unnecessary
consequences, said a report from The Male Health Institute. The
report indicated the consequences can be serious.
age 65, men suffer 2.5 times as many heart attacks as women. By age
65, one in three men suffers from high blood pressure, a primary
risk for heart attacks. Yet men are less likely than women to have
their blood pressure checked.
in nine men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, yet few will
have the easy and painless digital rectal exam and prostate-specific
antigen blood test to detect it, the report said.
are at greater risk of stress-related illnesses than women, yet only
20 percent of the people in the typical stress-management program
are men.
year, more than 50,000 men die of emphysema, one of the most
preventable diseases.
has been estimated that more than three million men are walking
around with early Type II diabetes, a disease with major
complications, and don’t know it.
[to top of
second column in this section]
make 130 million fewer visits a year to the family doctor than do
women, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And, according to a
nationwide survey of Americans’
health attitudes and behaviors, men are not only avoiding important
health checks, they are significantly behind women in their
awareness of the importance of their behavior.
survey, conducted for Men’s Health magazine and CNN by Opinion
Corporation International, found that one adult man in 10 —
roughly seven million — has avoided getting regular health exams
for more than a decade. What’s more, the study noted, more than 15
million men have not had a basic health check in five years or more.
76 percent of women responding to the phone survey reported they had
been to the doctor for a physical exam in the past 12 months,
compared with just 60 percent of men.
should make their family physician a partner," Eldredge said.
study also found that women are more adept than men at understanding
and practicing the basic behaviors that lead to better health.
(To be continued)
here for Part 3]
Part 1
Gender gap
in health interest
27, 2001] Despite
decades of research showing men live shorter lives than women and
have higher rates of serious diseases, studies show men do not take
as much interest in their personal health as women.
health facts
in three men will die from either a heart attack or stroke.
can reduce the risk of heart disease by half.
percent of men do not take enough exercise to benefit their
might prevent the development of one in four cases of diabetes
current life expectancy of American men is an average of 72.5
I had known I was going to live this long, I would have
taken better care of myself."
Mickey Mantle,
famous Yankees slugger and outfielder |
don’t think men think they will get sick," said Dayle
Eldredge, director of the community health program at Abraham
Lincoln Memorial Hospital. "It’s all tied up with the feeling
they have that they are responsible for other things, like work and
who is also coordinator of the Rural Health Partnership program,
said there are more men taking advantage of the mobile unit now than
ever before, and half of the client base is male. She thinks the
convenience of the program draws more clients, especially farmers,
who find it easier than scheduling a doctor’s appointment.
continue to have a higher death rate in every one of 10 leading
causes of death, including heart disease, cancer, stroke and chronic
lung disease. The current life expectancy of American men is an
average of 72.5 years, while for women it is 78.9.
health statistics show this gap in life expectancy between men and
women has remained steady since the 1950s, and in the case of some
illnesses, such as cancer, the gap has actually widened. In 1920,
the life-expectancy gap between men and women was only about one
[to top of second column in
this section]
though more men and their families are now aware about the need to
get regular health checkups, exercise more and improve their diets,
the gender gap between men and women when it comes to personal
health and life expectancy continues to be a major national health
problem. Health care experts know that regular checkups by a
physician can be crucial to early detection and treatment of
diseases, such as prostate cancer in men. A study by the American
Academy of Family Physicians showed women visited their family
physicians more than twice as often as men.
general, men know they should go to the doctor, but they don’t
always do it. In the
past, not very much attention has been paid to men’s health
issues. It’s just as important
for men to get tested for prostate and testicular cancer as it is
for women to be tested for
ovarian cancer," Eldredge said.
experts cite several reasons why men do not have the same level of
interest in
their health as women. Men simply do not see themselves as
vulnerable to serious illness
and are not as comfortable going to the doctor. Because of birth
control and pregnancy
issues, as well as increased public awareness of breast cancer
issues, women generally are more attuned to the need for regular
health checkups and preventive health care.
a general rule, men between the ages of 18 and 75 should be
encouraged to have
periodic blood pressure, height, weight, dental, vision and hearing
checks. Men between
35 and 65 years of age should have cholesterol checks every five
years, and men between
50 and 75 should have yearly colorectal cancer tests. It's also
advisable that men have
yearly influenza vaccinations and tetanus-diphtheria vaccinations
every 10 years.
(To be continued)
here for Part 2]
Men’s Health Month
One out of
every five American men...
Part 2
25, 2001] One
out of every five American men will develop prostate cancer in his
lifetime, and local health officials say it can strike men of all
ages. Local and state health officials are working to get the word
out about this disease this month during Men’s Health Month.
[Click here for Part 1]
best protection against the cancer is to have regular medical
checkups that include a thorough prostate exam. Screening procedures
can detect prostate cancer in its early stages.
cases of early prostate cancer carry no symptoms and are detected
only by a screening exam. The best way to find prostate cancer is to
have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test and a digital
rectal exam (DRE) performed. Some prostate cancers may be detected
during evaluation of symptoms, which include a slow or weakened
urinary stream or need to urinate more often. Symptoms of advanced
prostate cancer include impotence, blood in the urine, swollen lymph
nodes in the groin area and pain in the pelvis, spine, hips or ribs.
However, these symptoms can be present with other diseases also.
IDPH advises men 50 years of age and older to ask their doctors
about having the PSA and DRE test every year. Black American men and
men with close family members who have had prostate cancer should
consider starting screenings at a younger age. A national study
shows that while the adult male population is very aware of prostate
cancer and knows the risk factors involved, doctors are talking to
only one out of two male patients about the disease. At the same
time, adult males are not taking the necessary steps to reduce their
risk. Health experts advise all men to take care of their health by
seeing a doctor regularly, reporting symptoms and taking part in a
healthy lifestyle.
[to top of second column in
this section]
to the American Cancer Society, the survival rate for all stages of
prostate cancer combined has increased from 50 to 87 percent over
the last 30 years. Due to early detection and better screening
methods, nearly 60 percent of the tumors are diagnosed while they
are still confined to the prostate gland. The five-year survival
rate for early-stage cancers is almost 99 percent. Sixty-three
percent of the patients survive 10 years, and 51 percent survive 15
years after initial diagnosis.
the cause of the cancer is not known, there is no definite way to
prevent prostate cancer. However, the ACS recommends that all men
over age 40 have an annual rectal exam and that men have an annual
PSA test beginning at age 50. Those who have a higher-than-average
risk, including black American men and men with a family history of
prostate cancer, should begin annual PSA testing even earlier,
starting at age 45. A diet low in fat may slow the progression of
prostate cancer. To reduce the risk of prostrate cancer, the ACS
recommends a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and dietary fiber, and
low in red meat and saturated fats.
Men’s Health Month
One out of
every five American men...
Part 1
23, 2001] One
out of every five American men will develop prostate cancer in his
lifetime, and local health officials say it can strike men of all
ages. Local and state health officials are working to get the word
out about this disease this month during Men’s Health Month.
cancer is the most common type of cancer diagnosed in American men,
excluding skin cancer. In Illinois, an estimated 8,300 new cases
were diagnosed in 1998, and more than 80 percent of those were in
men 65 years of age and older, according to the Illinois Department
of Public Health.
Eldredge, program director of the Rural Health Partnership, said
that although the disease usually strikes older men, it can affect
men of all ages. "I think prostate and testicular cancer and
illnesses are very common in men, especially those of middle age and
older. Women have a high instance of breast cancer, and men have
problems with those two areas. It’s a gender thing," Eldredge
would say it crosses age lines. There’s evidence that men in their
30s and even younger men can have problems with these two areas, but
it usually occurs later, in men aged 35 and up. Once men reach their
mid to late 70s and early 80s, instances are often greater, but the
necessity for invasive treatments are often less."
whose own father suffered from prostate cancer, said it’s a health
issue men of all ages should be aware of. Prostate cancer is now the
second leading cause of cancer death in men, exceeded only by lung
cancer. Statistics show that 3 percent of men who develop the
disease will die from it — an estimated 1,800 men in Illinois in
the early stages, the disease stays localized and does not endanger
life. Without treatment, however, the cancer can spread to other
tissues and eventually cause death. Most of the time, prostate
cancer grows very slowly but sometimes can grow quickly and spread
to other parts of the body — a factor more common in younger men.
[to top of second column in
this section]
cancer is a disease in which the cells of the prostate become
abnormal and start to grow uncontrollably, forming tumors. Tumors
that can spread to other parts of the body are called malignant
tumors or cancers. Tumors that incapable of spreading are said to be
American Cancer Society estimates that in 1998 at least 185,000 new
cases of prostate cancer were diagnosed nationwide and were the
cause of at least 40,000 deaths. Because it may take many years for
the cancer to develop, many men with the disease will probably die
of other causes rather than from the cancer itself.
cancer affects black American men twice as often as it does
Caucasian men, and the mortality rate among black Americans is also
two times higher. Black Americans have the highest rate of prostate
cancer in the world.
the cause of this disease is not known, according to the public
health officials, there may be a genetic link that causes some men
to develop the disease. Certain risk factors are linked to the
disease, including smoking, a person’s age or race, and a high-fat
diet. While only one in 100,000 men will get prostate cancer under
the age of 40, the frequency rise to 1,326 cases for men between 70
and 74 years of age. Workers in the electroplating and welding
industries who are exposed to the metal cadmium, as well as rubber
industry workers, appear to have a higher than average risk.
be continued)
here for Part 2]
& Awards
calendar of events for July
30, 2001]
Sunday — July 1, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reservations required. Call
732-2161, Ext. 195.
blood pressure screenings — July 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26
and 31, 9 a.m. to noon, first floor waiting area. No appointment
heart failure and diabetes support group — Monday, July 16, 7
p.m., Conference Room A. Call (217) 732-2161, Ext. 443 for more
Cancer Awareness — Tuesday, July 17, 7 p.m., Conference Room A.
Call (217) 732-2161, Ext. 443 for more information.
[to top of second column in
this section]
management service — July 9 and 23, on fourth floor. Physician
referral required. Call (217) 732-2161, Ext.403 or 444 for more
clinic — Thursday, July 12, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., on fourth floor.
Call (217) 732-2161 Ext. 243 for more information.
In Our Hearts bereavement support group — Thursday, July 26, 1
to 3 p.m., fifth floor physicians lounge. Call (217) 732-2161, Ext.
405 for more information.
support group — Monday, July 23, 7 p.m., Conference Room A. Call
(217) 732-2161, Ext. 427 for more information.
news release]
health unit schedule
Rural Health Partnership has announced the schedule for its mobile
health unit. Effective Feb. 1, 2001, the unit will run as follows:
9-11 a.m. |
1-3:30 p.m. |
Monday |
1st and 3rd |
Hartsburg |
1st and 3rd |
Emden |
2nd and 4th |
San Jose |
2nd and 4th |
Greenview |
Tuesday |
Weekly |
Chestnut |
Weekly |
Mount Pulaski |
Wednesday |
Weekly |
New Holland |
Weekly |
Middletown |
Thursday |
1st, 2nd,
3rd |
Elkhart |
Weekly |
Atlanta |
4th |
Manor-Lincoln |
Friday |
1st, 2nd,
4th |
Latham |
1st |
Beason |
2nd and 4th |
Broadwell |
3rd |
Maintenance/ special
events |
3rd |
special events
mobile health unit does not operate on the following dates/holidays
during 2001: Feb. 19 (President’s Day), April 13 (Good
Friday), May 28 (Memorial Day), July 4 (Independence Day), Sept. 3
(Labor Day), Oct. 8 (Columbus Day), Nov. 12 (Veterans Day), Nov. 22-23
(Thanksgiving break), and Dec. 24 - Jan. 1, 2002 (Christmas break).
For more
information on the mobile health unit schedule and services, contact
Dayle Eldredge at (217) 732-2161, Ext. 409.
family resource list to save and use is provided by the Healthy
Communities Partnership (732-2161, Ext. 409) and the Healthy
Families Task Force.
for Logan County families
Agency |
Phone number |
Address |
911 |
911 (Emergencies)
732-3911 (Office -- non-emergency)
911 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital |
315 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Aging (Department of) |
785-3356 |
421 E. Capitol, #100
Springfield, IL 62701-1789
American Cancer Society |
546-7586 (24 hour) |
1305 Wabash, Ste. J
Springfield, IL 62704
American Red Cross |
125 S. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Catholic Social
Services |
732-3771 |
310 S. Logan
Lincoln, IL 62656
Chamber of Commerce |
735-2385 |
303 S. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Community Action (CIEDC) |
1800 Fifth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Community Child Care
Connection |
1004 N. Milton Ave.
Springfield, IL 62702-443
Crisis Pregnancy Center |
735-4838 |
513 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
DCFS (Department of
Children & Family Services) |
(crisis hotline)
1100 Keokuk St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Heartland Community
College GED Program |
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Hospice Care of
Illinois |
(24 hour)
732-2161, Ext. 444
720 N. Bond
Springfield, IL 62702
Housing Authority |
732-6312 (24 hour)
1028 N. College St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Breast &
Cervical Cancer Program |
LCHD - 109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Illinois Department of
Public Health |
535 W. Jefferson
Springfield, IL 62761
Illinois Employment and Training Center (replaces JTPA office) |
735-5441 |
S. McLean St., Suite B
Bureau Building
IL 62656
Legal Assistance
Foundation |
(217) 753-3300
730 E. Vine St., Ste.
Springfield, IL 62703
Library - Atlanta |
(217) 648-2112 |
100 Race St.
Atlanta, IL 61723 |
Library - Elkhart |
(217) 947-2313 |
121 E. Bohan
Elkhart, IL 62634 |
Library - Lincoln |
732-8878 |
725 Pekin St.
Lincoln, IL 62656 |
Library - Mount Pulaski |
320 N. Washington
Mount Pulaski, IL 62548
Lincoln Area YMCA
735-3915 |
319 W. Kickapoo St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln/Logan Food
Pantry |
P.O. Box 773
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Parents’
Center |
735-4192 |
100 S. Maple
Lincoln, IL 62656
Lincoln Park District |
732-8770 |
1400 Primm Rd.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Department
of Human Services (Public Aid) |
735-2306 |
1550 Fourth St., P.O.
Box 310
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan County Health
Department |
735-2317 |
109 Third St., P.O. Box
Lincoln, IL 62656
Logan Mason Mental
Health |
(crisis line)
304 Eighth St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Rehabilitation Center |
735-1413 |
760 S. Postville Dr.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Oasis (Senior Citizens
of Logan County) |
732-6132 |
501 Pulaski St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Project READ
735-1731 |
620 Broadway St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Salvation Army |
1501 N. Kickapoo
Lincoln, IL 62656
Senior Services of
Central Illinois |
(crisis line)
109 Third St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
Sojourn Shelter &
Service Inc. |
(217) 726-5200 (24-hour hotline)
1800 Westchester Blvd.
Springfield, IL 62704
U. of I. Division of
Specialized Care for Children |
1-800-946-8468 |
421 S. Grand Ave. West,
2nd Floor
Springfield, IL 62704
U. of I. Extension
Service |
732-8289 |
122 S. McLean St.
Lincoln, IL 62656
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