for Humanity home
dedicated in Mount Pulaski
5, 2001] Community,
friends, family, workers — all gathered for dedication services
July 4 at the newest Habitat house. Keys for the sixth completed
Habitat for Humanity of Logan County home were turned over to the
Cheryl Mittlesteadt family. Cheryl and her sons, James T. and Austin
M. Berger, plan to move into their new home at 317 Vine St., Mount
Pulaski, on Saturday.
here to see photos from the dedication]
Dahmm welcomed the crowd, expressing gratefulness for all those who
had contributed to this recent project. Dahmm began with the city of
Mount Pulaski, thanking them for deeding the property. He then
recognized the intensive effort put forth by 17 LCC students during
one week in the spring and then credited some of the major donors of
supplies. Johnson True Value of Mount Pulaski furnished the interior
paint at no cost; A-1 Seamless Gutter of Elkhart furnished and
installed the gutters, also at no cost; North Tree Farm seeded grass
and planted shrubbery; and the Garden Rake supplied shrubbery also.
Contributors and volunteer labor
of Mount Pulaski
Church of Mount Pulaski
Lutheran Church of Mount Pulaski
Legion Auxiliary, Mount Pulaski
Christian College
United Methodist Church, Lincoln
John Church of Christ, Lincoln
Sand and Gravel
Peter’s Lutheran Church of Emden
Funk, attorney
Auxiliary of Lincoln
Pulaski Catholic Church
Church of Mount Pulaski
Pulaski Rotary Club
Mount Pulaski
Christian Church
Lutheran Church of New Holland
Shepherd Lutheran Church, Lincoln
Plumbing and Heating
Lutheran Church of Clinton
Barrick, M E Realty
Daily News
Residential Security
Garden Rake
Hunter Blinds
[to top of second column in
this article]
Newhouse Lumber Co.
Plumbing and Heating
House of Lincoln
House Appraisal Service
Lumber of Atlanta
Lumber Co.
True Value, Mount Pulaski
Suppliers Inc.
Seamless Gutters of Elkhart
Tree Farm Landscaping
Residential Security
concluded by saying how much he appreciated "anybody who in any
way worked this project and brought it to completion."
Christian values as the foundation for the organization, Petri
concluded with these remarks: "We build the houses so that they
might build homes. We’re dedicated to seeing that all of God’s
children have a decent place to call home."
the key to Mittlesteadt, Phil Dehner said, "We hope you find a
great love and happiness in your new home."
overwhelmed with gratitude, Mittlesteadt stated her feelings as
such, and simply said a sincere, strong, "Thank you, thank you
for Humanity of Logan County board members and officers
George Dahmm
president Phil Dehner
Leonard Krusemark
Harley Petri
a friend about
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Stagecoach Inn dedicated
5, 2001] At
the dedication of the Dunlap House in Middletown on July 4,
historian Wayne C. Temple christened the ground with water from a
local well. Dr. Temple, a Lincoln expert, said that he has at least
two documented occasions that Abraham Lincoln stayed at the house;
once was with his family.
initiative to get the house moved back to near its original site
began back in 1985. On the day of the move back to town from the
country, it got stuck in mud and the move was delayed until the
ground froze.
repairs and renovations have been slowly taking place. Sen. Madigan
and state Rep. John Turner recently procured some funding from the
state of Illinois. While the site is now officially open, there are
still lots of renovations to be completed.
large crowd that included officials, visitors and local residents
stayed for the opening tours of the house.

Communities Partnership receives national award, provides update to
community, spotlights youth programs
5, 2001] The
climax of the Healthy Communities Partnership report to the
community on Thursday was presentation of the National Outstanding
Rural Health Practice Award to Dayle Eldredge, director of the Rural
Health Partnership Task Force and of the overall partnership.
the projects of the RHP are the mobile health unit which provides
primary and preventative health care throughout Logan County,
educational seminars including one on prostate and testicular cancer
conducted June 27, farm safety programs offered in conjunction with
University of Illinois Cooperative Extension Service, and assistance
to farm families with a disabled member.

award from the National Rural Health Association was presented to
Eldredge by Julie Casper of the Center for Rural Health, Illinois
Department of Public Health. "I believe the entire county is
benefiting," Eldredge said in summing up the work of the
Healthy Communities Partnership toward its mission: "To
protect, maintain and improve the health and quality of life of all
residents of Lincoln and Logan County."
luncheon presentation, at Knights of Columbus before an audience of
about 100, spotlighted youth programs. In one presentation Chief of
Police Rich Montcalm recognized seven students for their violence
prevention essays: Sam Chon, Justin Trago, Lia Jordan, Britney
Colby, Kelly Knecht and Hannah McShane.

in Snowball, whose members are committed to living and promoting a
drug-free lifestyle, presented a pantomime in which a girl
experimented with a variety of drugs ranging from tobacco to heroin,
became trapped, escaped with the help of friends, re-embraced the
drugs, hit rock bottom and finally succeeded in becoming drug-free.
Cast members were Cara Brewer, Christopher Vaughn, Bradley Stoll,
Cara Slack, Lindsey Dirks, Stephie Humble, Sam Huddelson, Laura
Baker, Craig Erlenbush and Chuck Allen. Kristi Simpson, prevention
specialist at Logan Mason Mental Health, directed the group.

also directed "Keep Off the Grass," a puppet show
presented by recent Lincoln Junior High School graduates associated
with HYPE (Helping Youth in a Positive Environment). In the story
Dr. Crisis and Officer Ketcham meet Dexter Dreen’s heart, stomach
and brain and hear of the effects of marijuana and cocaine on them.
Megan Prather, Kati Solomon, Chuck Allen, Bo Wright and Amanda Metz
manipulated the puppets.
noted that Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Task Force events,
including a bowling day and post-prom, are free to the public. An
Illinois Department of Transportation grant enabled the awarding of
such prizes as a DVD player, laptop computer and color television at
[to top of second column in
this article]
Sillings of the YMCA announced upcoming events: a DUI Victim Impact
Panel on July 25, a Family Fun Day on Sept. 22 and a mock DUI
accident. Teen dances at the YMCA Activities Center at 720 Wyatt
Ave. (former Odd Fellows gym) have been conducted monthly since
September and will continue weekly throughout the summer except for
a break during July.
the fast-moving program each subdivision of Healthy Communities
Partnership presented a report. Debby Cook of Logan County Health
Department, speaking for the Domestic Abuse and Violence Task Force,
announced that the Lincoln Police Department will now escort
domestic violence victims to Sojourn House in Springfield, and she
is working with Sheriff Tony Solomon to extend this benefit
throughout the county. In another program, old cell phones, donated
by P & M Communications and Lincoln Land Communications, are
programmed to 9-1-1 and given to people in abusive situations who
may need to make emergency calls.

for the Healthy Families Task Force, Marcia Dowling of the Logan
County Health Department described various programs, including aid
for grandparents raising grandchildren, education for teen parents,
student mentoring and Baby Think It Over, which aims to prevent teen
pregnancy. Several speakers reported an apparent decline in local
teen pregnancy and pregnancy testing. In a survey conducted by
Barbara Follis, one teen mother said, "The hardest part of
being a young parent is the responsibilities you have as a parent,
student, friend and daughter — all your roles together. Also, a
little of what people say and how they look at you." Another
said that if she could go back in a time machine, she would not go
out again the night she got pregnant.
Academy for Health Services Research and Health Policy, which
visited the local partnership on May 14, concluded, according to a
draft copy of its yet incomplete report: "This is an
accomplished community health network in every sense of the word
with strong linkage to key community stakeholders. The network has
had a long and successful track record in supporting innovative
projects that directly address key community health needs."
Park subdivision may be on again
3, 2001] The
proposed 16-home East Park subdivision, which appeared to
have reached a complete stop two weeks ago, may become bricks and mortar after
City Council members, who two weeks ago voted to approve Rodney
White’s development only if he pays the full cost of upgrading the
part of Sherman Street that fronts on it, reconsidered the matter
Monday night and will be talking to White yet one more time.
who could not attend the council meeting, was contacted by phone by
City Clerk Juanita Josserand and has agreed to another meeting.
At the
June 18 council meeting, the nine members present voted unanimously
to approve the plat for the 16 homes only if White agreed to pay the
full cost of upgrading 1,600 to 2,000 feet of North Sherman Street.
White said under those conditions it was not feasible for him to
continue with the development plans and left the council chambers.

had first asked that the city would pay the full cost of upgrading
the street after he completed at least half the development and put
in sewer and utility connections. On June 18 he agreed to pay for
curbs and gutters on one side of the street at a cost of $25,000 to
reported Monday night that in her telephone conversation with White,
he also agreed to put money in escrow for curbs and gutters to be
installed when Sherman Street is upgraded.
change of heart occurred after council members discussed the
ordinance governing developers and subdivisions and decided they had
interpreted it incorrectly. Mayor Beth Davis, who is in favor of the
development, also encouraged them to rethink the matter.
can bring it up for reconsideration," she told the council.
"We need to grow. We need to send a positive message."
council members said they understood the ordinance to say that the
developer must bring any street up to city specifications. However,
according to Nick Burgrabe, sitting in for City Attorney Jonathan
Wright, that applies to streets built by the developer but not
necessarily to streets already owned by the city, as Sherman Street
said it is not mandatory to ask a developer to pay for upgrading an
existing street, but the council does have the authority to
negotiate with a developer on street work costs.
is our responsibility to maintain the street at the current level.
If a developer puts extra demands on it, we can require him to
upgrade it. At the same time, the city can make a compromise
plan," Burgrabe said.
I understood is that it [complete upgrading] has to happen,"
Alderman George Mitchell said. "I don’t think I am the only
one who thought it had to be done that way."
other council members agreed with Mitchell.
is hard for me to swallow the fact that we have an existing street,
a developer comes in, and we say, ‘fix the street,’"
Alderman Verl Prather said. "It is already ours. He is not
dedicating it to us."
[to top of second column in
this article]
Michael Montcalm, chairman of the ordinance committee, who made the
original motion to ask White to pay the street work costs, said he
would like to split the cost of upgrading the street if the city had
the money. "I can’t see 100 percent of the costs for the city
on fixing that street," he said. "The most I could go is
Eaton, sewer plant manager, told the council the cost would be
approximately $200,000 or about half that amount, depending upon
whether the street is blacktop, the more expensive, or oil and chip,
which Sherman Street is at present.
council members suggested rethinking the ordinance, which they
believe is confusing. Alderman Patrick Madigan suggested they sit
down with developers and see what their concerns are. "Are we
going to play this game every time a development comes up?" he
agreed that the ordinance needs to be reworked. "It does get
confusing for us to understand it," he said. "It is hard
to explain to the contracting industry."
however, stressed that the council needed to move on the East Park
subdivision before tackling the ordinance.
watched this council struggle with a liquor ordinance. We still don’t
have a liquor ordinance. If we have to change the ordinance, none of
us will live long enough to see anything done.
think we ought to give anyone who wants to develop an area in this
town an opportunity to do that," he said.
council unanimously approved a motion to reconsider the vote of June
18, then tabled the motion until further discussion with White. No
date has yet been set for that discussion.

other business, the council recognized three newly promoted members
of the fire department. Mark Miller has been named assistant chief
of the B shift; Jeff Singleton is captain of the B shift, and Larry
Spurling is a lieutenant on the A shift.
also discussed raising fines for parking downtown from 2 to 5 a.m.
to $25. Parked cars make it impossible to clean streets or to remove
snow, according to Street Superintendent Donnie Osborne. The fine is
presently only $3. The proposed raise was referred to the ordinance
council accepted the bid for a skid loader from Central Illinois Ag
of Atlanta, at $16,479. A lower bid was rejected because the New
Holland loader offered by Illinois Ag was the best vehicle for the
job, according to Eaton.
Davis announced a proposal for a Historic District that would extend
along both sides of Fifth Street from Adams to Postville Drive. She
said new buildings put up in the district would conform to historic
architecture, though present ones would be grandfathered in.
Alderman George Mitchell
was unanimously elected mayor pro tem, to serve when Davis is not
present. He was nominated by Alderman Glenn Shelton, who described
Mitchell as a man who is always available and has the best interests
of the city at heart.
students earn
Governor’s Home Town Award
3, 2001] Judy
Dopp, Lincoln Community High School National Honor Society sponsor,
announced at the city’s council meeting on Monday that Lincoln had
won a Governor’s Home Town Award for 2000 for the plantings done
by the National Honor Society and the biochemistry classes taught by
Jim Vipond.
Plant the Tree program for 2000 included extensive plantings at the
Logan County Fairgrounds and plantings in the Don Shay parking lot
across from Scully Park in downtown Lincoln. In addition, a tree was
planted at Memorial Park for each first grade and at two of the
nursing homes. This year’s project added trees at the Lincoln sign
across from Lincoln Christian College and 11 trees across from the
Tropics in front of the old Courtyard restaurant, as well as more
trees at the fairgrounds.
parking lot, on Clinton Street, was renovated by Main Street
Lincoln, which purchased large trees and perennials. Others who
helped furnish trees were John Wilmert, who got trees at cost or
donated them from his own land; Dean Bruns, who allowed the students
to dig up from his land about 60 trees that went to the Logan County
Fairgrounds and the Don Shay parking lot; and Eric Jenkins. About
100 trees, some with 4-inch trunks, were planted by 80 students in
2000, Dopp said.
tree planting program has been ongoing for the past five years, Dopp
said. In 2001 the group planted trees along Postville Road and at
the fairgrounds.
thanked Street Superintendent Donnie Osborne for his help in
bringing mulch and getting street crews to help with the heavy work.
"Donnie has just been great," she told the council. She
also thanked Main Street Lincoln for all its help in purchasing
award really goes to the entire city of Lincoln," she told the
council. The motto on the Governor’s Home Town Award is
"Excellence through Volunteerism."
[to top of second column in
this article]

[Pictured are (left to right,
back row) J.R. Glenn, 2001 NHS president; Jim Vipond, biochemistry
teacher; Judy Dopp, NHS adviser; Deb Schweitzer, NHS adviser; James
Phelan, 2001 project chair; (front row) Autumn Feldman, 2000 project
chair; Mary Burlington, 2002 project chair; Erica Corley, 2000 NHS
president; LCHS Principal Joyce Hubbard.]
begins new job;
search is on for successor
2, 2001] The
Republican county chairmen who met last month to choose a successor
to former state Rep. John Turner of Atlanta will be doing much the
same thing this month, only this time they will be choosing a
replacement for state Sen. Robert Madigan of Lincoln.
announced last week that he was leaving the Senate to take a
position as a member of the Illinois Industrial Commission, the body
that hears appeals for workman’s compensation cases if either the
employer or employee is not satisfied with the decision made by an
resignation was effective at midnight June 30, and he begins his new
duties on July 2.
said he will be serving mostly in Chicago but will also sit on
panels in Springfield and hold reviews in various other parts of the
state. He will have an office in his home in Lincoln, but his main
office is in the state of Illinois building in Chicago. However, he
said, he intends to continue to live in Lincoln.
He was
appointed by Gov. George Ryan to fill an unexpired term and will
serve until the term ends Jan. 17, 2005. Then, if he wishes to
continue on the commission, he will have to be reappointed by
whoever is governor at the time. He confirmed that his salary in the
new position is $101,790. His salary as a state senator was $64,269.
I first ran for the legislature, I wanted to serve for 12 or 13
years, then do something else," he said. "I’ve served a
little longer, 15 years. Recently the governor asked me if I would
be willing to serve on the commission. It is a job I feel
comfortable in."
serving in the legislature, Madigan was a claims specialist for
State Farm Insurance. While in the senate, he was chair of the
Insurance and Pension Committee and dealt with legislation in this
area. "I felt the Illinois Industrial Commission job was a
natural fit," he said.
believes greatest accomplishment as a senator came in 1994, when
five statewide pension systems —
pensions for teachers, state employees, judges,
General Assembly members and university retirees —
were in deep financial trouble.
was the Senate sponsor of the plan to bring these systems up to a
safe and sound funding level without a tax increase," he told
the Lincoln Daily News. "The plan called for continuing
appropriations from the general revenue fund so there would be
sufficient money in each pension system."
business in the legislature which he would like to see completed is
putting the retired teachers health insurance fund on a firm
financial basis. The fund is running out of money because claims
were greater than expected. He said he believes the two task forces
working on the problem will come up with a solution before the
November veto session.
[to top of second column in
this article]
would also like to see the legislature solve an age-old problem,
finding additional funding for schools and reducing the tax burden
on homeowners.
were some hints that Madigan might be leaving his post, said John
Parrett, McLean County GOP chairman.
kept hearing rumors that Sen. Madigan might be stepping down to take
a position with a commission. I thought something might possibly
transpire by August or September," Parrett said.
Madigan has been a highly respected state senator and has served us
well. He will be missed by his constituents. He is well thought of
and has an enormous amount of integrity," he added.
Jane Jones, Mason County GOP chairman, said, "I am real sorry
to lose him. He is well respected in Springfield. They listen to
him, and they know he is there. He is a great loss to our
said he doesn’t know of anyone who has formally stepped forward to
replace him.
replacement, who must be chosen within 30 days of Madigan’s
retirement, will be selected by seven Republican county chairmen,
including the six who chose Lincoln attorney Jonathan Wright to
replace John Turner. Turner was appointed an Appellate Court judge.
45th Senatorial District includes all of Logan, Mason and DeWitt
counties, most of Tazewell and Woodford counties, and a part of
Piatt and McLean counties. However, those boundaries may change
later this year when district lines are redrawn to account for
changes in the state’s population.
Logan County GOP Chairman Ron Sparks had the heaviest weighted vote
in the choice for the appointment to the 90th House district,
Tazewell County Chairman Claude Stone will have the heaviest vote in
the 45th Senatorial District.
will have 45.2 percent of the vote, with the Woodford County
chairman having 16.8 percent, the Logan County chairman 15.2
percent, DeWitt chairman 7.6 percent, Mason 6.8 percent, McLean 5.9
percent and Piatt 2.4 percent.
Stone said he has already
had several people approach him about the appointment, but he
referred them to the caucus chairman, Jered Hooker of DeWitt County.
He said the GOP chairmen would not meet until after July 4.
hears plans for annual exercise
30, 2001] The
Logan County Local Emergency Planning Committee met June 27 to learn
about projects in progress and continue planning for the Emergency
Services and Disaster Agency and LEPC annual exercise.
exercise, which simulates a disaster and provides training for the
organizations that must cope with such a disaster, will be on Sept.
29 this year. Two simulations are planned, one in Mount Pulaski and
one in Lincoln.
to Mike Patridge, the Mount Pulaski exercise will be a simulated
hostage situation and will be at the Mount Pulaski High School.
Because the date is a Saturday, no students will be present, and
students will not be used in the exercise, he said. The state police
Tactical Unit and local fire and police departments will take part.
second exercise, to be held in Lincoln, will simulate a chlorine
leak. Chlorine is the most hazardous material usually found in a
Funk, member of the response and preparedness committee and an
electrical energy dispatcher for CILCO, said she has applied for a
$30,000 state grant to buy two Bullard thermal imagers, one for the
Lincoln Fire Department and one for Lincoln Rural Fire Department.
The imagers allow firefighters to see people trapped in a burning
building or identify "hot spots" even through smoke and
units are really important if a life is at stake," she said.
Lincoln Fire Department does have one thermal imager, but owning
another would allow an imager to be used by another fire department,
she noted.
Storer, secretary of LEPC, reported that he is working on the threat
assessment that has been requested by the U.S. Department of Justice
as part of its planning to combat terrorism. Each county in every
state is to make a local assessment of its vulnerability to
terrorist attacks and also of its capabilities to handle any threat
that might come up. The assessment includes identifying sites and
functions that might be targets for terrorist attacks, such as
utilities, places where the public is gathered, and firms dealing
with genetic engineering and other biotechnology.
lets us see where we are and what we can do, then look at what we
need to do to get where we need to be," Storer said.
Department of Justice has $2 to $3 million available in grants to
help communities prepare for terrorist incidents, he added. He said
he would have the assessment finished by Sept. 1.
[to top of second column in
this article]

Fulscher, president of LEPC, emphasized that while Logan County is
good at dealing with tornadoes and floods, it needs to be better
prepared for acts of terrorism, including bio-terrorism.
Sean O’Leary,
liaison to LEPC from Illinois Emergency Management Agency, said that
the state of Illinois is working on creating an Illinois State
Police team that can respond to terrorist acts. He also said the
National Guard has a team headquartered in Peoria that can handle
hazardous material and terrorism threats.
commended the Logan County LEPC on integrating the fire and police
departments, as well as many other organizations, and on having
representatives of so many community organizations at its meeting.
may be on the cutting edge of communities in the state," he
told the group.
Meeting dates of Sept. 19
and Dec. 19 were set for the rest of 2001. LEPC will also have
representatives in the emergency services tent at the Logan County
more indicted by a grand jury in
the May death of a Lincoln baby
29, 2001] Edward
C. LaScola Jr., 19, of Hopkins Park was arrested at 11 last night,
June 28. A Logan County grand jury indicted him yesterday with six
counts of first-degree murder in the death of 11-month-old Daneysia
Williams, daughter of his girlfriend, Kimberly Williams. The
incident took place in Lincoln on Sunday afternoon, May 27.
was picked up by Lincoln Police Department and has been transported
here. He is presently in the Logan County Jail waiting a hearing. He
is being held on a $1 million bond. His first arraignment was
scheduled for 10:30 this morning, June 29.
County State’s Attorney Tim Huyett said that LaScola is the last
of the suspects to be arrested in this case.
Wright office
29, 2001] Starting
July 1, the office of Jonathan Wright, state representative for the
90th District, will be located at 407 Keokuk St. in Lincoln.
office phone number is (217) 732-4011; fax number (217) 732-8971.
replaces John Turner of Atlanta, who served almost seven years as
the state representative from the 90th District. Turner is now a
justice of the 4th District Appellate Court.
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