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ready for a Civil War re-enactment
Sutlery provides
clothing and other articles
25, 2001] Just
on the outskirts south of Lincoln sits a unique, small, yet
world-famous family-run business. R & K’s Sutlery has supplied
authentic reproduction Civil War-period clothing and associated
articles for people all over the world. "You name it, from
Australia to South Africa," Coons says. "I believe we are
the largest sutlery in the world." The sutlery carries a full
line of men’s, women’s and children’s clothing and
accessories, as well as military uniforms, accoutrements and
business flowed out of Robert Coon’s 30-year hobby, performing in
Civil War re-enactments. When his 29-year job with the utility
company ended due to a back injury, it was a natural transition for
him to break into the sutlery supply business. His passion,
knowledge and expertise have made the business grow in leaps and
bounds. He’s been at it for 15 years now, and his business just
continues to grow. "I can keep barely keep up with it,"
Coons says. "Sales keep increasing."
wife, Kay, is an important part in running the business. She works
mostly in the office, handling orders, making travel arrangements
and taking care of many other details. The Coons have brought in two
of their grandchildren to help handle the expanding business.
Sixteen-year-old Mallory Coons will be in the office full time as
soon as school lets out. Brian Baker has been working full time in
the family business for some time now and is particularly valuable
to his grandfather on the road. They travel all summer long, setting
up the store at various re-enactment sites.

family is looking forward to a big business trip together this
summer. Oddly enough it is overseas to England. The English are
hosting a large American Civil War re-enactment and have a weekend
full of battles and other activities planned. There is a chartered
plane taking a large group of military re-enactors over as well.
their vast stock valued at about $70,000, R & K Sutlery has
supplied costuming for a number of movies, re-enactments, two
Broadway theater productions and even the opera. "We are
capable of coming in and outfitting an entire regiment," Coons
says with pride, "and that takes a lot of stock."

& K’s movie credits include:
"C.S.Hunley: A story about the 1st submarine." It was
owned by the Confederates and sunk by a Yankee ship. The movie was
made by Turner Network.
"The Day They Shot Lincoln"
[to top of second column in
this article]

"The Patriot," starring Mel Gibson. This movie is from an
earlier time period than the Civil War, but R & K supplied the
ladies’ undergarments because they were the same kind.
"Last of the Mohicans"
"The North and the South"
takes a lot of clothing and miscellaneous articles to fully equip a
full military regiment, and then there are two sides to that story.
Kay jokingly says they are a "nonpartisan sutlery." They
stock military uniforms for both the North and the South.
Northerners wore two tones of blue, and the South dressed in gray.
The military divisions include infantry (on foot), cavalry (on
horseback) and artillery (shooting cannons).
sutlery carries a vast variety of items. You name it and you will
find it. They have specialized buttons, footwear, swords and all
sorts of authentic reproduction weapons, ladies’ fans and sun
umbrellas, woolen stockings, hats, haversacks, camping gear, and
have clothing in stock or you can have clothing custom made to fit.
With 14 people sewing, they manufacture most of what they sell. You
don’t have to be going to a Civil War event to find articles of
interest from their products. Many items are quite suitable for
modern-day use. Thick, woolen socks are great for winter outdoor
activities, and there are decorative and functional accessories like
ladies’ fans and gloves.

of R & K’s sales are orders that are processed and shipped.
The Coonses do invite people to their stock house to shop, though
they prefer customers to call and make an appointment. Phone (217)
can see many of the items the sutlery offers online at their
Their e-mail address is
Frugal Gambler’
[JULY 5, 2001] “The
Frugal Gambler." Jean Scott, Huntington Press, reprinted 2001,
240 pages.
the "queen of casino comps" by the new program "48
Hours" on CBS, Jean Scott is one of America’s most renowned
"low rollers" and the author of "The Frugal
Gambler." In her book she reveals the secrets for beating the
odds at casinos, securing free lodging and meals, and how to take
advantage of the myriad of services and perks offered to gamblers.

did she become so proficient at "beating the house?"
According to Scott, "Playing games has always been in my blood…to
this day I remember the intense feeling of competitiveness I had as
a child." This combination of gaming savvy and taking advantage
of the complimentary deals (comps) offered has earned Scott the
title "Queen of the Ku Pon" from the Las Vegas Advisor.
the chapter "Slot Machines — Handle With Care," she
emphasizes that you must first learn how to "read" the
machines (gather information about the machines); another strategy
involves going after the odds in small pot payoffs or long shots.
Poker — The Meat and Potatoes" is the game of choice for
Scott. Although Jacks or better is the basic video poker game,
Deuces-wild is her favorite because "this is where the money
is." The big secret in video poker is to find an "over
100% machine"; in other words a machine that pays back more
than you put in.

gaming experience is not limited to gambling in the casinos. Scott
devotes a substantial amount of the book to the specials, offers and
perks available to gamers. The chapters "Comps — Your Just
Desserts," "Promotions — Casino Gravy" and
"The Bump — Airline Comps" all reveal Scott’s secrets
for uncovering the best deals and hidden bonuses for the gambler.
Aside from the most common comp, free drinks, Scott describes how
gamers can receive complimentary tickets for food, lodging, shows,
gifts and gaming privileges. One caveat in earning comps: Never bet
more than you ordinarily would just to get a comp.
to Scott a little investigative work can provide a wealth of
information on the casino’s promotions. Sources include the local
newspapers, tourist magazines, casino marquees, in-house advertising
and local contacts.
[to top of
second column in this review]

easy way to accumulate free airline tickets, expensive meals and
luxurious accommodations is to participate in the airline
"bump" (changing your plans when an flight is overbooked).
The secret is to plan ahead on getting bumped; that is, to include a
bump in your travel itinerary so you can take advantage of the
airlines’ generosity in accommodating your travel plans.
chapters discuss ethics in gambling and how to enjoy yourself in Las
Vegas away from the gaming life.
the most interesting chapter is "Raining on the Casino’s
Parade," in which Scott identifies and explains the seven myths
associated with casinos. They are:
Casinos will always make a big effort to get your business.
Casinos want your name and address for devious purposes.
Casinos are apt to offer comps without being asked.
Casinos cater more to table players than to slot players.
All casino personnel know everything there is to know about
People who play a lot, especially locals, are knowledgeable about
Anyone who writes about gambling is an expert and can be counted on
to give 100 percent accurate gaming advice.
Frugal Gambler" is an interesting, time-tested approach to the
gaming experience. It is apparent that Jean Scott has spent
considerable time and energy developing her theories and techniques
on gambling and casinos. The book contains a useful appendix on
resources for the gambler (trade papers, books, guides, software and
websites); there’s also a handy index. "The Frugal
Gambler" is recommended to anyone interested in gambling,
casino vacations or simply learning how to "beat the
more information visit the library at 725 Pekin St. or call (217)
Sumrall, Lincoln Public Library District]
Released on video Tuesday,
March 6, 2001
R Approx
127 Minutes DreamWorks
Home Entertainment -2000
and directed by Rod Lurie
Oldman (also the executive producer)
movie uses graphic language to describe sexual scenes and presents
some nudity.
10, 2001]
The box said “two thumbs up” and
recent years, the "two thumbs up" endorsement has meant
that I probably was going to find the movie to be a loser.
"Thriller" usually means I may endure it but I’m
probably not going to be thrilled with it.
in the case of "The Contender," both my thumbs are up
too, and I am indeed thrilled.
Contender" is a gritty movie, a political "action"
film of sorts. It is a thriller because you don’t have a clear
shot at the plot until it is finally revealed for you. At the end,
you look back on the film and say, "Yeah, I should’ve seen
that coming."
Contender" is gritty because it focuses on a dirty fight
between political rivals to appoint a new vice president of the
United States. The president (played very aptly by Jeff Bridges)
selects a woman, Sen. Lane Hanson of Ohio (Joan Allen), for the
job, against the advice of party officials and his own advisers.
The previous vice president died somehow in office — but
"The Contender" never tries to explain his passing.
whole plot is wrapped up in the confirmation hearings and the
process of bringing an appointee to office or sending ’em off
Oldman plays Sheldon Runyon, the Republican chairman of the
selection committee. The highly respected, powerful senator seems
bent on not only denying the president his day in the sun but also
destroying the very career of Sen. Hanson.
top of second column in this review]
things about this movie made a good impression on me.
the acting was excellent. Oldman plays a perfect bad guy in this film
(he seems to have the bad-guy act down pat). Jeff Bridges, who I
thought incapable of playing a convincing president, stepped up to the
plate and delivered. Christian Slater played the part of a freshman
congressman who was seeking to do the right thing on principle, and
was perfectly cast for the part. Finally, Joan Allen was wonderful in
her portrayal of the contender under siege.
the plot was dynamite. This movie seems to make you move away from
certain characters and make certain assumptions, but you find yourself
making a couple of 90 degree turns before it’s done. In the spirit
of "The West Wing," it is full of political intrigue and the
power of the Washington scene. "The Contender" is a film
about respect and dignity and the rocky road to realizing those two
first hour of the movie has a single weakness: The lack of actors on
the set portraying political operatives, appointees, devotees and
those holding office makes you believe the story less. They needed a
fuller cast to make it seem like Washington and government.
is not a partisan film about the usual struggle between Republicans
and Democrats. Instead it is a story about the dynamics of power,
accusation and truth.
I recommend this film to you if you enjoy a good thriller, if you
enjoy stories about the political struggles of this nation and if you
like a good fiction about how truth prevails.
give it 3½ stars (out of five).
translators, including local expert, present readings this week
2, 2001] Emiko
Miyashita and Lee Gurga’s translation of "Einstein’s
Century: Akito Arima’s Haiku," has just been released by the
publisher, Brooks Books. The translators, haiku poets Emiko
Miyashita of Kawasaki City, Japan, and Lee Gurga of Lincoln, will
present selections from Dr. Arima’s poetry at a reading tonight,
Monday, July 2, hosted in Decatur by the Highway 51 Poetry Project.
Akito Arima is one of Japan’s leading haiku masters.
poetry and haiku lovers can meet at 7 p.m. in the cafe at the new
Anthology Booksellers located at Franklin and East Main (above the
Decatur Public Library in the old Sears building). Parking is
available on East Main and in the library parking lot.
lot of people write poetry without ever intending to share it, but
the act of writing, even though it is usually a solitary act,
inherently assumes an audience," said Scott Goebel, the emcee
and organizer of the Highway 51 Poetry Project. He encourages
writers and lovers of poetry and fiction as well as curious
onlookers to come out and see what the coffeehouse poetry phenomenon
is all about. The poetry project plans to continue readings on the
first Monday of every month
from the introduction to
Dr. Akito Arima’s "Einstein’s Century"
is immediately struck by the openness of Dr. Arima’s face, his
almost childlike curiosity about everything around him." —
Gurga and Miyashita

of the haiku here contain religious imagery. Not the Buddha’s and
Patriarchs one might expect of a poetic form associated so strongly
with Zen Buddhism, but Christian imagery. Dr. Arima presents these
images to us with a freshness that might be impossible for those of
us who grew up surrounded by these images multiplied over two
thousand years. He demonstrates that religious topics can be a
viable element of contemporary poetry without having to assume the
extreme postures of excessive piety on one hand or irony on the
other. Come and see the face of the Virgin Mary or the long nose of
Jesus with a fresh eye and an open heart, presented by Dr. Arima
with haiku vision of the human world as it truly is: a world of
spirit that is nevertheless always at one with the world we see and
hear around us. Yes, the prophesies of doom in the Old Testament are
here, but in the haiku way mellowed and refreshed with snowmelt from
Mt. Sinai. We believe you will be amply rewarded for your leap of
faith." — Gurga and Miyashita
Akito Arima
member of the House of Councilors, Japan equivalent to the U.S.
Senate, Dr. Arima continues to serve both science and Japan rising
international consciousness by bringing the knowledge gained in his
years of scientific and poetic work to bear on the problems of the
new century. He understands the necessity for international unity in
the face of dwindling natural resources and increased environmental
destruction, growing human population and energy demands, the need
for global sustainability, and the continuing threat of nuclear
weapons. He stands at the forefront of those attempting to build an
international consensus aimed at securing the future of humanity and
the very life of the planet...
Dr. Arima was pursuing his dual career as a world-class nuclear
physicist and internationally recognized educational administrator,
he also became an outstanding leader among Japan haiku poets and a
great supporter of haiku worldwide. His haiku mentor was Seison
Yamaguchi (1892-1988), one of the important disciples of Kyoshi
Takahama who helped carry the tradition of haiku into the modern
world. Seison dual life as professor of engineering and haiku master
may have provided a role model for the younger poet-scientist."
— William J. Higginson (from the introduction to "Einstein's
[to top of second column in
this article]

the translators
Gurga was born and raised in Chicago. He is a past president of the
Haiku Society of America and is currently associate editor of the
journal Modern Haiku and the haiku selector for the Illinois Times
in Springfield and Solares Hill in Key West, Fla. His haiku have won
the top prize in haiku contests in the United States, Canada and
Japan. His books "In and Out of Fog" and "Fresh
Scent" were both awarded the first prize in the Haiku Society
of America Merit Book Awards. He was awarded an Illinois Arts
Council Poetry Fellowship in 1998 for his work in haiku. He lives
with his family in rural Lincoln.
Miyashita was born in Fukushima (Happy Island) city in Japan on
Sept. 6, 1954. The city is surrounded by the mountains that change
their expressions delicately, according to seasons and the time of
the day. Emiko now owns a studio on this mountainside. It was her
father's oil painting studio. With her, he planted many young trees
in its garden. Currently she lives with her family in Kawasaki City.
She has also lived in Urbana (1959-61) and in Accra, Ghana
(1969-71), where she was exposed to English language and its
culture. She graduated from Doshisha University in Kyoto in 1978.
She joined the Ten'i (Providence) haiku group led by Dr. Akito Arima
in 1993 and became its dojin (leading member) in 1999. She is
writing a series featuring English haiku in HAIKUKAI (Haiku World)
magazine, published monthly in Japan. She is a member of
International Haiku Association (Japan) and Haiku Society of

Gurga and she have been working together as a translating team since
1997. In 2000 they published "Love Haiku: Masajo Suzuki's
Lifetime of Love" through Brooks Books.
reading on Thursday, July 5, at 7 p.m.
will be reading from "Love Haiku: Masajo Suzuki’s Lifetime of
Love" at Barnes and Noble, 3111 South Veterans Parkway in
Springfield at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 5. Masajo Suzuki’s lyrical
evocation of her unconventional lifestyle in haiku poetry has caught
the imagination of the Japanese public. There will be a book signing
after the reading.
arts group re-examines
bylaws, seeks logo entries
21, 2001] The
newly formed Logan County Arts Association, meeting on Monday at
Lincoln Public Library, set up a logo contest, continued to examine
its proposed constitution and named possible early projects.
artists are asked to submit logo designs that include the name of
the organization, Logan County Arts Association, and reflect its
mission: "To enhance the quality of life by actively promoting
arts dissemination, thereby making the arts an integral component of
life in our community and the surrounding area." Designs must
be submitted by July 16 to Logan County Arts Association in care of
Lincoln-Logan County Chamber of Commerce, 303 S. Kickapoo, Lincoln.
The winning logo will be used by the association.
constitutional issue the group discussed was a privacy statement
composed by Marshall Jacobs, acting president. The proposed addition
to the constitution and bylaws was modeled on the privacy statement
of the European Union and designed to set policy concerning personal
information of people who will eventually become part of the
organization’s database. The statement, which is more technical
than the rest of the constitution, says there will be no
unauthorized exchange of private information and, according to
Jacobs, covers the association in situations that may arise years
from now.
said one underutilized program of the Illinois Arts Council supports
arts education in schools, and he plans to contact county visual and
musical arts teachers early in August to learn about their programs
and needs. He hopes to locate possibilities for grants in time to
get into the 2002 funding cycle for organizations and schools.
[to top of second column in
this article]
Steffens, a founding director of the association, recommended that
the group undertake a visible project this summer, even before the
constitution and other paperwork are finalized, to become an active
force in the community. He suggested redesigning and painting the
"O Lincoln" mural on the side of McEntire’s Home
Appliance and TV at 403 Broadway.
its name, the Logan County Arts Association does not limit its
mission to Logan County. Jacobs said that virtually all surrounding
counties have arts councils that help local arts organizations find
grants and sometimes conduct arts programs. He described Logan
County as "the hole in the donut" of surrounding
associations; another hole is DeWitt County, which Jacobs hopes may
join the Logan association. If that occurs, a name change is
Logan County Arts Association, officially incorporated on June 8, is
seeking not-for-profit status. Six people attended the June 18
meeting at 6:30 p.m. at Lincoln Public Library. The next meeting is
planned for July 16 at the same time and place.
association plans to contact potential members through Lincoln
Community Theatre and Art Fair promotions.
get roles in LCT’s ‘Tom Sawyer’
4, 2001] Sixty-seven
young people from second through 12th grades auditioned for Lincoln
Community Theatre's upcoming children’s play. Thirty-nine have
been cast in what promises to be a delightful rendition of "Tom
Sawyer." Performances will be at
7 p.m. June 28 and 29 and at 2 p.m. June 30 and July 1 at the
Johnston Center on the Lincoln College campus.
/ Characters
Maske of Mount Pulaski — Susan Harper, school girl
Wood of Lincoln — Gracie Miller, school girl
Welter of Lincoln — Muff Potter, town derelict
Allspach of Mount Pulaski — Sheriff
Jones of Hartsburg — Injun Joe (dangerous)
Swanson of Lincoln — Doc Robinson, young surgeon
Przykopanski of Mount Pulaski — Mrs. Walters, Sunday School
Phillips of Lincoln — Widow Douglas, Aunt Polly's friend
Wood of Lincoln — Mrs. Harper, Joe's mother

Skaggs of Mason City — Amy Lawrence, school girl
Dowling of Lincoln — Aunt Polly, Tom's aunt
Herrington-Gilmore of Lincoln — Tom Sawyer (always in trouble)
Harris of Lincoln — Huck Finn, Tom's friend (a free spirit)
Kessinger of Lincoln — Cousin Mary, Tom's relative
Rohrer of Lincoln — Judge Thatcher (new in town)
Moneyhun of Lincoln — Mrs. Thatcher, the judge’s wife
[to top of second column in
this article]
Mathewson of Athens — Becky Thatcher, daughter of Judge and Mrs.
Voyles of Lincoln — Sally, school girl
McVey of Atlanta — Ben Rogers, town boy
Pozsqai of Lincoln — Joe Harper, town boy
Moynahan of Sherman — Alfred Temple, town boy
King of Lincoln — Mr. Dobbins, schoolmaster
Perry of Lincoln — Reverend Sprague, minister
Berglin, Taylor Berglin, Tony Curcuru, Kelsey Dallas, Nettie Duncan,
Stephen Duncan, Greg Gandenberger, Luke Hanger, Katy Reynolds, Moses
Rogers and Todd Schumacher, all of Lincoln; Joel Rankin of Mount
Pulaski; Jillian Nichole Dowell of Kenney; Darci Dixon of Athens;
Tanner Milan of Sherman; and Emma Jo Schumacher of Springfield
McLaughlin-Moore is the director, Miranda Stone is technical
director, and Rachel Washam is audiovisual technician.
local production of "Tom Sawyer," by Tim Kelly, is
presented by special arrangement with publisher IE Clark.
more information see the LCT website,
Lincoln Community Theatre website
Community Theatre’s (LCT) website is up and available. The
site serves a number of functions, from providing information on
becoming a season ticket holder to showing what new productions are
being planned. Pictures from last season's productions are also
you are interested in joining a performance or just going to see
one, visit LCT’s website at,
e-mail LCT at,
or write to Lincoln Community Theatre, P.O. Box 374, Lincoln,
IL 62656.
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