Blood center needs community support
The Central Illinois Community Blood
Center provides all of the blood and blood products for 12 area
hospitals, including all of the hospitals in Lincoln, Hopedale,
Springfield, Taylorville, Jacksonville, Pittsfield, Carlinville,
Carrollton, Hillsboro and Pana. CICBC is a community-based blood
center whose mission is to provide a safe and adequate blood supply
for patients in local hospitals. No other organization provides
blood in these hospitals.
At this time, blood
centers across the nation are experiencing severe blood shortages
due to summer heat, vacations and new FDA deferrals. CICBC must have
the support of healthy community members in order to save the lives
of your friends, neighbors and family members. After local needs are
met, blood is shared throughout the United States through a
resource-sharing network.
Every patient deserves to feel
confident that the blood he or she needs is safe and available. A continued
adequate local blood supply depends on community support.
There is a real need for O
negative, A negative and B negative blood. The area center will be supplying blood
for surgeries involving two open hearts and an aortic aneurysm, all using O negative.
There has been an unusually high usage of the negative types this past week and
concerns are high for this weekend.
There will be an opportunity for
community members to help replenish the local blood supply and support their
local first responders on July 16 at Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., sponsored by the hospital auxiliary.
Three drives are scheduled in
August: Aug 7, 19 and 30. Times and locations will be announced.
Please remember that the patients
you are helping are your friends, neighbors and family members.
"It’s about life. Please donate
[CICBC press release]
Kiwanis honors 4-H’ers
Eight Logan County 4-H’ers
were honored at a luncheon on Tuesday, June 18, sponsored by the
Lincoln Kiwanis.
The following individuals were
recognized as outstanding 4-H’ers:
Nichole Benz, daughter of Doug and Joann Benz of Lincoln; Mark
Cochran, son of Tom and Nancy Cochran of Mount Pulaski; Amanda
Davison, daughter of Don and Sheila Davison of Beason; Kyle Janssen,
son of W.C. and Mary Jo Janssen of Middletown; Marty Oltmanns, son
of Clark and Dana Oltmanns of Lincoln; Jenna Opperman, daughter of
Dave and Stephanie Opperman of Lincoln; Abrigail Sasse, daughter of
David and Gail Sasse of Beason; and Krista Ubbenga, daughter of
Kevin and Gail Ubbenga of Hartsburg. These individuals were
nominated by their 4-H club leaders.
The overall winner of the Armin Fricke
Memorial Award was Amanda Davison.

[From left
to right: Jenna Opperman, Krista Ubbenga, Abrigail Sasse, Amanda
Davison and Kyle Janssen.]
Cubs vs. Cardinals
Habitat for Humanity of
Logan County is selling tickets to the Cardinals-Cubs game in St. Louis on
Saturday, July 27. Game time is 12:15 p.m.
The cost is $20 per ticket, which
includes a $1 donation to Habitat. There will also be a bus available. Bus and
ticket cost is $45. The bus will leave from the Big R parking lot at 9:30 a.m.
on July 27.
For tickets, call or stop by any
of the following:
A.G. Edwards, Phil Dehner, (217)
George Dahmm, (217) 732-6234
Chestervale Elevator, Allen Shew,
(217) 732-4605
Illini Bank, Terry Lock, (217)
MKS Jewelers, Melody Shew, (217)
Chamber of Commerce, Connie Dehner,
(217) 735-2385
of city and county officials
(Title, first name, last
name, city or job title, address, city, state, postal code; phone)
City Council members
Elizabeth Davis, Mayor, P.O. Box 353, Lincoln, IL 62656;
David Armbrust, Alderman 3rd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-4261
Steve Fuhrer, Alderman 2nd Ward, 1203 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-6679
Benny Huskins, Alderman 1st Ward, 412 N. Madison St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-3894
William Melton, Alderman 4th Ward, 1112 E. Burlington St., Lincoln,
IL 62656; 735-2658
George Mitchell, Alderman 3rd Ward, 427 Wyatt Ave., Lincoln, IL
62656; 735-2151
Michael Montcalm, Alderman 5th Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-6606
Verl Prather, Alderman 2nd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-4778
Glenn Shelton, Alderman 4th Ward, 920 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-8749
Joseph Stone, Alderman 5th Ward, 270 Southgate, Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-1600
Mr. Pat Madigan, Alderman
1st Ward, 110 Park Place, Lincoln, IL 62656; 735-3724
County Board members
Richard Logan, Chairman, Logan County Board, 1211 Fifth St.,
Lincoln, IL 62656; 732-8114
Lloyd Hellman, Vice Chairman, Logan County Board, 104 Prairie Lane,
Emden, IL 62635; 376-3827
Roger Bock, Logan County Board, 450 450th Ave., Williamsville, IL
62693; 566-3867
Thomas Cash, Logan County Board, 230 S. Main St., Latham, IL
62543; 674-3423
Doug Dutz, Logan County Board, 119 Portland Place, Lincoln, IL
62656; 735-1478
Paul Gleason, Logan County Board, 1621 Rutledge, Lincoln, IL
62656; 735-9111
Jim Griffin, Logan County Board, P.O. Box 222, Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-7191
David Hepler, Logan County Board, 119 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-8586
Gloria Luster, Logan County Board, 106 N. Marion St., Mount Pulaski,
IL 62548; 792-5275
Clifford Sullivan, Logan County Board, 519 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-2539
Dale Voyles, Logan County Board, 543 11th St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-7901
Terry ("T.W.") Werth, Logan County Board, 123 Lincoln
Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656; 732-9314
Mr. Rod White, Logan County
Board, 477 1700th St., New Holland, IL 62671; 732-4793
Girl Scout announcements
- Girl Scout leader meetings: the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.
Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families
or kids can use:
the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at
can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:
Also, see the
national Girl Scouts site at
County LEPC committee appointments
County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the LEPC, held its spring
quarterly meeting at the Logan County Safety Complex recently.
Yearly elections for all offices, voting delegates, committees and
chairs were held. The following members will serve as officers for
the year 2002.
committee appointments
Indicates chair
analysis — Dan Fulscher*, Kathy Waldo, Lisa Funk, Mike Patridge,
Bobbie Abbott, Steve Siltman
and preparedness — Lisa Funk*, Rick Nesbit, Sheriff Tony Soloman,
Police Chief Richard Montcalm, IDOT representative Mike Esker
awareness — Dan Fulscher*, Bobbi Abbott*, Linda Nelson, Joan Crabb,
Don Begolka, Ken Davison
services — Kathy Waldo*, Lloyd Evans, Gary Bellafiore, Barb Kline,
Roger Leesman, Marsha Stoll, Debbie Cook, Steve Siltman
— Mike Patridge*, Delmar Stewart, Sheila Nelson, Lincoln City Fire
Chief Washam, Tom Martin
resources — Steve Siltman*, Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, Atlanta
Mayor Bill Martin, Dayle Eldredge, Curtis Sutterfield of the
Salvation Army, Devin Vannoy, Ed Houchins
Representatives of constituencies
law requires that one representative from each of the following
categories be included in the LEPC membership. The delegate and
predesignated alternate are listed for each constituency.
representative of elected official — Dayle Eldredge; Bill Martin
enforcement — Ed Baunach, Tim Butterfield
defense and emergency management — Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer
— Robert Washam; Roger Leesman
aid and EMT — Steve Siltman; Tom Martin
— Kathy Waldo; Lloyd Evans
environmental — Mike Patridge; Warren Wendlandt
— Barb Kline; Gary Auten
— Don Begolka; Brian Hinds
print, electronic media — Joan Crabb; Jan Youngquist
groups — Mary Elston; Tammy Buse
and operators of regulated facilities — Lisa Funk; Sheila Nelson
Red Cross blood drives in
American Red Cross will have two blood drives at the Lincoln Sports
Complex in July. They will be sponsored by Lincoln Printers, Inc. On
July 3, hours will be from noon until 6 p.m. Hours on July 17 will
be from noon until 5 p.m.
Also on July 17,
Faith Lutheran Church will host a drive from noon until 6 p.m.
Atlanta Christian
Church will be the site for a drive from noon until 6 p.m. July 18.
St. Peter Lutheran
Church in Emden will host a drive on July 26, with hours from 2
until 6 p.m.
During June, the following people reached
milestones in their blood donations: Willard Emmons, 13 gallons; Joe
Reichle, 12; Nancy A. Lahr, seven; Larry J. Lessen, six; W.B. Franz,
five; Richard D. Martin, three; Beverly Lessen, two; Paul Eckert,
two; Thomas Steiner, two; Carolyn Follis, one; and Ruth A.
Fredericks, one gallon.

Oasis update
Oasis, Logan County’s senior citizen center, at 501 Pulaski St. in
Lincoln, is open weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The center also is open on Friday and Sunday nights for table games.
Dominic Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to
all Logan County senior citizens,
regardless of membership.
Ceramics classes
Classes in ceramics —
the only such class now offered in Lincoln — will resume on July 11
from 9 a.m. to noon. Anyone interested in joining the group, please
call The Oasis for more information.
card party
Tickets are available at the front desk
for the July 13 pinochle, bridge and rummy card party, starting at 1
p.m. The cost is only $5. Call your friends and get a table of four
Special Springfield trip
Call for a reservation for a trip to
Springfield historic sites, including Lincoln Library, Old State
Capitol, newspaper and state of Illinois archives. The trip is
scheduled for July 15. A payment of $8.50 covers transportation and
Timeless musical
Seats are available for a July 21 trip
to Sullivan to see "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers." The cost is
$24 for ticket and transportation. Dinner is on your own at Hometown
Buffet. Call 732-6132 for a reservation.
and winners
The Oasis pinochle players were
successful again this past week when they challenged the Springfield
Senior Center players. Lincoln retained the "pinochle bell" with a
score of 67,600 to Springfield’s score of 64,770.
Winners of weekend games were Marjorie
Reiners for pinochle and Louise Weibers and Betty Burger for 5 in 1.
Winners at daytime pinochle were Jean Cypher and Mable Hoagland.
Friends of
The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more
information, call The Oasis at 732-6132 or 732-5844.