visiting in
Logan County:
in and around
Logan County
Upcoming events
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Master Gardeners
sponsor garden walk
6, 2002]
Remember Wednesday — rainy, chilly, not a day to be
outside unless you were a duck? But outside is just where you would
have found Bob Graue if you went looking for him. He was working in
the garden — yes, in the chill and the rain! Gardeners
extraordinaire have been primping and preening their premier gardens
this past week, tweaking them to perfection just for your viewing
pleasure this coming Saturday, June 8.
[Click here to see
more photos]
The garden tour
sponsored by the Master Gardeners of Logan County will feature a
cross section of various styles of gardens, from sectioned flower
garden plots to lavishly integrated whole-yard concepts. Garden
enthusiasts will be given the opportunity to tour eight of Lincoln’s
most attractive gardens.
Included on the tour:
Garden 1
Logan County Extension office
Northwest gate, fairgrounds
Colorful, fragrant
perennials are featured in this second-year plot. Just over a year
ago it was a weed patch. The Master Gardeners accepted the challenge
to beautify the area. Stop and enjoy a cool glass of lemonade while
you browse through this colorful palette of summer plantings!

Garden 2
Jefferson School "Children’s Garden"
730 Sixth St.
A student project,
this "storybook" theme garden utilizes a previously empty lot back
of the school where a volunteer-built log cabin serves as a focal
A prairie garden was
a project of the Master Gardeners.
Garden 3
Jerry and Mary Moore
121 Carter Lane
This compact
cottage-style garden, packed with colorful perennials, annuals and
vines, makes use of nearly every square foot of available space.
Many of the plants
are started from seed in the basement.

[Photos by Bob Graue]
[Garden of Pete and Dixie Ross]
Garden 4
Pete and Dixie Ross
1430 Delavan St.
A tasteful
combination of brick pathways defines this outdoor retreat in the
back yard of the Rosses’ Craftsman home. With a water feature in one
corner, this garden features bright colors and graceful shapes.
Garden 5
Dr. Don and Jan Sielaff
195 Tenth St.
From the front curb
to the bamboo plantings at the rear, here is a garden that displays
"tender loving care!" Wrought-iron fencing, raised beds and a great
blend of color and texture make this one of Lincoln’s extraordinary
places of beauty.
[to top of second column in this

Garden 6
Mrs. Sarah Jacobs
326 Park Place
This pleasant retreat
provides a relaxed atmosphere for Mrs. Jacobs. A handsome fence adds
to the beauty of the colorful borders. Ornamental shrubs, hostas and
day lilies provide an array of textures and color pleasing to the
Garden 7
Bob and Jody Graue
4 Meadow Lane
From a base designed
by a landscape architect, the Graues have built an attractive mix of
hostas, boxwoods, ground covers and containers bordering their brick
walkways. An ornamental grass garden is the centerpiece in the back
Garden 8
Bob and Lynn Neal
Scully Estate, 1047 1750th St.
A pleasant woodland
garden, with huge beech trees lining the entry lane. Formal flower
gardens, a bent grass tennis court and two lakes on the south side
of the home are just a few of the features at this estate. Come take
a leisurely stroll through this horticulturally diverse country

[Garden of Don and Jan Sielaff]
Tickets for the
Garden Walk are $8 each and may be purchased at CEFCU, Logan County
Bank, State Bank of Lincoln, Union Planters Bank and the Extension
office (located at the north end of Logan County fairgrounds).
The garden tour will
be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine. Make plans now to attend,
and ask your neighbor to tour with you.
A new Master Gardener
Class will begin in September at the Logan County Extension office.
All classes are taught by specialists and professors of the
University of Illinois Department of Agriculture.
While some gardens in our area are at
peak bloom-time, others will reach their fullest potential later in
the season. Be sure to get out and enjoy the many local gardens open
to the public this year as well. In downtown Lincoln you can enjoy
Scully Park, which has been so lovingly and tenderly restored,
including gardens and the fountain. Sangamon Street features
benches, statuary and plantings in a welcoming, serene setting. The
relaxed charm at the Depot is punctuated by delightful, chattering
purple martins.
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hosts Smithsonian exhibit
June 23-July
27, 2002] MIDDLETOWN
— The Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society of Middletown is
honored to present the Smithsonian exhibits entitled "Yesterday’s
Tomorrows" to the public from June 23 through July 28 at the
library-museum in Middletown. Co-sponsor of the exhibits is the
Illinois Humanities Council.
Tomorrows" looks at the future as imagined by people of the
19th and 20th centuries and features ideas such as space robots,
moon colonies, automobiles that convert into airplanes and utopian
questions and volunteers are welcomed as planning proceeds and
details of activities are added later.
Share your mementoes
the Smithsonian exhibits will be housed in the library-museum, local
historians and collectors are invited to share their photos,
newspaper clippings and diaries in a special showing and exhibit at
Middletown Village Hall. Also, Lee Gurga is collecting such items
for a manuscript department for the library. His mailing address is
626 1200th St., Middletown, IL 62666.
Meet our ancestors
ancestors" are invited to come be a part of the "big
bash" in Middletown by appearing in the parade and by being
introduced on Sunday afternoons.
attics and cubbyholes for costumes and clues as to the identity of
those most important figures on your family tree and join in the fun
by portraying your ancestor!
Yesterday’s Tomorrows parade
celebrate yesteryear and tomorrow, come join the parade on
Transportation Sunday, June 23, at 1:30 p.m. All are invited to
participate — individuals, duos, groups, clubs. Do register with
either Ken Davison at (217) 445-2658 or Dave Deters at (217)
Six special Sundays
23: Transportation Sunday
at Middletown Presbyterian Church, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.
Tomorrows parade, 1:30 p.m. with Lindbergh, Cal Rodgers (Jim Lloyd)
of Vin Fiz, John Petrehn (Petrehn family), hot-air balloonist and
Abe Lincoln (all of whom figure in Middletown’s history).
ceremonies 2:30 p.m., Middletown Park Pavilion. Dr. John Hillwas,
speaker. Special music.
30: Home and Country Sunday
at Middletown United Methodist Church, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Ice Cream Social, 2 p.m. Village Voice: Jim Wilhelm. Boy Scouts and
NSDAR. Presentation of the 1876 American flag, gift of Margaret
Lufkin. Abe and Mary Lincoln. Concert by the 33rd Illinois Volunteer
Regimental Band.
[to top of second column in this
7: Technology Sunday
at American Legion and Auxiliary Hall, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Village
Voice: Jim Wilhelm.
p.m.: Focus on local farmers, with Gus Otto, and computers, by
Caterpillar. Dr. Peter Johnson, head of the USDA Ag Research Center
in Peoria, reporting progress on Dr. Moses Knapp’s interest in
research on deriving sugar from maize (corn) in 1842. Concert and
lecture on electro-acoustical music, by Paul Oehlers from the Music
Department of the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana.
14: Culture Sunday
to 4 p.m., Middletown Park Pavilion. Village Voice: Jim Wilhelm.
"Visit with a Southern Teacher" (American Revolutionary
War). Lee Gurga, editor of Modern Haiku, with children. Jessie
Young, "Young in Poetry." Unveiling, dedication and
presentation to community of a mural, a replica of Lloyd Ostendorf’s
print of Abe Lincoln as surveyor (surveyed through Middletown June
1834). International folk dancers. Prairie Aires in concert. On-site
genealogists and food vendors.
21: Health Sunday
to 4 p.m., Middletown Park Pavilion. Village Voice: Jim Wilhelm.
Barbara Mason, curator, Pearson Medical Museum, SIU School of
Medicine. "Doctors of Yesteryear": Drs. Guttery, Schall
and Means. Presentation to the community and library of two volumes
of history of the Thomas Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia,
Pa., in honor of Dr. Moses L. Knapp, 1826 graduate, considered a
founder or co-founder of medical schools in Iowa, Wisconsin and
Indiana. Dramatic skit: "Sasparilly Capers." Possum Holler
28: Spiritual Sunday
to 4 p.m., Middletown Park Pavilion. Village Voice: Jim Wilhelm.
Local missionaries. Special music. Presentation to community and
library of walnut lectern and a large-print Bible. Specific details
by Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society representative W. Golden]
Events Calendar
Sunday in June and July
WHO: Public
Concert in the Park series
Latham Park, downtown Lincoln
7 pm
Sunday in June, July and August
WHO: Public
Free tours of J.H. Hawes Elevator Museum
First Street, downtown Atlanta
1-3 pm
June 8
WHO: Public
Beason townwide garage sales
8 am - 1 pm
June 9
WHO: Public
98th birthday celebration of the J.H.
Hawes Grain Elevator Museum
First Street, downtown Atlanta
2 pm
and Saturday, June 14-15
WHO: Public
Mount Pulaski Heritage Days and Bluegrass Festival
Mount Pulaski Historical Museum
14-16 and 18-22
Community Theatre
WHO: Public
"Hello, Dolly!"
Johnston Center for the Performing Arts, Lincoln College campus
8 pm performances Tuesday through Saturday; 2 pm performance on
and Sunday, June 15-16
WHO: Public
"Explore Logan County"; countywide festivals; flea
markets, displays of antiques and collectibles, festivals in Mount
Pulaski and Hartsburg, Elkhart Homecoming, all-church musical
Around the county
June 23
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society
WHO: Public; no admission fee
Opening day of the Smithsonian Institute exhibit "Yesterday's
Tomorrows"; theme for the day: "Transportation
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Library and Museum, Middletown
10 am - 4 pm; parade at 1:30 pm; special events in park pavilion
2:30-4:30 pm
June 30
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Historical Society
WHO: Public; no admission fee
Smithsonian Institute exhibit "Yesterday's Tomorrows";
theme for the day: "Home & Country Sunday"
Knapp/Chesnut/Becker Library and Museum, Middletown
10 am - 4 pm; ice cream social in park pavilion beginning at 1 pm
for future events:
to See
projects, a dinner
and a birthday party planned
for J. H. Hawes Grain Elevator," posted April 6, 2001, in LDN
prepares for Chautauqua guests," posted May 2, 2001, in
Public Library keeps its history alive," posted May 26,
2000, in LDN
"‘Crown jewel’ found in Lincoln — Lincoln’s well at Postville,"
posted May 19, 2001, in LDN
Stagecoach Inn dedicated," posted July 5, 2001, in LDN
on the Path of Abraham Lincoln’
walking tour of historic Lincoln, Ill.
Note: The following
material is from a brochure produced as a high school project by J.R.
Glenn and Angie Couch for Main Street Lincoln.
The Main Street
Lincoln office and local tourist information center is on the second
floor of Union Planter’s Bank at 303 S. Kickapoo.

[Click here for larger map]
1. Town christening
and Chicago streets
In August 1853
the first sale of lots in the new town of Lincoln took place near this spot.
Abraham Lincoln, in whose honor the town was named, was in attendance. When
asked on the day of the land sale to officially "christen the town,"
Lincoln obliged. Lifting the cover off a pile of watermelons stacked on the
ground by a local farmer, Lincoln picked up a melon and conducted a brief
ceremony using its juice. Lincoln, Ill., is the only town named for Lincoln
before he became president.
2. Lincoln railroad
101 N.
Chicago St.
Abraham Lincoln
frequented this city by train after its founding. As president-elect, Lincoln
came hereon Nov. 21, 1860. He stopped near this spot to make a few remarks from
the rear of his train. This was his last speech in Logan County and the last
time Lincoln would visit his namesake city. His funeral train stopped here on
May 3, 1865. The current depot was built several decades later, in 1911.
3. State Bank of
111 N.
Sangamon St.
Abraham Lincoln
met sculptor Leonard Volk for the first time on the boardwalk in front of the
Lincoln House Hotel. Volk asked Lincoln to pose for a bust and life mask of his
face and hands. Signed copies of the life masks by Volk, as well as original
artwork by Lloyd Ostendorf of Lincoln in Logan County, are on display in this
bank building’s lobby.
4. Site of the
Lincoln House Hotel
Broadway St.
The Lincoln
House, one of the grandest hotels between St. Louis and Chicago, stood on this
spot from 1854 to 1870. All the political luminaries of the day, including
Abraham Lincoln, Stephen A. Douglas, David Davis and Richard Oglesby, crossed
its threshold at one time or another The Lincoln House was a two-story frame
structure that fronted the railroad tracks and featured a large veranda.
5. Robert Latham
home site
400 N.
Kickapoo St.
Robert B.
Latham joined John D. Gillett and Virgil Hickox in founding the town of Lincoln
in 1853. Abraham Lincoln, other lawyers and judges were often guests at his

6. Logan County
When Lincoln
became the county seat in 1853, a courthouse was built on this spot. A second
courthouse was built in 1858 and remained in use until the early 20th century,
when it was replaced with the current building. Abraham Lincoln practiced law
and attended political functions in the first two courthouses built on the
square. A statue of Lincoln stands in this courthouse. A Civil War monument and
cannon sit on the north side of the courthouse grounds.
7. Lincoln lot site
Pulaski St.
A plaque
located on the right-hand side of this store identifies the location as a lot
Lincoln once owned. James Primm, in need of money, approached former Illinois
Gov. Joel Matteson for a $400 advance. Matteson directed him to have Lincoln
sign a note as Primm's guarantor. Lincoln co-signed the note. Later Primm
defaulted and Lincoln had to pay the note. Eventually Primm deeded Lincoln this
property in recompense.
[to top of second column in
this section]
8. Rustic Inn
Pulaski St.
In 1876 members
of a counterfeiting gang met here to hatch a plot to steal Lincoln's corpse from
its burial vault in Springfield. The gang had planned to hide Lincoln's body in
the Indiana sand dunes on the shore of Lake Michigan and negotiate with the
governor of Illinois for $200,000 in cash and the release of Ben Boyd. The
bartender at the Rustic Inn overheard the plot and reported it to the
authorities. The Secret Service later apprehended the gang members. Robert Todd
Lincoln had his father's coffin encased in several tons of cement to prevent
future attempts to steal the body.

Other Lincoln sites
in Lincoln
9. Stephen A.
Douglas speech site
Comer of
Fourth and Logan streets
Stephen Douglas
visited this city during the famous 1858 Illinois senatorial campaign. Douglas
paraded with all his supporters through the decorated streets to the tent that
was pitched on this site. Lincoln, who was also in town, listened to his
opponent from the back of the crowd. In the end, a majority of Logan County
voters favored Lincoln, but Douglas won the 1858 election.
10. Postville
914 Fifth
This state
historic site is a replica of an 1840 courthouse where Lincoln argued, won and
lost cases while he traveled the 8th Judicial Circuit.
11. Site of Deskins
915 Fifth
Lincoln often
stayed at Deskins Tavern when he traveled to Postville. A well where he quenched
his thirst is also at this site.
12. Postville Park
Fifth St.
Abraham Lincoln
was well-known for his athletic abilities, and he frequently joined in games of
"town ball" at this village park.
13. Lincoln College
and Museum
Keokuk St.
A nationally
registered landmark, Lincoln College was founded and named for President Lincoln
on Feb. 12, 1865. The museum houses an extensive collection of memorabilia on
the life of Abraham Lincoln.
Other sites of
interest in downtown Lincoln
Lincoln Public
Library (a Carnegie building)
725 Pekin St.
Logan County
& Historical Society
114 N. Chicago St.
Lincoln City Hall
700 Broadway St.
U.S. Post Office
102 S. McLean St.
Courthouse Square
Historic District
including historic sites, restaurants
and shops

[Click here for larger map]
County historical landmarks
H. Hawes wooden country elevator. Open Sunday afternoons June through
August. Free.
Public Library and Museum. On National Register of Historic Places.
Built in 1908. Comer of Race and Arch. Phone (217) 648-2112. Free.
proclaims the geographic center of the state of Illinois. Town was
laid out in 1872.
Cemetery. Richard J. Oglesby, who was elected governor of Illinois in
1864, 1872 and 1884, is buried here; also John Dean Gillett, known as the
"Cattle King of the World," and Capt. Adam Bogardus, wing shot
champion of the world. For tours of the cemetery and John Dean Gillett
Chapel, please phone (217) 947-2238.
Church. Built in 1854. Three miles from Route 136 between Emden and
Atlanta on County Road 20.
of Deskins Tavern. Across the street from Postville Courthouse, 915
Fifth St. Signage. Free.
of well Abraham Lincoln drank from. Across the street from Postville
Courthouse, 915 Fifth St. Free.
of town christening by Abraham Lincoln on Aug. 27, 1853. Lincoln was
the first community in the United States to be named for Abraham Lincoln
before he became famous. Also, Lincoln's funeral train stopped here on May
3,1865. Located at the south side of the Lincoln Depot, Broadway and
Chicago streets. Official Looking for Lincoln signage. Free.
County Courthouse. Contains second-largest courtroom in Illinois.
Built in 1905. Located on the courthouse square, downtown Lincoln. Open 8
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday; Saturday until noon. Phone (217)
732-6400. Free.
College Museum. Over 3,000 historic items. Lincoln College was founded
and named for President Lincoln on Feb. 12, 1865. Keokuk and Ottawa
streets. Summer hours: 9 to 4 Monday through Friday; 1 to 4 Saturday and
Sunday; closed May 28 and July 4. Free.
In Flight Museum. Museum is filled with memorabilia from all U.S.
military conflicts back to World War I. Located at the Logan County
Airport. Phone ahead (217) 732-3333 to confirm hours. Free but donations
Public Library. Original Carnegie library built in 1902. Tiffany-style
glass inner dome. 725 Pekin St. Open Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 8
p.m.; Friday, 9 to 6; Saturday, 9 to 3. Phone (217) 732-8878. Free.
Courthouse State Historic Site. Guided tours. 914 Fifth St. Noon to 5
p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. Ph. (217) 732-8930 for additional
information. Free but donations accepted.
Coach Inn. The inn was on the old stage route from Springfield to
Peoria. Built mid 1800s. Village is also famous for its aeronautical
history. Free.
Mount Pulaski
Pulaski Courthouse. This building is one of only two original 8th
Judicial Circuit courthouses in Illinois. On National Register of Historic Places.
Was Logan County Courthouse from 1847 to 1855. Guided tours. Open 12 to 5
Tuesday through Saturday. Phone (217) 732-8930. Free.
to historical information on communities in Logan County]
In Flight Museum open on weekends
little-known historical site full of large and small treasures sits
on the outskirts of town on the Logan County Airport property. The
Heritage In Flight Museum building itself is a part of history. It
is a remnant of Camp Ellis, located west of Havana, which was the
largest military training and prisoner-of-war camp in the United
States during World War II. After the war the camp was closed and
the buildings were sold. Logan County Airport is fortunate to have
one of the few remaining structures from Camp Ellis.
little-known historical site full of large and small treasures sits
on the outskirts of town on the Logan County Airport property. The
Heritage In Flight Museum building itself is a part of history. It
is a remnant of Camp Ellis, located west of Havana, which was the
largest military training and prisoner-of-war camp in the United
States during World War II. After the war the camp was closed and
the buildings were sold. Logan County Airport is fortunate to have
one of the few remaining structures from Camp Ellis.
historic items are found outside at the airport, including the
rotating beacon, the green-and-white light that identifies the
airport location to pilots flying at night. Before being moved to
Logan County Airport, it was part of the lighted airway system that
the airmail pilots in the 1920s used to navigate at night. The one
that now resides here was originally located between Lincoln and
Atlanta and provided a bright signal for Charles Lindbergh when he
flew the airmail route between St. Louis and Chicago.
outside you can also view a number of aircraft that are on display
from various time periods.
to the inside, you find that the Heritage in Flight Museum is filled
with items of aviation history from the military and civilian
branches of flying and from the earliest days of open-cockpit
biplanes to the latest jets. Veterans who reside in Logan County
have donated much of what the museum has. Families from the
community have donated items that belonged to our war heroes,
revealing special sentiments, symbolism and forgotten practices that
held a community together in war times. Other items offer a look at
early technology such as the airplane and ship radios. Of the
thousands of items in the museum, each can be said to teach us
something about our past. Visitors can relive history through the
numerous displays, mostly grouped in wartime periods, and gain a
strong sense of patriotism while studying military displays
throughout the building.
[to top of second column in
this article]
guided tour is recommended to get the most from these displays. The
volunteers are both knowledgeable and passionate about their subject
matter and will bring to light little-known nuances that make the
displays fascinating.
museum is always interested in adding items of aviation history. Its
greatest need, however, is for more volunteers to help in the
guardianship of this important gateway to Lincoln and Logan County.
museum requires lots of care and maintenance. Members are always
looking for interested people of all ages to help care for it, share
their interests and preserve a bit of aviation history.
In Flight Museum is operated by an all-volunteer, non-profit
organization: Heritage-In-Flight, Inc. You are invited to come meet
the members and sit in on their meetings anytime. Meetings take
place at 1 p.m. the first Saturday of each month in the terminal
meeting room.
museum is a great resource to educate our youth about our
aeronautical and military past and shares the wealth of military
traditions from a community and national perspective. Schools, youth
groups and families are welcome.
in Flight Museum
Airport Road, Lincoln
Saturday and Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
(217) 732-3333
the airport and leave a message to request a guided tour, schedule a
time during the week or ask for more information.
can read more about HIF from the archives of LDN. Go to: http://archives.lincolndailynews.com/2001/Feb/15/comunity/business.shtml#Logan
County is host to a unique museum rich in special military stories
and treasures
Blue Dog Inn
111 S. Sangamon
Monday 11-2
Tuesday-Thursday 11-10
Friday & Saturday 11-11
2815 Woodlawn Road
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