Monday, Nov. 3


Youth invite all veterans to
Sunday celebration    
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[NOV. 3, 2003]  Veterans are invited to a fun evening of music, dance and recognition for the second year running. Last year's celebration filled the ballroom at the Lincoln Recreation Center. ["Veterans honored with tributes and ceremonies"]

The festivity was so well received that the Youth Fellowship of St. John United Church of Christ is repeating the activity this Sunday, Nov. 9. The Veterans' Celebration and Recognition Dance is for all veterans deployed from or living in Logan County. It will be from 5 to 9 p.m., at After Shock, 201 Madigan Drive in Lincoln. The club is located on Route 10 west, behind Super 8 motel.

A light meal will be served from 5 to 6 p.m. For the rest of the evening The Nostalgics will provide a variety of music for dancing and enjoyment.

The band and youth group will recognize each branch of the service during the course of the evening. A door prize and other prizes of recognition will also be awarded by the young people.

[to top of second column in this article]

Co-chairs Michael Schneider and Erin Semple invite the veterans of Logan County to come and enjoy an evening of fellowship, refreshments, dancing and games. Invitations have been sent to the names received, yet the teenagers realize that their list may be incomplete. If that is the case, anyone who knows of an uninvited veteran may call sponsor Tonita Reifsteck at 732-9796 or Darlene Begolka at the church office at 732-6957 and give address information so the veteran can be placed on the mailing list.

During worship on Nov. 9 the youth group will recognize the veterans of St. John United Church of Christ.


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