You can assist these families by providing goods, giving your time
or giving financially. A cleanup day has also been set for this
Saturday. Go to the bottom of this article for options on how you
can help and for contact information. (To help)
Nine homes were destroyed, which included total loss of possessions.
One other home was condemned and the family cannot go back. That
family's financial (and emotional) loss is equivalent to a total
Logan County Salvation Army caseworker Rebecca Van Nydeggen has
spent considerable time connecting and staying in contact with the
tornado victims. While the immediate needs of the families have been
met, for many the losses are extensive. Their needs vary and will be
continually changing and challenging.

Van Nydeggen has been working closely with the families to keep
up with what has been happening and is coordinating support services
that best help meet their needs. Her involvement helps provide
anonymity to victims who prefer not to receive public exposure. She
has also able been able to help some to navigate uncharted
Many of the families have been through tremendous upheaval,
losing their homes and all their possessions. They have weathered
day-to-day living challenges and now face the emotional impact that
goes with the loss of those possessions that had significance, that
had connections to the past and meaningful memories of loved ones.
Some have been through continued turmoil in finding a place to
live and putting their lives back in order. Many will face even more
significant decisions, adjustments and unanticipated difficulties in
the continuing recovery process.
While recovery will take the better part of a year and even
years, Van Nydeggen identified the first 90 days as the most
critical period for victims recovering from this type of disaster.
She documented the following comments to help the community
understand some of the enormity and the current reality of what
those who have lost their homes are going through:
Not all tornado
victims were comfortable or emotionally able to talk with reporters
in the days after the tornado struck. Some will never want to give
an interview or have their personal needs published in the paper.
The follow-on
effects of the physical devastation include a sense of
defenselessness and humiliation that comes from people driving by
the properties with cameras, video cameras and no offer of help
Both cleanup
workers and friends of the tornado victims related their frustration
with the many spectators who simply drove by and the discouraging
effect it had on the families as well as their cleanup teams.
Some tornado
victims did not have enough property or crop insurance coverage, and
that won't be publicized either. Some did not have health insurance.
Some have health issues that make recovery and relocation difficult
and are daunted by obstacles in the extended cleanup of debris and
Some are still
trying to move on to the next steps in the process and struggling
with insurance adjustors that have put a halt on demolition, or are
still negotiating financial settlements.

For those who have
been given the green light on demolition and materials removal, the
stark emptiness of the sites is now sinking in and the loss is felt
much more deeply.
Some displaced
families have had to move several times since the day they lost
their homes, adding to stress, fatigue and frustration.
Some have children
that have been deeply affected by the storm's destruction as well as
the confusion of the aftermath and cleanup.
Some family members
cannot bear to be on the home sites that are still strewn with
debris and surrounded by crop damage.
Many, many people
want to help and to give and to bring aid. Most do not realize the
many and varied stages of devastation that occur in waves of emotion
and overwhelm. The greatest gift a person can give to a tornado
victim is understanding, compassion and patience during the long
recovery process. So often, those not affected will move on with
their lives, especially when news and attention turns to other
things, such as a busy school year, family celebrations, and
enjoyable community events and activities.
The recovery
process for tornado victims is just beginning now and will go on for
months and for years.
--Comments documented by Rebecca Van Nydeggen, Salvation Army
Families needing assistance for tornado recovery may contact Van
Nydeggen at 217-732-7890 to obtain vouchers or to address other
recovery needs.
[to top of second column] |

Here's how you can help
All donations
made to the Salvation Army for tornado disaster relief will be
used to help Logan County tornado victims directly.
Donations made
through the Salvation Army are tax-deductible.
A Salvation Army
Logan County Disaster Assistance Fund has been set up.
To mail a check,
make it payable to Salvation Army Logan County Disaster
and send to The Salvation Army, PO Box 52, Lincoln, IL 62656.
Disaster donations are kept completely separate from the
Salvation Army's general fund that assists Logan County
residents throughout the calendar year.
The Salvation Army
office is also accepting donations of food pantry supplies and
financial donations, which can be designated for food pantry use
or for disaster relief in Logan County.
All donations may
be made in person at the Keest Center, 307 N. Kickapoo St.
between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on weekdays.
Tornado victims
who have questions, need additional assistance or haven't been
reached yet may contact the Salvation Army office at
Volunteers and anyone needing more
information about donating can also call 217-732-7890.

Financial contributions may also be made to specific individuals
who have disaster aid accounts set up at their banks. These
donations go directly to families and may be made anonymously, or
you may leave your name and even have a note passed to the
Funds deposited directly at the bank do not qualify for a tax
The following accounts have been set
Gary and Norma
Bobell -- State Bank of Lincoln
Andy and Joan Dahmm
-- State Bank of Lincoln
Joe and Kelly Elias
-- State Bank of Lincoln
For Bill and
Margaret Lahr, the account is under their daughter's name,
Judith Hughes -- Illini Bank, Lincoln
Vincent and Janet
Long -- State Bank of Lincoln
Ed and Cindy
Mayfield -- State Bank of Lincoln
Norman and Judith Maxheimer -- Regions
Bank, Lincoln
To help -- summary:
To donate time, money, food pantry items, new clothing or other
goods for victims, contact the Salvation Army at 217-732-7890.
Please leave a message if the recorder answers. The Salvation Army
office is located at 307 N. Kickapoo St. in Lincoln.
To help with the cleanup: Call the Logan County Emergency
Management Agency office during business hours or leave a message
after hours at 217-732-9491.
Anyone wishing to receive help can call the above numbers also.
Related past articles
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