Dry weather tips and musings
By John
Fulton, University of Illinois Extension
Weekly Outlook:
Are soybean prices high enough?
Early release of CRP acres for grazing in 10 Illinois counties
A summer passion: fresh tomatoes
By Jennifer Fishburn, University of Illinois
54 Illinois counties, including Logan, released for haying or
Weekly Outlook:
Expected price
pattern for corn and soybeans
USDA officials stand with farmers and ranchers affected by extreme
weather and natural disasters
Extension offers free session on using
drought-damaged corn for livestock feed
15 counties in Illinois released for haying or grazing of CRP
Illinois Farm Bureau acknowledges U.S.
House of Representatives' work on farm bill
Crop insurance reminders for drought conditions
Workshop assists aspiring farmers with new business ideas
Watering techniques and conservation measures
for your home vegetable garden
By Deborah Cavanaugh-Grant
Illinois Drought Response Task Force convenes
Hollyhock rust, evergreen pruning, to-do list
By John Fulton
RMA spring acreage reporting date
USDA Farm Service Agency reminds producers to report crop losses
FSA to observe holiday hours