Aug. 7
Aug. 6
My Favorite Pie contest enjoys
2nd-year success -- album
Logan County Fair Cake Classic
Auction still a sweet attraction
My Favorite Pie contest enjoys
2nd-year success -- album
Best of Show awards
Mud bogs return to the Logan
County Fair
Logan County Fair comes to an end
with an exciting demo derby
Demo derby results
Illinois State Fair app puts
fair information in the hands of fairgoers
14th Illinois River Conference
slated for October
This day in history
Aug. 5
Friday evening
Garden Tractor Pull
Tons of talent at
the Friday night talent contest
Dancers entertain
on Lincoln Stage Friday night
Haircut Actual is
a crowd pleaser on Lincoln Stage
Out and about at the Logan County Fair
Logan County Fair results:
This day in history

Aug. 3
Aug. 2
Lack of quorum stalls new CEL hires
4-H night in front of the
Chicken scrambles
Judging of the 2012
scramble calves
Celebrity scramble -- album
4-H Cat Show -- album
4-H, Junior and Open Dairy
4-H Swine Show
Logan County Fair results:
Better Business Bureau alert:
'Best of ...' awards scheme
Memorial's Transplant 5K registration now open
Interactive new e-book
explores Cahokia Mounds and the ancient Mississippian culture
This day in history
Aug. 1