Saturday, June 20
Logan County to crown new 2020 Fair
Market on the Hill opens next week
Cooperative Grocery Opens in Mount Pulaski on Monday, June
Summer begins 4:44 p.m. Saturday What
Is a Solstice? - LINK
2020 Midwest Technical Institute
Springfield, Illinois Campus High School Scholarship Winners
Summer Home &
Garden Special Feature
Support your local Lawn, Garden and
Home Improvement businesses
Logan County
Department of Public Health and ALMH Coronavirus Update
Thirteenth positives recorded in Logan
Friday, June 19,
Logan County Dashboard
1,837 tested - 1,824 negative - 13 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
San Jose Summer Concerts canceled for
June and July
Friday, June 19,
Public Health Officials Announce 692
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Some communities just have radio and
television for entertainment
Protect Your Landscape from Hungry
by Melinda Myers
LaHood Discuses Phase One Trade Deal
with China, Expanding American Competitiveness on China Task
Force at Hearing with U.S. Trade Representative
Friday, June 19
Thursday, June 18
Wednesday, June 17
Lincoln Public Library announces
partial re-opening starting Monday, June 22nd
Lincoln Police
Monthly report for May, 2020 - Pdf
Logan County
Department of Public Health
WIC offering convenient EBT card
Summer Home &
Garden Special Feature
Creating spaces for the whole family
Juneteenth Celebration at Scully Park
Friday night
Rick Hamm and staff donate I-pads to
Generations and St. Clara's
Tuesday, June
16, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
1,779 tested - 1,767 negative - 12 positive - 11 recovered -
zero fatalities
Tuesday, June
16, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 623
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker Signs Legislation to Expand
Vote by Mail, Promote Safe Participation in the 2020
New Laws Encourage Early Voting, Makes Election Day a State
Illinois Department of Labor Warns of
Heat Hazards on the Job
Heat-related illness can be deadly
U of I Extension
Homeowner’s guide to watering summer

Tuesday, June 16
Solar applicants question need for
road use agreement
Donna Cunningham announced as new
Director of Youth Services at Lincoln Public Library
Summer Home &
Garden Special Feature
Getting wild with your gardening space
Community College Board of Trustees
June 16, 2020 Finance Committee
meeting agenda - Pdf
June 16, 2020 Regular board meeting
agenda - Pdf
Reminder: Income Tax Filing and
Payment Deadline Is July 15, Just 1 Month Away
Deadline Previously Extended Three Months Due To COVID-19;
Many Have Already Filed
Illinois Central College and USDA-NRCS
Partner to Advance Agricultural Innovation
Monday, June 15,
Logan County Dashboard
1,750 tested - 1,611 negative - 127 pending results
12 positive - 11 recovered - zero fatalities
Monday, June 15,
Public Health Officials Announce 473
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker Announces $275 Million In
Emergency Relief for Households Impacted by COVID-19
State Invests Additional $90 Million, Expands Eligibility to
Help Illinoisans with Rent, Utilities and other Household
Payments through LIHEAP and CSBG
Access to Justice Commission to accept
proposals for two grant initiatives
Life or Death Illinois: IDOT campaign
spotlights those left behind after crashes
Helping to reduce fatalities, Illinois families share
stories of loss
Monday, June 15
Saturday, June 13
Friday, June 12