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2016 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily
News.comTuesday, February 16, 2016
Many of us have heard the old saying, “you are
what you eat” and that actually holds true. The
result, either positive or negative when it comes
to weight loss, is 80% of what you are putting
into your mouth or the lack thereof.
Keep in mind, a calorie is a unit or
measurement of energy. If you are consuming
more that you are burning, the result is stored
energy in the form of adipose tissue or “FAT.”
The term “lose weight” is a loose term. The
permanent solution is to decrease body fat
percentage within healthy norms while increasing
one’s basal metabolic rate. It takes a combination
of factors to attain this goal, but it all starts with
what we are putting into our mouths.
Every living cell in the body is like a little factory.
The cells require raw materials in the form if
micro nutrients to even function properly. If
we are not consuming enough macro and micro
nutrients from our food, our cells will not burn
off the energy we are consuming, which leads to
stored energy. We become nutrient deficient over
time and the pounds keep adding inches to our
waist line and increasing our visceral fat as well.
This is not a healthy situation to find ourselves
in. It is usually at this point where symptoms
start to surface like, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, type II diabetes, fatty liver, acid
reflux, skin irritations, and the list goes on.
The good news is, we can take control of our lives
and reverse this process. At Reps Gym we are
helping regular people take back control of their
health by providing long term solutions for their
weight loss.
The topic of nutritional supplements seems to
always find its way into this discussion. Simply
put, today’s typical diet does not contain high
enough levels of micro nutrients to achieve
optimal health. This problem leaves us with