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2016 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily
News.comTuesday, February 16, 2016
Children’s Wellness Expo a fun way to
learn about health, safety and fitness
Fifth grade students found plenty to do and
learn when they attended their own Wellness
Expo at the Lincoln Park District on Friday.
The event hosted by the Park District in
conjunction with Logan County Department of
Public Health, and the Healthy Communities
Partnership Nutrition offered healthy living
motivation and information. There were
safety and injury prevention lessons, disease
awareness such as depression, ways to relieve
stress, home safety tips such as fire and CO
poisoning prevention, fitness contests and
relays, introductions to groups that encourage
healthy relationships and activities. The
morning was just all-around fun for students
and those who were presenting.
Girls on the Run, a program with chapters at Carol Catholic, Washington Monroe, Northwest
and Central schools in Logan County, and Illini Central in Mason City, introduces girls to
fitness and fellowship in running.
Girls enjoy working a puzzle on good foods.
Story and Photos by Jan Younyquist
At the Children’s Expo