
Good NeighborsBenefitsA Day in the Life...,

DiasporaFamily and Friends in the Armed Forces,  


SPECIAL EVENTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Logan County Animal Control committee meeting date and location change ‘Stories from Your Past: A Legacy for the Future,’  Parking placards must be displayedNotice to motorists: New one-way street near Central School Renew your license plate online

REGULAR POSTINGS:  Addresses of city and county officialsDelta Kappa Gamma Girl Scouts and YMCA: an artful combinationLogan County LEPC committee appointmentsOasisYMCA


Logan County Animal Control
committee meeting
date and location change

The date and location of the Logan County Animal Control committee meeting for the county board have changed. The committee will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 13, in the first-floor courtroom at the courthouse. The meeting is open to the public. 

‘Stories from Your Past: A Legacy for the Future’

University of Illinois Extension will sponsor "Stories from Your Past:  A Legacy for the Future" Tuesday, Jan. 14, at 1 p.m. Patti Faughn, family life educator from Springfield, will present the program and give positive reasons for maintaining our family's heritage.

There is no charge for the program, but reservations are requested. Please call 732-8289.
If you need a reasonable accommodation to participate in the program, please contact John Fulton, Extension unit leader for Logan County.

Parking placards must be displayed

From Mayor Davis

Citizens of Lincoln and Logan County:

Just a reminder to Logan County individuals with disabilities who possess a handicapped (disabled) parking placard: Effective Jan. 1, state law requires that individuals granted a disabled parking placard must have the placard on display in the front windshield of their vehicles if parked in a disabled parking space throughout the city of Lincoln, as well as throughout the state of Illinois.

A new clarification regarding the term "bearing" versus "displayed" was voted into law by the Illinois Legislature in July 2002 and will become effective and enforced Jan. 1, 2003. There will be no exceptions to this law. It is a privilege to be granted a disabled parking placard, and in order for the city of Lincoln to enforce that privilege and keep violators from parking in disabled parking spaces, the city will be ticketing those who do not have the placard on display in their vehicles' front windshield.

Thank you so much for your cooperation. I wish all of you a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous new year!

Mayor Beth Davis

Notice to motorists

New one-way street
near Central School

The short stretch of Ottawa Street from Union and Broadway streets, between the First Baptist Church and Ralph Gale Field, is now one-way only going north, Don Osborne, Lincoln street superintendent, announced recently. Motorists should be aware of this change.

Renew your license plate online

To renew your license plate online, go to to find out if you are eligible; then click on the "renew here" link and enter your code number from the notice you received in the mail.


Addresses of city and county officials

Lincoln City Council members

Hon. Elizabeth Davis, Mayor, P.O. Box 353, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3912

Mr. David Armbrust, Alderman 3rd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4261

Mr. Steve Fuhrer, Alderman 2nd Ward, 1203 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6679

Mr. Benny Huskins, Alderman 1st Ward, 412 N. Madison St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-3894

Mr. William Melton, Alderman 4th Ward, 1112 E. Burlington St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-2658

Mr. George Mitchell, Alderman 3rd Ward, 427 Wyatt Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-2151

Mr. Michael Montcalm, Alderman 5th Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-6606

Mr. Verl Prather, Alderman 2nd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-4778

Rev. Glenn Shelton, Alderman 4th Ward, 920 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-8749

Mr. Joseph Stone, Alderman 5th Ward, 270 Southgate, Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-1600

Mr. Pat Madigan, Alderman 1st Ward, 110 Park Place, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-3724

Logan County Board members

(Effective Dec. 2, 2002)

District 1:

  • Lloyd E. Hellman, chairman, 104 Prairie Lane, Emden, IL  62635;  376-3827
  • Charles Ruben, 2409 1000th Ave., Hartsburg, IL  62643;  642-5388

District 2:

  • Robert Farmer, 1209 700th Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-1179
  • Richard E. Logan, 21 Illini Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656;  (work) 732-2323; 732-8114

District 3:

  • Gloria Luster, vice chairwoman, 106 N. Marion St., Mount Pulaski, IL 62548;  (cell) 737-0349; 792-5275
  • John Stewart, 1617 900th St., Mount Pulaski, IL  62548;  792-3444

District 4:

  • David R. Hepler, 119 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  (work) 735-4451; 732-8586
  • Terry W. Werth, 123 Lincoln Ave., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-9314

District 5:

  • Patrick O'Neill, 210 N. State St., Lincoln, IL  62656;  732-9337
  • Dale Voyles, 543 11th St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  (cell) 871-0057; 732-7901

District 6:

  • William "Mitch" Brown, 1372 1850th St., Lincoln, IL 62656;  732-2268
  • Paul E. Gleason, 1621 Rutledge Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656;  735-9111

Delta Kappa Gamma meets

Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma met in December at Lincoln Public Library. Member Elaine Knight, librarian for Lincoln Elementary District 27, presented the program about her large collection of various editions of the book “The Night Before Christmas.” Members also brought new books for kindergarten through eighth-grade children for the Penny Severns Family Literacy Program.

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society is an international honor society of over 150,000 key women educators in 14 countries. The organization promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

[Elaine Knight of Lincoln presented the program for Delta Kappa Gamma.]

[Ruth Nicewonger of Heyworth, president, and Diane Stelter of Havana, literacy chair, displayed the children's books that Tau Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma collected for the Penny Severns Family Literacy Program.]

Girl Scouts and YMCA: an artful combination

Girl Scouts in Logan and surrounding counties who want to earn a badge in art have the opportunity to participate in several workshops scheduled at the Lincoln YMCA’s art studio. Workshops begin Jan. 13 and include painting, lamp-working, floral design, three-dimensional art and papermaking.

All workshops have a nominal fee and are open to the public.

For more information about the YMCA art workshops or to register, please call Shanda Roderick at (217) 735-3915 or (800) 282-3520.

Girl Scouting helps cultivate values and real-life skills so all girls will succeed as adults. Through the power of Girl Scouting and its all-girl environment, girls discover the fun, friendship and power of girls together.

Girl Scout announcements

  • Girl Scout leader meetings:  the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.

Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families or kids can use: 

See the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at

You can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:

Also, see the national Girl Scouts site at

Logan County LEPC committee appointments

Logan County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the LEPC, held its spring quarterly meeting at the Logan County Safety Complex recently. Yearly elections for all offices, voting delegates, committees and chairs were held. The following members will serve as officers for the year 2002.

LEPC committee appointments

* Indicates chair

Hazard analysis — Dan Fulscher*, Kathy Waldo, Lisa Funk, Mike Patridge, Bobbie Abbott, Steve Siltman

Response and preparedness — Lisa Funk*, Rick Nesbit, Sheriff Tony Soloman, Police Chief Richard Montcalm, IDOT representative Mike Esker

Community awareness — Dan Fulscher*, Bobbi Abbott*, Linda Nelson, Joan Crabb, Don Begolka, Ken Davison

Health services — Kathy Waldo*, Lloyd Evans, Gary Bellafiore, Barb Kline, Roger Leesman, Marsha Stoll, Debbie Cook, Steve Siltman

Training — Mike Patridge*, Delmar Stewart, Sheila Nelson, Lincoln City Fire Chief Washam, Tom Martin

Community resources — Steve Siltman*, Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, Atlanta Mayor Bill Martin, Dayle Eldredge, Curtis Sutterfield of the Salvation Army, Devin Vannoy, Ed Houchins

Representatives of constituencies

The law requires that one representative from each of the following categories be included in the LEPC membership. The delegate and predesignated alternate are listed for each constituency.

Local representative of elected official — Dayle Eldredge; Bill Martin

Law enforcement — Ed Baunach, Tim Butterfield

Civil defense and emergency management — Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer

Firefighting — Robert Washam; Roger Leesman

First aid and EMT — Steve Siltman; Tom Martin

Health — Kathy Waldo; Lloyd Evans

Local environmental — Mike Patridge; Warren Wendlandt

Hospital — Barb Kline; Gary Auten

Transportation — Don Begolka; Brian Hinds

Broadcast, print, electronic media — Joan Crabb; Jan Youngquist

Community groups — Mary Elston; Tammy Buse

Owners and operators of regulated facilities — Lisa Funk; Sheila Nelson

Oasis update

The Oasis, Logan County's senior citizen center, 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is open weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center is open also on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic Dalpoas is the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan County senior citizens, regardless of membership.

Potluck and bingo

Thursday’s potluck luncheon at 11:30 a.m. features ham and beans, or vegetable soup and crackers, with salads, side dishes and desserts. Bring a dish to pass. Then stay for bingo with prizes, sponsored by The Oasis. Games start at 1 p.m.

Van trip

Jan. 10 is the deadline for reservations to see "Barnum" at the Community Players Playhouse in Bloomington on Jan. 26. Call 732-6132. The cost is $20 for members and $22 for nonmembers. If the minimum of 10 people is not met, the trip will have to be canceled.

Cruise travelers

There is a follow-up meeting Jan. 13 at 6 p.m. for the cruise group leaving Lincoln on Jan. 26. Please try to attend.

Alzheimer support group meeting

Please note on your calendars that the meeting of the Alzheimer support group has been changed from the third Tuesday at 1 p.m. to the third Thursday at 1 p.m. Remind your friends of this valuable service available to those who need the support, information and assistance offered.

Ceramics classes

The ceramics classes have been canceled for the first two weeks in January and will resume on Jan. 21 at 9 a.m.

Computer classes

Classes will meet during February for instruction in beginning computer, word processing and e-mail/Internet. Sessions are Monday-Friday, 9:30-10:30 a.m. The fee is $15 for members and $18 for nonmembers. Call 732-6132 for a reservation.

Weekly and weekend game winners

Due to the holidays, we have several weeks of winners to announce. They are as follows:

Dec. 13 -- Mable Hoagland and Marjorie Reiners, pinochle; Bernie DePuy and Ann Greger, 5 in 1; Harley Heath, billiards

Dec. 17 -- Easter Behrends, pinochle

Dec. 20 -- Eleanor Barton and Esther Will, pinochle

Dec. 27 -- Lucky Eichner, pinochle


Friends of The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more information, call 732-6132 or 732-5844.


Announcement forms are now available online! Print out yours, fill it out, and bring it or send it in to Lincoln Daily News. We welcome your pictures, black and white as well as color. This free service is extended to all of our readers. Your announcement will be posted online. Anyone, anywhere can read it! Now Aunt Betty in Florida, Uncle Bob in Alaska, and Cousin Frank in Fiji can log in and read your announcement on Lincoln Daily News!

[Click here to see and print the wedding announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the anniversary announcement form]

[Click here to see and print the engagement announcement form]


[Click here to read "A day in the life of an election judge"]

People all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends might be reunited.  If you wish to be part of the Logan County Diaspora, e-mail  

Looking for information

Hello, I am the former Mrs. Joanna Ketcham who ran Ketcham Kwik Service for years there in Lincoln.

I now am married again and live in Whiteland, Ind.

Since retiring I am trying to put a family history together, and I cannot remember when Stetson China Company closed. My late husband worked there for years, but I cannot put a date to it. Can you help me?


Joanna Ketcham Brown

90 Joseph Lane

Whiteland, IN 46184

(posted 1-3-03)

Wants to hear from friends

My name is Tom Dickerson. I lived in and about Lincoln until I joined the U.S. Air Force in 1967. I eventually served 22-plus years in the military, and I now reside in Wichita Falls, Texas. I am working with Civil Service at Sheppard Air Force Base.

I had two older brothers who also served in the U.S. Air Force. John Dickerson, my oldest brother, was killed in an automobile accident at Plattsburg, N.Y., in 1967. My next older bother, Dean, also served 25 years in the military and is now working in Bloomington.

I look forward to hearing from anyone I grew up with. E-mail me at TDICKE4040@AOL.COM.

Tom Dickerson

(posted 1-3-03)

Family and Friends in the Armed Forces

It is a time like no other. Since Sept. 11, 2001, we are a changed nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and appreciative, first about those we love and see every day. Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and property in our communities. We also now think more about our military men and women who are committed to serve and protect our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in defense of our freedom.

Friends and relatives serving in the armed forces are listed here so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well wishes. If you know of other friends and relatives serving (they need not be from Logan County), please send the information to Along with the name, you are invited to include the branch of service, current location of service, postal address, e-mail address and relationship to the person providing the information (optional).

A1C James P. Allen

U.S. Air Force

820 Red Horse Squadron

Nellis AFB, Nevada

Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2001 graduate of Lincoln Community High School

A1C Jerome A. Allen

U.S. Air Force

At Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

Postal address: 5805 Mountain Home St.

Unit J-13

Nellis AFB, NV 89191


Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason

2000 graduate of Lincoln Community High School


SST Kenneth Allen
and wife Susan Allen (Elza)

U.S. Army-1AD-HHC

Weisbaden, Germany

E-mail: or

Jon Barton

West Point, N.Y.

Sgt. Brad Boss

160th SOAR(A) "Nightstalkers"

Fort Campbell, Ky.


Jon Bowers

Lackland Air Force Base, Texas

Josh Campbell

Fort Campbell, Ky.
Son of Cheryl and Bob Frank

Matt Clemens

U.S. Army National Guard

Fort Benning, Ga.

AIT in South Carolina

From Mount Pulaski

Justin Clott

U.S. Navy


SRA Chassidy Dority

U.S. Air Force

Currently in the Middle East

Daughter of Robert and Teresa Matherly

Staff Sgt. Evan Jay Downey,
Karen and Ethan

U.S. Air Force

Mildenhall Air Force Base, England

Son of Lucky Eichner

1988 graduate of LCHS

LTJG Frederick V. Dehner

U.S. Navy

Currently en route from Saldina, Italy, to the USS Annapolis, stationed at Groton, Conn.

Home on leave: Contact at 732-2861 


Son of Philip and Connie L. Dehner

1984 graduate of Lincoln Community High School

Ben Estes

Fort Benning, Ga.

Tech. Sgt. Veronica Hasprey

39 CES

Prime Beef Deployed

Operation Northern Watch

APO AE - 09396 - 5000


[to top of second column in this section]

Becky Hill

U.S. Army Reserves

378th Chemical Co.

Daughter of Ken and Linda Hill of Mason City

1999 graduate of Illini Central

A1C Chad M. Maxheimer
U.S. Air Force

Hurlburt Field, Florida


Son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer of Chestnut and Michelle Lowe of Mount Pulaski

2000 graduate of Mount Pulaski High School

Kevin McGinnis


Philip Nodine

U.S. Army National Guard

Fort Jackson, S.C.

In basic training

Michelle K. Ramlow

U.S. Navy

At Pentagon

Postal address: 5409-B Steeplechase Drive

Fredericksburg, VA 22407


Sgt. James M. Rehmann II
Illinois Army National Guard

Bravo Company, 1/131 Infantry (Air Assault)

9½ years prior U.S. Navy service, active duty, Electronics Technician Second Class

Distinguished Service from Sept. 25, 1990, to present

Maj. James E. Reineke,
Deborah, Nathan, Emily

U.S. Air Force

Misawa Air Base, Japan


Joe Rybolt

U.S. Army National Guard

1544th Trans Co.

Son of James and Nita Rybolt

1997 graduate of LCHS

Pvt. Christian B. Skelton

U.S. Army


2001 graduate of LCHS

Husband of Nahani Lynn Skelton

Erika L. Slayton

Illinois Air National Guard, 183rd Fighter Wing

Frankfurt, Germany

Postal address: Erika Slayton


PSC 5 Box 1000

APO AE 09050


Daughter of Lloyd (Ed) and Bridget Slayton

Robby, Ami-Jo and Angela Spickard

National Guard medical support

SrA Brandi N. (Barr) Splitter
and husband SrA Ben A. Splitter

U.S. Air Force

Stationed at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom


Daughter of Donna L. Sommers of Beason and Hank Barr of Bloomington

1997 graduate of LCHS

Tech. Sgt. Thomas Yarcho

U.S. Air Force

At Ramstein Air Base, Germany


Class of 1982


Ongoing class reunion in cyberspace for 1960 graduates of LCHS


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