Calendar, Organizations, Milestones,
Neighbors, Benefits,
A Day in the Life...,
Family and Friends
in the Armed Forces,
party for Abraham Lincoln, Saturday, Feb. 8, Library
hosts children's programs, MS Walk meeting, Monticello's Art & Garden Market looking for vendors,
Renew your license plate
online REGULAR POSTINGS: Addresses
of city and county officials,
Girl Scouts
and YMCA: an artful combination,
Lincoln Jaycees,
Lincoln Park District notes,
Lincoln Rotary Club,
Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society, Logan
County LEPC committee appointments, Oasis,
Zonta Club of
Lincoln |
Birthday party for Abraham Lincoln, Saturday, Feb. 8
Poem and picture contest
open to all Logan County students
Lincoln's Logan County Arts and Craft Guild
sponsoring both a poem and picture contest and a birthday party to
honor Abraham Lincoln on his 194th birthday.
Everyone is invited to Lincoln's birthday party,
which will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8, in the rotunda of
the Logan County Courthouse. There will be a speaker, music, prizes
for the contest winners and refreshments for those who attend.
For the contest, all Logan County students,
including home-schooled students, were invited to enter any kind of
poem or picture related to Abraham Lincoln and his birthday. All
kinds of poetry were accepted, and pictures could be drawings,
paintings, photographs or computer-generated images. The deadline
was Feb. 1. Entries will be judged on appropriateness of subject,
clarity of message, neatness and whether they are technically
Contest prizes will be awarded in categories for grades one and two,
three and four, five and six,
seven and eight, nine and 10, and 11 and 12. Prizes will be 1800s dress items,
aprons, day caps and shirts, sized for children, to encourage them
to get involved in the Lincoln's Logan County Arts and Crafts Guild
hosts children's programs
Lincoln Public Library will begin its winter and spring programming
schedule on Monday, Feb. 3. The library offers a story time for
preschool-age children on Monday mornings at 10, Monday evenings at
6 and Tuesday mornings at 10. Also on Tuesday mornings is a lap-sit
story time for infants to 2 years old.
There are two special book clubs for
children in third grade to sixth grade. The first Tuesday night of
each month at 6 is an American Girl Book Discussion Group. The
second Tuesday night of each month at 6 is a Special Investigators
Book Club. These clubs will meet in February, March and April.
Craft times for children in first grade
to sixth grade have taken on a new look. The library will offer
several craft times each month on the days that school is off or the
children get out early. Please come by the library and pick up a
schedule of these events.
The Student-Saver Homework Center
continues to be open Monday through Thursday from 3:15 to 5 p.m. For
more details, brochures are available at the library.
Please visit
the library at 725 Pekin St. or call (217) 732-5732 to register for
these programs.
[Linda Harmon, youth services
Lincoln Public Library]
MS Walk
Plans are under way for the MS Walk,
scheduled for April 6 at Kickapoo Creek Park. This is a fun event to
raise funds for research to end the devastating effects of multiple
sclerosis. The next committee meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Monday,
Feb. 10, at the home of Jim and Nancy Ireland, 23 Tulip Drive in
Lincoln. Anyone wishing to volunteer to help or form a team to walk
in the event is welcome at this meeting. For further information,
contact the Irelands at 732-2339 or
Monticello's Art & Garden Market looking for vendors
Vendor applications are now being
accepted for Monticello Main Street's fourth annual Art & Garden
The market is a combination of art and
garden vendors and welcomes potters, painters, creators of handmade
jewelry, wood workers, photographers, sculptors and glass blowers;
while the garden area will offer bedding plants, outside planters,
herbs, concrete, copper and wire garden ornaments, birdhouses, and
other garden accessories.
The market
is set for Saturday, May 3, on the square in downtown Monticello.
There will be a $35 fee for booth space, and applications may be
obtained by calling Monticello Main Street office at 762-9318 or
Renew your license plate
To renew your license plate online, go to to find out if you are
eligible; then click on the
"renew here" link and enter your code number from the notice you
received in the mail.
of city and county officials
City Council members
Elizabeth Davis, P.O. Box 353, Lincoln, IL 62656;
Benny Huskins, 1st Ward, 412 N. Madison St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-3894
Pat Madigan, 1st Ward, 110 Park Place, Lincoln, IL 62656; 735-3724
Steve Fuhrer, 2nd Ward, 1203 Eighth St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-6679
Verl Prather, 2nd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-4778
David Armbrust, 3rd Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-4261
George Mitchell, 3rd Ward, 427 Wyatt Ave., Lincoln, IL
62656; 735-2151
William Melton, 4th Ward, 1112 E. Burlington St., Lincoln,
IL 62656; 735-2658
Glenn Shelton, 4th Ward, 920 Pekin St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-8749
Michael Montcalm, 5th Ward, 700 Broadway St., Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-6606
Martha Neitzel, 5th Ward, 525 Southgate, Lincoln, IL
62656; 732-9320
County Board members
District 1:
District 2:
District 3:
District 4:
District 5:
Patrick O'Neill, 210
N. State St., Lincoln, IL 62656; 732-9337
Dale Voyles, chairman, 543 11th
St., Lincoln, IL 62656; (cell) 871-0057; 732-7901
District 6:
William "Mitch"
Brown, 1372 1850th St., Lincoln, IL 62656; 732-2268
- Paul E. Gleason, 1621 Rutledge
Drive, Lincoln, IL 62656; 735-9111
Logan County Board
All meetings are open to the public.
Meetings of the full county board:
Board-of-whole meeting: Thursday before third Tuesday of each month,
first floor courtroom at the courthouse, 7 p.m.
Adjourned board meeting: third Tuesday of each month, 7 p.m.
First person named is chairman of each committee.
Farmer, Ruben, Hepler,
Voyles, (Open)
Monthly meeting:
First Monday, Logan County Airport conference room, 7 p.m.
O'Neill, Ruben, Hepler,
Stewart, Werth, Voyles
Second Wednesday,
county board room at
courthouse, 7 p.m.
Buildings and grounds:
Logan, Brown, Stewart,
Werth, Voyles
First Tuesday, county board room, 7 p.m.
Ruben, Logan, Farmer,
Werth, Voyles, Gleason
Friday before third
county board room, 8 a.m.
Luster, Gleason, Brown,
Ruben, Stewart, Voyles
Second Tuesday, county board
room, 7 p.m.
Law enforcement/ESDA:
Logan, Farmer, Brown,
Stewart, Voyles, Hepler
First Thursday, Blue Room of
safety complex, 7 p.m.
Luster, Hepler, Werth,
Brown, Farmer, Voyles
On call
Road and bridge:
Werth, Hepler, Farmer,
O'Neill, Voyles, (Open)
Friday before board-of-whole
meeting, county highway department building, 8 a.m.
Planning and zoning:
Hepler, Stewart, Luster,
Logan, O'Neill, Voyles
First Wednesday, county highway
department building, 7:30 p.m.
Waste management:
Economic development:
9-1-1 liaison:
Third Wednesday, 7 p.m.
Work force investment:
Chamber of commerce
General Assembly liaison:
Community Action:
Voyles, Ruben, Gleason
Meets quarterly
Public Aid appeals:
Parliamentarian and
Government, education,
Main Street Lincoln:
Resource conservation and
Regional planning
Zoning officer:
Girl Scouts
and YMCA: an artful combination
Girl Scouts in Logan and surrounding
counties who want to earn a badge in art have the opportunity to
participate in several workshops scheduled at the Lincoln YMCA's
art studio. Workshops begin Jan. 13 and include
painting, lamp-working, floral design, three-dimensional art and
All workshops have a nominal fee and
are open to the public.
For more information about the YMCA art
workshops or to register, please call Shanda Roderick at (217)
735-3915 or (800) 282-3520.
Scouting helps cultivate values and real-life skills so all girls
will succeed as adults. Through the power of Girl Scouting and its
all-girl environment, girls discover the fun, friendship and power
of girls together.
Girl Scout announcements
- Girl Scout leader meetings: the first Thursday of each month, at the usual time and place.
Websites with lots of ideas that Girl Scout leaders, families
or kids can use:
the website for Girl Scouts, Land of Lincoln Council, at
can send questions and suggestions to the council by clicking here:
Also, see the
national Girl Scouts site at
Jaycees meet monthly
Lincoln Jaycees have membership
meetings the first Thursday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the
Lincoln Moose Lodge. The meetings are for all current and
prospective members.
Board meetings for the Jaycees are on
the third Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at Wendy’s Restaurant.
Lincoln Park District notes
Happy New Year from your staff at the
Lincoln Park District. If you made a resolution to pursue a
healthier new year, let us be a part of your effort. In addition to
a weight room, cardio area and walking track, we offer several
aerobics classes. Classes meet at a variety of times with many
levels of intensity. Schedules are available at the front desk, or
you may call 732-8770 for information.
To help you ward off the winter
doldrums, maybe you would like to take a class in Crafts for Adults.
Norma Douglas returns as our winter craft instructor with a
four-week session that began Monday, Jan 27. Many of you will
remember her from our fall session. Lincoln Park District welcomes
her back to share her knowledge and talent. Bring a card you may
have received that is special to you. From this Norma will teach how
to make a gift box containing the 3-D cards you will make later in
class. Painting and stamping on glass, as well as scrapbooking, will
be explored.
Maybe you got a camera for Christmas or
would like to improve your picture-taking skills. Steve Klemm, owner
of Picture This Photography, will be our instructor. This four-week
course will meet on Thursdays in the craft room from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Each week will cover a different facet of great picture-taking. Week
one will cover camera functions along with the tips and tricks of
the pros. Week two will be about color and black-and-white film. We
will supply you with a roll of black-and-white film. Week three will
entail the newest and latest in digital technology. Have your film
developed and bring your pictures back for week four, when all
participants will take part in your very first photo contest. Early
registration is strongly encouraged. Class size will be limited, and
there is a minimum of 10 registrants before the class will be held.
[Roy Logan]
Rotarians inducted

[Photo provided by Marty Ahrends] |
The Lincoln Rotary Club inducted four
new members at its Jan. 29 meeting. They are Ed Stanfield Jr. of
Glenn Brunk Stationers, Aaron Freitag of Farmers Insurance Group,
Pastor Dave Hofer of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Emden and Dr.
Julio Morales of Century Dental Center. They are accompanied in the
photo by Lincoln Rotary Club President Robert Jeckel of
Lincoln/Logan Insurance Agency.
The Lincoln
Rotary Club is a service organization of local business people and
professionals. They meet every Wednesday at noon at the Restaurant
at the Depot. New members are welcome at any time.
[Marty Ahrends] |

Hear about the first O.J.
trail (1884) at the next Logan County Genealogical and Historical
Society meeting
The Logan
County Genealogical and Historical Society will meet on Feb. 17 at
6:30 p.m. Bring finger foods to 114 N. Chicago St. Eddie Dirks will
inform us about the first O.J. trail (1884).
Members are encouraged
to attend. Guests are welcome.
County LEPC committee appointments
County Local Emergency Planning Committee, the LEPC, held its spring
quarterly meeting at the Logan County Safety Complex recently.
Yearly elections for all offices, voting delegates, committees and
chairs were held. The following members will serve as officers for
the year 2002.
committee appointments
Indicates chair
analysis -- Dan Fulscher*, Kathy Waldo, Lisa Funk, Mike Patridge,
Bobbie Abbott, Steve Siltman
and preparedness -- Lisa Funk*, Rick Nesbit, Sheriff Tony Soloman,
Police Chief Richard Montcalm, IDOT representative Mike Esker
awareness -- Dan Fulscher*, Bobbi Abbott*, Linda Nelson, Joan Crabb,
Don Begolka, Ken Davison
services -- Kathy Waldo*, Lloyd Evans, Gary Bellafiore, Barb Kline,
Roger Leesman, Marsha Stoll, Debbie Cook, Steve Siltman
-- Mike Patridge*, Delmar Stewart, Sheila Nelson, Lincoln City Fire
Chief Washam, Tom Martin
resources -- Steve Siltman*, Lincoln Mayor Beth Davis, Atlanta
Mayor Bill Martin, Dayle Eldredge, Curtis Sutterfield of the
Salvation Army, Devin Vannoy, Ed Houchins
Representatives of constituencies
law requires that one representative from each of the following
categories be included in the LEPC membership. The delegate and
predesignated alternate are listed for each constituency.
Local representative of elected official -- Dayle Eldredge; Bill Martin
enforcement -- Ed Baunach, Tim Butterfield
defense and emergency management -- Dan Fulscher; Terry Storer
-- Robert Washam; Roger Leesman
aid and EMT -- Steve Siltman; Tom Martin
-- Kathy Waldo; Lloyd Evans
environmental -- Mike Patridge; Warren Wendlandt
-- Barb Kline; Gary Auten
-- Don Begolka; Brian Hinds
print, electronic media -- Joan Crabb; Jan Youngquist
groups -- Mary Elston; Tammy Buse
and operators of regulated facilities -- Lisa Funk; Sheila Nelson
Oasis update
The Oasis, Logan
County's senior citizen center, 501 Pulaski St. in Lincoln, is open
weekdays (except holidays) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The center is open
also on Friday and Sunday nights for table games. Dominic Dalpoas is
the executive director. Activities are open to all Logan County
senior citizens, regardless of membership.
Thursday's bingo games start at 1 p.m.
and are sponsored by Maple Ridge. Join us for an afternoon of fun,
snacks and prizes.
Our classes are full for February. In
order to reserve your space for Basics, Word Processing and
E-mail/Internet, starting March 10, call 732-6132 for a reservation.
Sessions are from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The five-day class is $15 for
members and $18 for nonmembers.
party for February honorees
Please join us at 1:30 p.m. Monday for
our special party honoring all those members with birthdays this
month. Please bring a guest and join in the fun with games, prizes,
cake and ice cream.
The Oasis will be open Feb. 12 for
Lincoln's Birthday, due to a scheduled trip. We will be closed on
Feb. 14 for the holiday. The Friday evening card games and potluck
supper are still scheduled.
Van trip
There are still seats available for the
Feb. 15 trip to Nashville North, Taylorville, to see "Dino." The $30
cost for members and $32 for nonmembers includes transportation and
ticket. The reservation deadline is Feb. 7. Call 732-6132.
Friends of
The Oasis members receive bimonthly newsletters by mail. For more
information, call 732-6132 or 732-5844.
Zonta Club
schedules membership meeting
The Zonta Club of Lincoln will meet at
6 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11, at the Depot Restaurant. Zonta members Dr.
Kristen Green-Morrow, Dr. Susan Harmon and Dr. Melissa Hardiek will
lead a question-and-answer session on women and stress. Members are
reminded to bring toothpaste as well as shampoo donations for the
Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry, one of this year's service projects. If
you cannot attend the meeting, please call Kay Bauer by 5 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 10.
International is a worldwide service organization of women
executives in business and the professions working together for the
advancement of understanding, goodwill and peace. |
forms are available online! Print out yours, fill it out,
bring it or send it in to
Lincoln Daily News. We welcome your
pictures, black and white as well as color. This free
service is extended to all of our readers. Your announcement will
be posted online. Anyone, anywhere can read it! Aunt Betty in
Florida, Uncle Bob in Alaska and Cousin Frank in Fiji can log in
and read your announcement in Lincoln Daily News!
here to see and print the engagement announcement form]
here to see and print the wedding announcement form]
here to see and print the anniversary announcement form]
here to see and print the birth announcement form]
It's a
5, 2003]
Katie Arcenith Marie Fritz was born
to Wendy and Jared Fritz of Pekin at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria.
Katie was born at 10:10 a.m. on Tuesday, February 4, 2002. She was 7 pounds, 9 ounces, 20˝ inches long
at birth. |
Katie's proud grandparents are Bob and Cheryl Frank of Lincoln. Bob is our wonderful photographer here at Lincoln Daily News.

[Photo by Bob Frank]
[A beautiful grandmother and a beautiful
granddaughter] |
Next family for new Habitat home
11, 2003]
The Habitat for Humanity of
Logan County selection committee has just announced that the
Christopher and Jackie Hagan family of Mount Pulaski has been
selected as the recipient of the next new house.
The city of Mount Pulaski donated the
parcel of land for the new home to the local organization. The
groundbreaking and dedication is unscheduled but will occur in
The Logan County Habitat chapter is
celebrating its 10th anniversary in 2003. The anniversary will be
kicked off with the pouring of the foundation for the Hagan house,
which is tentatively scheduled for the later part of March. It is
the seventh house to be built by the local chapter.
Habitat's second annual Snowflake Ball
will be on Feb. 1 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Lincoln. Dinner
will be served at 6 p.m., followed by music by The Nostalgics from 7
until 10 p.m. The Nostalgics perform tunes from the '40s and '50s
for fun dancing.
Local businesses Mitchell-Newhouse
Lumber, The Carpet House and Lincoln IGA will be recognized at the
dinner and dance for their continued support of Habitat for
Tickets can
be obtained at the following locations: A.G. Edwards & Sons, Illini
Bank, MKS Jewelers or by calling 732-6234.
[Press release and LDN]
[Click here to read "A day in the
life of an election judge"]
all across this country and, in fact, around the world, claim roots in
Logan County. They have very interesting stories to tell, and some of them
like to connect with those of us who stayed at home. Logan County Diaspora
publishes the stories of former Logan County residents. With their
permission, we also include their e-mail addresses so that old friends
might be reunited. If you wish to be part of the Logan County
Diaspora, e-mail
and Friends in the Armed Forces
is a time like no other. Since Sept. 11, 2001, we are a changed
nation. Individually, our daily sensitivity toward whom and what we have
in our lives has been heightened. We are more conscious and
appreciative, first about those we love and see every day.
Next, we have a newfound appreciation for those who risk their
lives every day as rescue workers and protectors of life and
property in our communities. We also now think more about our
military men and women who are committed to serve and protect
our country. Many are away engaged in battle, some are in
waiting to go, all are ready to lay their lives on the line in
defense of our freedom.
and relatives serving in the armed forces are listed here so we might all hold them in our thoughts, prayers and well
wishes. If you know of other friends and relatives serving (they
need not be from Logan County),
please send the information to Along with the name, you are invited to include the branch of
service, current location of service, postal address, e-mail
address and relationship to the person providing the information (optional).
A1C James P. Allen
U.S. Air Force
820 Red Horse Squadron
Nellis AFB, Nevada
Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of Beason
2001 graduate of Lincoln
Community High School
A1C Jerome A. Allen
U.S. Air Force
At Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada
Postal address: 5805 Mountain Home St.
Unit J-13
Nellis AFB, NV 89191
Son of John and Jo Ann Allen of
2000 graduate of Lincoln Community High School
Kenneth Allen
and wife Susan Allen (Elza)
U.S. Army-1AD-HHC
Weisbaden, Germany
E-mail: or
Jon Barton
West Point, N.Y.
Sgt. Brad Boss
160th SOAR(A) "Nightstalkers"
Fort Campbell, Ky.
Jon Bowers
Lackland Air Force Base,
Josh Campbell
Fort Campbell, Ky.
Son of Cheryl and Bob Frank
Matt Clemens
Army National Guard
Benning, Ga.
AIT in
South Carolina
From Mount Pulaski
Justin Clott
U.S. Navy
LTJG Frederick V. Dehner
U.S. Navy
250 Pelican Drive, Groton, CT 06340
Phone: (860) 405-1285
Son of Philip and Connie L. Dehner
1984 graduate of Lincoln
Community High School
SRA Chassidy Dority
U.S. Air Force
Currently in the Middle East
Daughter of Robert and Teresa Matherly
Staff Sgt.
Evan Jay Downey,
Karen and Ethan
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Base, England
Son of Lucky Eichner
1988 graduate of LCHS
Ben Estes
Fort Benning, Ga.
Tech. Sgt. Veronica Hasprey
39 CES
Prime Beef Deployed
Operation Northern Watch
APO AE - 09396 - 5000
Becky Hill
U.S. Army Reserves
378th Chemical Co.
Daughter of Ken and Linda Hill of
Mason City
1999 graduate of Illini Central
[to top of
second column in this section]
Eric Leslie
U.S. Army in the Middle East
A1C Chad M.
U.S. Air Force
Hurlburt Field, Florida
Son of Mike and Suzie Maxheimer of Chestnut and Michelle Lowe of
Mount Pulaski
2000 graduate of Mount
Pulaski High School
Kevin McGinnis
Philip Nodine
U.S. Army
National Guard
Jackson, S.C.
In basic training
Michelle K.
U.S. Navy
address: 5409-B Steeplechase Drive
Fredericksburg, VA 22407
Sgt. Brian W. Rankin
Army National Guard Military
Police -- 233rd
Son of Carl and Margaret Rankin
Sgt. James M. Rehmann II
Illinois Army National Guard
Bravo Company,
1/131 Infantry (Air Assault)
9˝ years prior U.S.
Navy service, active duty, Electronics Technician Second Class
Distinguished Service from Sept. 25, 1990, to
Maj. James E.
Deborah, Nathan, Emily
U.S. Air Force
Misawa Air
Base, Japan
Joe Rybolt
U.S. Army National Guard
1544th Trans Co.
Son of James and Nita Rybolt
1997 graduate of LCHS
Pvt. Christian
B. Skelton
graduate of LCHS
Husband of Nahani Lynn Skelton
Erika L. Slayton
Illinois Air
National Guard, 183rd Fighter Wing
address: Erika Slayton
PSC 5 Box
APO AE 09050
Daughter of Lloyd (Ed) and Bridget
Robby, Ami-Jo and Angela Spickard
National Guard medical
SrA Brandi N.
(Barr) Splitter
and husband SrA Ben A. Splitter
Air Force
Stationed at RAF Mildenhall, United Kingdom
Daughter of Donna L. Sommers of Beason and Hank Barr of
1997 graduate of LCHS
Tech. Sgt.
Thomas Yarcho
U.S. Air Force
At Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Class of 1982
class reunion in cyberspace for 1960 graduates of LCHS
The Postville Courthouse revisited, by Stan
Stringer, posted Feb. 12, 2002, in LDN
Lincoln Lakes beach,
by Stan Stringer, posted July 10, 2001
Stan Stringer tells story of Mark Holland's buzzing of Lincoln,
posted May 11, 2001
Leigh Henson, now a college teacher in Missouri, remembers Miss
Jones, Jefferson School principal,
posted March 29, 2001
Foreign Service officer recalls infamous Valentine's Day '79 in
Tehran, by George McKinney, posted Feb. 15, 2001
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