Do you know the warning signs of a heart attack?
Learn the signs in February, American Heart Month
Memorial to host expert physician panel on treatment options for hip and knee
State fire marshal warns of carbon monoxide poisoning
Give blood and help save lives
ALMH offers
rehabilitation services to cancer survivors
David Alexander's 'Five Doves' is
dedicated at ALMH
ALMH, MPS-Lincoln featured in
Memorial Health System annual report, now online
Seven ways to sideline the flu at
your Super Bowl party
Memorial's bariatric surgery program earns national
DeWilde named ALMH Employee of
the Month
Abraham Lincoln Healthcare Foundation supports hospice
Flu facts
From the Logan County Department of Public Health
Springfield School of Medicine launches first hand transplant
program in Illinois
Health care workforce report
Group makes
recommendations for more health care providers to meet demand
due to Affordable Care Act
IEMA encourages people to test
homes for radon during Radon Action Month in January
Visitors to ALMH encouraged to take
precautions to prevent spread of influenza
Extraordinary nurses to be recognized at ALMH
State fire marshal warns the
public to beware of fire danger from alternative heat
Memorial Health System, SIU
HealthCare launch quality alliance
Peripheral artery disease: Screening and early
treatment can save your legs and your life
From the Logan County Department of Public Health
ACA enrollment numbers announced for first three
Healthy Communities Partnership receives $3,000 CVS Caremark
Community Grant
Governor's Council on Health and Physical Fitness helps
Illinoisans start a healthy new year
'Mom's Night Out'
focuses on healthy families
Register now for Feb. 28 event
Flu activity increasing in Illinois —
Illinois combats antibiotic resistance
Flu facts
From the
Logan County Department of Public Health