Thursday, August 6
Wednesday, August 5
Message calls Lincoln to stand together
Lincoln City Council:
Aldermen lay groundwork for new Diversity and
Inclusion Commission
Christmas on Vinegar Hill canceled for 2020
Board looking forward to a great event in 2021
University of Illinois Extension educational
webinars offered
Purdue University
Ag Economy Barometer stable, but farmers less
optimistic about future
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
One new case of coronavirus in Logan County on
Tuesday - Pdf
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,840 tested - 5,751 negative - 89 positive - 69
recovered - zero fatalities
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,471 New
Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State reports more than 42,000 tests in one day
Attorney General Raoul urges Federal Government
action to increase access and affordability for
drug to treat COVID-19
Remdesivir is an Anti-Viral Drug Showing
Promising Results for Those Hospitalized Due to
Tuesday, August 4
One person injured in Sunday afternoon
grain bin accident
Palms Grill in Atlanta closes due to
tourism falloff
Lincoln-Broadwell District 92
August 4, 2020 Special Board of
Education meeting agenda - Pdf
Illinois Primary Health Care
Association Virtual Conference to Feature NBA Legend Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar, Former Surgeon General, National Latina
University of
Illinois College of ACES
Emergency research grant studies how
coronavirus affects food systems in the U.S.
Illinois State Police Division of
Training and Recruitment discuss the use of force training
with Black Lives Matter, Springfield
Monday, August
3, 2020
Four new cases of COVID-19 includes
one teenager - Pdf
Monday, August
3, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,712 tested - 5,624 negative - 88 positive - 67 recovered -
zero fatalities
Monday, August
3, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,298
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker Launches Mask Awareness
Campaign: ‘It Only Works If You Wear It’
Public Health Campaign Uses Real-Time Data to Allocate
Resources to Communities with Greatest Risk
Illinois Mask Mandate Went into Effect May 1
Monday, August 3

Saturday, August 1
Water shut off procedures for
delinquent sewer bills to resume September 1st in Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Memorial Hospital
Resumes Free Prenatal Classes August 3rd
Veterans’ and SIU to Resume Group
Lincoln Heritage Museum Reopens to
Museum Opening August 4th with New Safety Measures
Humane Society of Logan County cancels
Pints for Paws fundraiser
August membership meeting also canceled
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Seeds and froth
Support Native Bees and Enjoy the Many
by Melinda Myers
The Office of the Illinois State Fire
Marshal and Illinois Department of Children and Family
Services remind caregivers to supervise children during
water activities
Friday, July 31,
Two-month old infant among the seven
new cases of COVID-19 in Logan County - Pdf
Friday, July 31,
Logan County Dashboard
5,52 tested - 5,418 negative - 84 positive - 62 recovered -
zero fatalities
Friday, July 31,
Public Health Officials Announce 1,941
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State hits more than 49,000 tests in one day
Eleven Illinois Counties at Warning
Level for Coronavirus Disease
Illinois GOP Demand Transparency from
Pritzker Regarding Federal COVID-19 Relief Funding
Friday, July 31
Logan County Department of Public
Health offers drive-thru coronavirus testing
Heartland Phi Beta Lambda members
place in national competition
LaHood Votes to Improve Infrastructure
Resources for Illinois Waterways
Get latest crop updates at virtual
Northwestern Illinois research farm field days
Pritzker administration announces $250
Million in infrastructure grants
Thursday, July
30, 2020
Two new cases of coronavirus reported
in Logan County - Pdf
Thursday, July
30, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,353 tested - 5,276 negative - 77 positive - 61 recovered -
zero fatalities
Thursday, July
30, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,772
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State hits more than 40,000 tests in one day
Thursday, July 30
Lincoln Public Library to reopen
Monday August 3rd
Planning begins for Atlanta Alumni
Association 100th Anniversary in 2021
Volunteers wanted
U of I Extension
Freezing your summer harvest
Heartland Scholarship Scramble raises
Hal Roesch II Named VFW’s New National
‘Our VFW remains the resilient force it has always been’
Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library
offers Back-to-School (Virtual) Bash
Educational activities help children prepare for school
Peoria Surgical Group Affiliates with
Springfield Clinic
Wednesday, July
29, 2020
Six new cases of COVID-19 brings Logan
County total to 75 - Pdf
Wednesday, July
29, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
5,145 tested - 5,070 negative - 75 positive - 54 recovered -
zero fatalities
Pritzker Announces Safety Guidelines
for Recreational Sports Amid Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
Guidance for All Youth and Adult Recreational Sports Takes
Effect August 15th
LaHood, Davis, Butler Criticize
Governor Pritzker’s New Restrictions on Youth Sports
Wednesday, July
29, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,393
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State wide 1,491 people hospital with COVID-19 - 355 ICU -
152 on ventilators