Friday, August 14
Thursday, August 13
Zailey Merreighn gets the first round
on new playground equipment at Northwest School
New Holland-Middletown School District
University of
Illinois Extension
Find Food Illinois: new community map
locates food assistance sites
IDFPR Announces Approval of Permanent
Rules for Conditional Adult Use Cannabis Dispensary Licenses
Tiebreaking Process
Illinois Joint Committee on Administrative Rules Approves
Tiebreaker Rules; Dispensary Licenses to be Issued in Coming
August 12, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Eleven new COVID-19 cases reported on
Wednesday - Pdf
August 12, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
6,759 tested - 6,582 negative - 177 positive - 77 recovered
- ONE death
August 12, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,645
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker Administration Extends
Deadline to Apply for Nutrition Benefits Amidst Ongoing
COVID-19 Pandemic
Households Can Receive $342 in SNAP Funds per Eligible
Pritzker Administration Awards $46
Million in Emergency Grants to Small Businesses Through BIG
First Wave of Business Interruption Grants Released to 2,655
Small Businesses Hit Hardest by COVID-19, Including More
Than 50 Percent Minority-Owned
Wednesday, August 12
Lincoln Police
Monthly report for July, 2020 - Pdf
IEMA Warns storm victims of potential
for scams
Report suspected fraud to Illinois Attorney General Office
Heartland names Letisha Trepac as V.P.
of Finance and Administration
Healthcare organizations remind
visitors: masks required at hospitals, clinics
Online student behavior a focus for
teachers, parents this fall
Equal Justice Rules Committee formed
by Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission
Goal to enhance Attorney's rights and refocus attorney's
Tuesday, Augut
11, 2020
Logan County COVID update
Numbers increase by 54 over the
weekend and on Monday
Total Logan County Cases 166
Tuesday, August
11, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
6,614 tested - 6,448 negative - 166 positive - 77 recovered
- ONE death
Tuesday, August
11, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,549
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Tuesday, August 11
Lincoln City
Tuesday, August 11, 2020 Committee of
the Whole meeting agenda - Pdf
Logan County 4-H Foundation awards
Heartland Community College Nursing
grads to have ‘pinning parade’
Pritzker Launches Largest Emergency
Housing Assistance Programs in the Nation
Over $300 Million for Rent and Mortgage Relief Will Help
40,000 Households Impacted by COVID-19
Applications for Rental Assistance Now Available at
Census deadline looms; response
impacts funding, relief assistance
Mike Anderson, “The Dulcimer Guy,” to
Kick-off the New ‘Looking for Lincoln Conversations’ Online
Performance Series
Red Cross Volunteers Assisting after
Apartment Fire in Minier
If you are impacted and need assistance call 877-597-0747
Works begins on Interstate 72 August
Lane closures from White Heath to Interstate 57
Monday, August
10, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
6,464 tested - 6,312 negative - 152 positive - 76 recovered
- ONE death
Monday, August
10, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,319
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Ceiling unit may help clean classroom
air during pandemic

Monday, August 10
2020 Miss Logan County Fair Pageants
Saturday, August 8
Chickens for egg production now
permitted in the city of Lincoln
Logan County joins in celebrating
Illinois’ first American Wind Week August 9th through 15th
Local sculptor adds interest to the
journey at Kickapoo Creek Park
Pritzker Announces Efforts to Protect
Illinois Communities and Frontline Workers in Response to
Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
- Announces New IDPH Rules to Provide Local Law Enforcement
More Flexibility and a Measured Process to Enforce Public
Health Guidance
- Signs SB471 to Provide Additional Protections for
Frontline Workers, Expand Paid Disability Leave
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Axe aided acrobatic act
Keep Your Landscape Looking Good with
Less Effort
by Melinda Myers
IDNR Accepting Applications for Boat
Access Area Development Program Grants
Emergency Physicians and Nurses Remind
Patients the ER is Safest Place in a Medical Emergency
August 7, 2020
Five new coronavirus cases in Logan
County including one teenager - Pdf
Friday, August
7, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
6,176 tested - 6,069 negative - 110 positive - 75 recovered
- zero fatalities
August 7, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 2,084
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
State reports more than 46,000 tests in one day
Friday, August 7
Lincoln Kiwanis host annual pork chop
Funds will support multiple youth programs in Lincoln
Heartland targets $300K of GEER
funding to support students
To use $300,000 from the Governor’s Emergency Education
Relief fund to close equity gaps intensified by the pandemic
Millikin University Nursing Faculty
members Gina Canny and Julie Kennedy named Nurse Educator
Twenty Weeks of Extended Regular State
Benefits Now Available
Extended Benefits Available in Addition to PEUC as a Result
of Unemployment Rate
Junior Achievement volunteers go
virtual to help kids in need
JA Virtual Volunteer Meetup virtual meetings scheduled for
Thursday, August
6, 2020
Fourteen new cases on Thursday brings
COVID-19 total to 105 in Logan County - Pdf
Thirteen cases
from one location
Thursday, August
6, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
6,000 tested - 5,895 negative - 105 positive - 71 recovered
- zero fatalities
Thursday, August
6, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,953
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Thursday, August 6