2015_Education_Magazine - page 39

LC is unique: the only private, two-
year residential college in the state of
Illinois. In recent years the college has
made a number of important education
expansions and now also offers several
baccalaureate degrees, as well as
exchange and outreach programs.
In addition to the Lincoln Campus,
the college has a campus in Normal,
outreach programs in LaSalle Peru, and
cooperative programs with Heartland
College and Lincoln Land College.
This year enrollment on the Lincoln
campus has been approximately 650
students, up eight-percent from last year.
Last year’s enrollment of 604 was up
six-percent from the previous year.
The Normal campus has 150 full-time,
50 part-time traditional students, 25
students in the college of cosmetology,
and 300 students participating in the
ABE (Accelerated Bridge to Education)
adult program.
Going on three years ago, LC Trustee
John Blackburn made a personal
sacrifice. He came out of a short-lived
retirement committing to a few years to
take the lead of the college. He brought
forward knowledge of the college
from his 11 years on college’s board of
directors, three of those as the board
chair. His 30-year career at Country
Financial, 10 years as its CEO, has more
than kept the college on its tracks during
a challenging economy.
And, like many of the trustees who
themselves, family members or children
have attended Lincoln College, he has a
daughter that attended.
President Blackburn announced in
September that he would be retiring his
presidency in the summer of 2015. He
and his wife Barb are committed to still
being here in Lincoln and continuing to
help the college as they can.
While President Blackburn has only
been president for a short term, he
has accomplished much, and seen the
completion of several big projects.
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