2015_Education_Magazine - page 41

Hear the soothing wind blow through
the naturalized prairie grasses, see
natures life-cycle unfolding, evolving
in the greenhouse, in the woods
and around the ponds. Experience
The college’s continues to offer studies
and training in performing arts. The
public is invited through out the
year to musical, dance and dramatic
performances in the Johnston Center.
It also has a rich history in team sports
that have provided entertainment
throughout the year as well.
The college’s many arenas, meeting
rooms, grounds, even off season
dormitory use, have served as venues
for events that benefit the community.
In its academics progression, most
recently, Blackburn was the driving
force behind bringing the University
of Illinois’ College of Aces to Lincoln
College. Starting this year students
are being offered a two-year transfer
program in the field of agriculture.
Logan County had no other specific
agriculture degree work available that
would permit local students a couple
more years at home. This is a great
measure that helps support our vital
agriculture industry.
Blackburn explained that the mission
of the college is wrapped around
the phrase “Experience outstanding
-- an outstanding place to work -- an
outstanding student experience -- and
outstanding results.”
Blackburn said that locally, Lincoln
Community High School is turning
out some outstanding graduates who
are very well prepared for college.
Because of this, Lincoln College has
some great success stories from LCHS.
He named three in particular, Taylor
Perry, Sarah Edwards and Katie Nelson.
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