2015_Education_Magazine - page 35

their own business, not as a
simulation, but an actual running
operation that they are in charge
of. Part of creating these businesses
involves students creating two to
three business plans and selling their
ideas to actual investors. He said that
some of these businesses are still in
operation from previous classes in
The latest updates
Much has already been accomplished
in getting the program here and final
formalities of the organization are
coming together quickly.
New board
On Feb. 19, the LLCEO Board held
its first official meeting. The board
consists of April Doolin, serving as
president; Andi Hake, its treasurer;
Robert Bagby, Mount Pulaski
Superintendent Todd Hamm, June
Harnacke from the New Holland
Banking Center, Sarah Sisk, Todd
Nobbe, Clyde Reynolds and Patrick
Hake said that Sisk will be a great
value as a LCHS school counselor who
understands the dynamics of schools
and is familiar with the timing of when
things need to happen for the students.
Hake added that it is in the works to
add three ex officio representatives
from higher learning colleges in town.
These board members would be non-
voting. They would bring expertise and
guidance on credits with the potential
to offer dual high school and college
credit to participants in the LLCEO
program beginning in 2016.
Participating schools
The program requires ownership
under an education entity approved
by the State Board of Education.
Superintendent Bagby has agreed to
administer it under the Lincolnland
Technical Education Center (LTEC).
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