2015_Education_Magazine - page 44

Blackburn said the true measure of the
success of the program will be to see
how the students’ progress throughout
this year, and to see what student
retention is once they get ready to go
into that second year.
Though Lincoln College may be a
“small school” the result of getting an
education there is a big experience that
prepares students for what lies ahead.
Blackburn said between high school and
college there is a moment when a kid is
no longer a kid, but a young adult.
The goal of the Lincoln College is to
help students become good adults,
not only through education, but also
through socialization. Blackburn gave
kudos to the civility program at LC that
was developed by Tina Nutt as part of
her doctoral studies. The three-year
initiative started in 2012 has helped
address a growing nation-wide issue
concerning behaviors, particularly
related mobile technology. President
Blackburn noted that the overall
behavior of the college population is
greatly improved over the past few
Blackburn noted that the success of
Lincoln College has been dependent
upon many things. He said he couldn’t
say enough about the faculty, their
dedication to the college and its students.
In addition, as a private college there
is very little state and federal funding
that helps support the school. He said
the community on the whole is very
supportive of the college, and without
that support many of the programs
offered wouldn’t be possible. He noted
in particular the Woods Foundation
who helped fund the Summer Bridge
program. He said, “The Woods
Foundation is very focused on helping
students who need assistance. They are
a great organization and very good to
Lincoln College.”
In addition, he said the school has had
many great donors and benefactors, as
well as the support of many of the local
businesses. He said he also appreciated
the relationship the college has with
LCHS. He noted in particular they share
facilities, noting specifically the high
school uses the college swimming pool
for their swim team, and the college uses
the high school track for their training
and practice, both without fees or
The mission and vision of Lincoln
College, “Experience outstanding” is
being practiced on a daily basis on the
campus of Lincoln College.
If you haven’t done it before, this is the
year to plan a visit Lincoln College to
become familiar with all that this college
offers students and the community.
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