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2016 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily
News.comTuesday, February 16, 2016
Those with memory loss who are no longer able to live at
home will soon have more assisted living options. Copper
Creek Cottages Memory Care, next to Timber Creek, will
open between May and June. Copper Creek will have fif-
teen apartments on each side with a kitchen in the middle.
Everything is secured, so those living there are safe.
Many exhibitors provided education on healthy habits.
REPS gym offers various classes and fitness programs such
as Zumba, Kickboxing, and Yoga. Georgia Allison works with
the Silver Fox Fitness Program, which helps seniors stay
active. Caitlyn Lore teaches Yoga classes. Other instructors
and trainers are Chris Beard, Jamie Beard, Alexis Beard,
Mario Gurule, Kristen Gurule, Janell Woolard, and Tara
Jacki Pavlik, Fitness Director at the Lincoln Park District,
and her daughter Heather provided a fitness demonstra-
tion in the ballroom. They showed how to use a weighted
hula hoop, which is easier for many than a regular hula
hoop. Heather also teaches a Latin/Hip Hop Cardio dance
mix for people of any age and fitness level.
The Logan County Health Department had several exhibits
providing information about a healthy lifestyle. Health
educators shared information about birth control and
breastfeeding. A poster about electronic cigarettes shows
some of its dangers. The health effects are not yet known
and there is little regulation, so health educators try to
warn youth to avoid smoking electronic cigarettes.
At the Community Expo