2016 Wellness Expo
Lincoln Daily
News.comTuesday, February 16, 2016 Page 43
It is also important to know how to cook healthy, incorporating fruits and vegetables into the daily
diet. To offer some great tips on quick and easy, healthy snacks were the folks from Flossie and
Delzena’s in Lincoln. For the food demonstration, a fruit salad was being made with fresh raw fruits
such as apples, bananas, strawberries and grapes. The chef was also showing how to make a quick
and healthy dressing for the fruit that incorporated vanilla Greek Yogurt, and honey. Once a big bowl
was made, guests were allowed to take a nice bowl of fruit salad to taste for themselves.
Also on hand were
several groups and small
businesses talking about
a variety of nutritional
supplements and other
The Illinois Stewardship
Alliance was on hand to
discuss the importance
of fresh, locally grown
produce in the daily diet,
and Abraham Lincoln
Memorial Hospital gave a
sneak peek of a program
they will be implementing
in May that will involve
offering a new Farmer’s
Market to be opened
at the Logan County
At the Community Expo