A glowing success. Saturday night the Logan County Airport had an estimated 10,000 people on hand for the balloon launches and balloon glow. Huge attendance figures at all events throughout the city have been reported.

See story below.

This picture is No. 112 that we have posted for your enjoyment. Thanks to everyone who made this year's festival "picture perfect."

Picture by Mike Fak  (Click on picture for larger image.)

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Monday's albums of the 2009 Lincoln Art & Balloon Festival

Because so many of you were either busy volunteering or enjoying the festival, we have kept all our photo albums up for today and tomorrow for you to enjoy and relive the great weekend.

Saturday's albums

Friday's albums

CLOSE UP: Aug. 28th
Balloon fest quiz answers, Tracy Cusey and the YMCA make Close Up
Zooming in on 
the people, places and things that make this community interesting!

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