Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Top Stories from the past week
Tuesday, August 22
City of Lincoln Police Department report for July
Shingles vaccine is available at the Logan County Department of Public Health
Twenty years after Illinois’ 0.08 DUI law enacted, alcohol-impaired crash fatalities down significantly IDOT, ISP remind motorists to ‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’
Midwest Healthcare Quality Alliance to host conference on patient safety
Sugar Grove Nature Center Announces Hummingbird Festival and Pollination Celebration September 2nd
Monday, August 21
City of Lincoln: Vote on waste hauler contract postponed to September 5th
ALS Awareness Run: Great weather for a great cause
While many run or walk, others enjoy fundraising activities - slideshow
Race ends with a new record for Braxton Schuldt - slideshow
August Third Friday event draws large attendance
Kids enjoy fun and games on Broadway Street - slideshow
Vendors and not-for-profits line the street on Kickapoo - slideshow
2017 Total Solar Eclipse (NWS Link)
Researchers study weather and climate conditions during solar eclipse in Illinois
The Illinois State Police reminds motorists school is starting Be alert for children walking or riding their bike and stopped school buses
Saturday, August 19
Cub Scout Pack 101 invites returning and new scouts to Kickapoo Creek Park
Elkhart community hosts "Route 66 Labor Day Weekend Celebration"
Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society to meet Monday evening
Illinois Soils Cooler, Drier in Mid-August
Slim Randles' Home Country Duckworth, the Canardly Terrier
Keeping it Fresh from the Garden to the Table By Melinda Myers
Friday, August 18
Third Friday Downtown tonight guarantees "Fun and Adventure"
Season ticket sales for Lincoln Community High School 2017 – 2018 Football and Volleyball
ALMH offers free Prenatal Class
Logan County Democrats host Precinct Captains Training August 30th
Back to School
Breathe Easy: Five tips for parents and teachers to manage a child’s asthma in the new school year
Parents encouraged to include emergency preparedness in back-to-school plans
All-American fun and games Aug. 19th Lincoln Presidential Library hosts ‘All-American Picnic’ with games, baseball and ‘Field of Dreams’
Thursday, August 17
Logan County Board Special Finance Committee Meeting scheduled for August 22nd canceled To be part of recessed Regular Board Meeting to be held on August 22nd
Lincoln Dairy Queen receives PRIDE award
Sale of Champions invests in tomorrow’s agricultural leaders Logan County youth Griffen Jodlowski earns $250 for his Best of Show Goat Milk
Midwest Central Schools to hold viewing event for Monday eclipse
Safety tips for the Great American Solar Eclipse Protect your eyes with proper eclipse glasses
How to Tell If Your Eclipse Glasses or Handheld Solar Viewers Are Safe
Rauner signs bill allowing EMS personnel to take injured police dogs to veterinary clinics
Rauner signs HB 470 designating corn as the Official State Grain SB1991 creates Agriculture Education Shortage Task Force
Rauner signs two consolidation bills, stresses more action is needed Two bills will help reduce the number of local units of government, but more resident empowerment needed
Wednesday, August 16
2017 Lincoln Balloon Festival - Friday August 24th through Sunday August 27th
Friday and Saturday at the Logan County Airport
Anyone can ride now, tethered balloon rides include handicap accessible basket
'Gigi’s Playhouse' special needs traveling program makes debut at Lincoln Balloon Festival
GiGi's Program Agenda for Saturday, August 26th
A gift for veterans
2017 Lincoln Balloon Festival expands back to the downtown area with Art, Crafters, and Home-based business shows
Culver’s to host Suicide Prevention Fundraiser Thursday evening Kelli Allison to participate in Out of the Darkness Walk
Health And Safety Tips For The Eclipse Looking at the sun when it is partially eclipsed is unsafe
Tuesday, August 15
Feeling blue? New art show does it too
Color Me Blue - slideshow
Small farm grazing operation pasture walk set for August 23
Rauner signs bill protecting children in early childhood programs from expulsion
Vaccines Save Lives And Are Safe National Immunization Awareness Month celebrates the important of vaccines
Illinois State Police urges motorists to be prepared for solar eclipse Expect an increase in traffic volume prior to and after the eclipse
Memorial Medical Center to host free introductory seminar on fitness for adults over 40
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