Thursday, January 30, 2020
Top Stories from the past week
Thursday, January 30
Posted Wednesday afternoon Airplane crash kills prominent Sangamon County residents
City of Lincoln to host special Public Meeting, February 3rd, pertaining to employee health insurance
Lincoln City Council Notice and agenda for special insurance meeting Monday, February 3, 2020 - Pdf
Logan County 4-H Alumni Chocolate/Chili Cookoff winners named
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature There are dog people, and there are cat people
Pritzker’s State of the State: Illinois Growing Stronger Each Day Governor Outlines Ethics Reform Priorities to Restore Faith in Government and Emphasizes Continuing to Work Together to Build on Successes
Illinois Chamber responds to Governor Pritzker's State of the State Address
Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery's response to the State of the State address A Fair Tax is needed to achieve Illinois' goals
Wednesday, January 29
Airplane crash kills prominent Sangamon County residents
Carroll Catholic kicks off Catholic Schools Week with appreciation day
Kids and parents horizons expanded by Scovill Zoo visit to Atlanta - Album
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature Animal Stories Reader Submissions
Second Quarter and/or First Semester Honor Rolls
Carroll Catholic School Second Quarter Honor Roll
Lincoln Community High School First Semester Honor Roll - Pdf
University of Illinois Extension Logan, Menard and Sangamon Counties Soil and Water Management Webinar offers Continuing Education
Pritzker Administration Launches New Initiative to Invest in Opportunity Zones Across the State DCEO Will Award $12 Million in Competitive Grants to Support Capital Projects in Underserved Communities
Tuesday, January 28
Videos to show why half-cent sales tax is needed for Logan County Courthouse restoration
Lincoln City Council Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Committee of the Whole meeting agenda - Pdf
Lincoln Community High School District 404 Notice of Special Board of Education meeting - Pdf
Danielle Lora Hired as New Principal for Mount Pulaski Grade School
Helen Henrichsmeyer and Doris Eckert celebrate 102 years with parties at Vonderleith Living Center
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature Understanding and protecting your pet's temperament
Lincoln Area Music Society invites singers and instrumentalists to join them for upcoming Spring Concerts
University of Illinois Extension Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Counties Winter Tree ID Walk at Spoon River College Arboretum
Monday, January 27
Central Illinois Direct Care ribbon cut sees large turnout for Dr. Dru Hauter
Lincoln College Set to Host Big Table Economic Development Event Community Invited to Get Involved in Supporting Local Economy
March 17, 2020 General Primary Election Early voting dates and hours - Pdf
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature Bakken's triple dog rescue a triple blessing
Lincoln Zonta seeks contact with former members, Yellow Rose honorees and Scholarship recipients
Warrensburg-Latham Lions Club to host Leap Day Breakfast
Illinois Deer Hunting Seasons Preliminary Harvest Totals 153,048 Deer
Saturday, January 25
Michael Starasta selected as new director of Lincoln Public Library Caroline Kiest and April Jensen promoted to Assistant Directors
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature The benefits of having pets in the family
2018 Lincoln/ISP arrest results in conviction of Texas man
Logan County students named to Heartland Community College Dean’s List
2020 Illinois tax filing season begins Monday, January 27th
Illinois DCFS offers college scholarships to current and former youth in care DCFS Scholarship Program applications accepted until March 31
Slim Randles' Home Country A wife and a television that both work
Keep Houseplants Healthy While Keeping Pets Safe
Friday, January 24
Lincoln Aldermen set cannabis license fee
2020 Animal Stories Magazine Special Feature Introduction: They're not just pets
Memorial Health Systems: Risk of Infection from Respiratory Virus ‘Very Low’ for Central Illinois
University of Illinois Extension - Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Unit Annie's Project courses start in March Registration required by February 1st
Pritzker signs bill allowing students to vote during school day
Illinois State Police warn the public of "spoofing" call scam Scammers using local ISP phone numbers to scam victims
Thursday, January 23
Kathie Williams named first Community Champion for 2020 LDN recognizes those who go above and beyond to make Logan County a great place to live
Logan County Sheriff's Office: Be aware of spam text messages
Adelaide Harp named January LTEC Student of the Month
Heartland Community College adds Esports team for Fall 2020
Mount Pulaski Library to begin Strategic Planning process Public invited to participate
Social Security Launches New Campaign to Fight Scammers
Lincoln Presidential Library offers new reading program for young children Little Lincoln’s Fireside Tales begins Jan. 28
Wednesday, January 22
Big Table – Rural Matters invites public to sort out economic needs and interests in Logan County
Meet the candidates February 8th at the Oasis Senior Center Come talk to the candidates running for countywide office
IDNR accepting applications for Recreational Trails, Off-Highway Vehicle, and Illinois Bicycle Path Grant Programs
University of Illinois Extension offers free webinars for small farmers
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