Recent articles
Red, White & True Mysteries:
9-year-old girl supports family with her
hunting ability
Students to chat with a former
NASA astronaut
Richard Covey
to host live online chat event
Illinois celebrates Earth Science Week
Scholarships awarded at Lincoln College
Students receive Behrends
Cooper receives Mary Finley Goebel Scholarship
Dexter receives James Hickey Memorial Scholarship
King receives Ireland Music Scholarship
Leesman receives two scholarships
Malerich receives Dale and Marian Spore Scholarship
Montgomery receives Insight Scholarship
Rohlfs receives Madigan Scholarship
Ryan receives Weyerhaeuser Foundation Scholarship
Smith receives Harts Scholarship
Thies receives two scholarships
Lincoln biography and Civil War history in
a trunk
Results from speech contest at Zion in Lincoln
Mount Pulaski names September senior of the month
Michael Brown graduates from Lake Land College John Deere
Ag Tech program