
Health & Fitness
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Swine Flu
Other Health News
Open Letter to Logan
County Nurses
Due to the 2009 novel
H1N1 influenza pandemic, the Logan County
Department of Public Health (LCDPH) is
proceeding to plan for mass immunizations in the
event that this should become necessary. It is
anticipated that the CDC will recommend
vaccination of as many people in the five
priority groups as possible and as quickly as
possible. The LCDPH has registered to receive
the vaccine for the novel H1N1 flu when it
becomes available, perhaps as early as the mid
Since this mass
vaccination will occur at the same time as
vaccination for seasonal flu, additional nurses
may be needed to assist with the administration
of flu vaccines, particularly if mass
immunization efforts become necessary at various
clinic sites within a few short days.
The LCDPH is compiling a
list of Registered Nurses who would be
interested in assisting with the administration
of vaccines for financial compensation while
under temporary employment with the LCDPH. If
you are interested in assisting, please call the
LCDPH at 217-735-2317.

Margie Harris, RN, MPH
Asst. Administrator &
Director of Nursing
Logan County Department
of Public Health |

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