Thursday, April 14, 2016
Top Stories from the past week
Thursday, April 14
Public Transportation deviated routes plan for Lincoln to be voted
City of Lincoln to hold Tree City USA tree dedication this Friday
Veteran's Assistance Commission enters setup stage
Community invited to Open House at Mount Pulaski Zion Lutheran School tonight
A day in the life....At Zion Lutheran School in Mount Pulaski - Slideshow
LTEC Building Trades Open House showcases student work
LTEC Building Trades Home Tour - Slidieshow
Grain and Feed Association of Illinois elects Todd Farris of Elkhart Grain as President at 123rd Annual Convention
Alzheimer’s Association presents Healthy Living for Your Brain and Body: Tips from the Latest Research
Column Broadleaf Weed Control and Fruit Tree Spray Reminders By John Fulton
Logan County FSA Updates
Raymond Poe confirmed as Director of Illinois Department of Agriculture
Wednesday, April 13
City of Lincoln Public Hearing In regard to 2016-17 Fiscal Budget
St. Clara’s holds annual volunteer appreciation luncheon Ginger Shelton and family named the Volunteer of the Year
St. Clara's Manor Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon - Slideshow
Community Action celebrates The 14th Annual March for Meals along with Meals on Wheels Programs from across the Country Lincoln Fire and Police Chiefs step up and volunteer
Central Illinois Ag names Chad Colby as General Manager
Lincoln Alumni Reunion Weekend Features World Renowned Musician Richie Garcia and One of a Kind Abraham Lincoln Motorcycle Part of Weekend Highlights
Midwest Central Developing New Approach for Student Behavior
Dwight Happy 90th Birthday Route 66 Party April 21
Tuesday, April 12
Single vehicle crash claims Atlanta man's life
Mount Pulaski veterans cook and serve breakfast to raise funds for Land of Lincoln Honor Flights
Mount Pulaski veterans raise funds for Land of Lincoln Honor Flights - Slideshow
Fundraiser breakfast offers a warm atmosphere on a dreary day
HSLC fundraiser breakfast - Slideshow
Lincoln College Men's Volleyball take first in the DII Silver Division at NCVF National Tournament
Up In Smoke BBQ Competition adds two new features to this year's event
Park district notes - Updated April 12th By Lauren Ruckman
Applications now being accepted for Chuck Laughery Music Camp Scholarship
Reminder Logan County Democrats to hold county convention April 13th
Monday, April 11
Christian Village celebrates Grand Opening of Woods Foundation Garden Villa
Keynote speaker for Christian Homes, Dr. Keith Ray speaks about the new age of living longer
Grand Opening Celebration at the Woods Foundation Garden Villa - Slideshow
Mount Pulaski to host free electronics recycling day April 23rd
Financial Peace University provides hope to families in Lincoln
Armington native keeps the Navy’s newest, most advanced helicopters flying
Skipp Reining named Head Boys Basketball Coach at Midwest Central
University of Illinois Research report Can urban gardeners benefit ecosystems while keeping food traditions alive?
Saturday, April 9
Study to aid decisions in 35 structurally deficient Logan County bridges
"Reflections" art show a treat for the imagination and senses
Reflections - Slideshow
Lincoln native, sportscaster and author, Scott Lynn Betzelberger to host book signing April 16th at Prairie Years
Zion Lutheran School, Lincoln Third Quarter Honor Rolls
Millikin biology majors sweep presentation awards at regional convention LCHS graduate Morgan Kincheloe, earns 2nd Place with raptor study
Land of Lincoln Honor Flight to take flight #37 on April 19th
Tenth Warmest March on Record in Illinois
Slim Randles' Home Country A Phantom jet with its afterburners on
Friday, April 8
County to review Billboard and Building Code Ordinances
Local Master Naturalists to present prairie program April 12th
Steven Allen is the April Senior-on-the-Month at Mount Pulaski High School
Logan County Board of Realtors First Quarter 2016 Home Sales Report
April events at Sugar Grove Nature Center
Alzheimer’s Association seeks volunteers for community outreach
April Is STD Awareness Month—Protect your health: talk – test - treat. Sexually transmitted diseases on the rise
Illinois consumers must file claims by October 4th in $104 million settlement over illegally fixed prices for LCD screens Consumers who purchased a TV, monitor, notebook computer, cell phone or MP3 player with a flat panel screen from 1998 to 2006 may benefit from Madigan’s settlement
Thursday, April 7
Lincoln College Alum Carroll to Gift $1 Million Honors friend and former President, Jack D. Nutt
Beightel named LTEC March Student-of-the-Month
West Lincoln-Broadwell Third Quarter Honor Rolls
West Lincoln-Broadwell Third Quarter B.U.G. Club
Monthly Electronic Recycling this Saturday
Logan County Democrats monthly meeting this Saturday Reorganization meeting scheduled for April 13th
Column Freeze Damage Potential on Rhubarb and Other Fruits; on Landscape Perennials By John Fulton
Plant a Pollinator Garden and Enjoy the Many Benefits By Melinda Myers
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