Tuesday, July 28
Boil Water Order Issued in Lincoln
Logan County July briefs
Courthouse Restoration Project construction management
contract awarded to CTS
Animal Control Warden given authority to issue citations
Fifth Street Road design to be updated
New playground equipment for Latham Park
Lincoln City
Tuesday, July 28, 2020 Committee of
the Whole meeting agenda - Pdf
Voting by mail strongly encouraged for
county residents concerned about coronavirus
Lincoln Woman's Club donates shoes to
Logan County
August, 2020 Committee Meeting
Schedule - Pdf
Mount Pulaski students return to
school in September on modified schedule
Illinois American Water Main
Replacement Project Requires Temporary Road Closure on Grand
Avenue and Union Street
Lincoln the Great Communicator live
online concert July 29th
University of
Illinois College of ACES
Extension webinars offered July 28 to
August 10
Monday, July 27,
Logan County Dashboard
5,008 tested - 4,942 negative - 66 positive - 50 recovered -
zero fatalities
Logan County Department of Public
Health to offer drive-thru COVID-19 testing starting July
Free testing to be conducted at the Logan County Fairgrounds
Monday, July 27,
Public Health Officials Announce 1,231
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Monday, July 27
Saturday, July 25
Friday, July 24
Logan County Department of Public
Health to offer drive-thru COVID-19 testing starting July
Free testing to be conducted at the Logan County Fairgrounds
Logan County Department of Public
Health tracking and preventing spread of COVID-19
Illinois EPA Invests Over $182 Million
in Wastewater/Stormwater and Drinking Water Projects in
Fourth Quarter of FY20
City of Lincoln receives $15,000,000 with $2,250,000
principal forgiveness
Ashley Miller Wins Illinois Beef
Association Outstanding Junior Award
Lincoln Christian University staff
looking forward return of students
Illinois State Police ask for public
assistance in an ongoing homicide investigation
Seeking information on 2015 death of Petersburg man
Logan County Department of Public
Health to offer drive-thru COVID-19 testing starting July
Free testing to be conducted at the Logan County Fairgrounds
Logan County Department of Public
Health tracking and preventing spread of COVID-19
Thursday, July
23, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
4,674 tested - 4.614 negative - 60 positive - 27 recovered -
zero fatalities
Thursday, July
23, 2020
Covid cases in Logan County reaches 60
with two new cases on Thursday - Pdf
Thursday, July
23, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,624
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Unionized faculty and staff at
Illinois colleges and universities demand remote learning to
start this fall
Science must come before politics and economics
Thursday, July 23
Invenergy presents wind project plans
for east/northeastern Logan County
Humane Society of Logan County once
again requests visits by appointment only through the end of
the month
VFW Announces Kick-Off of Annual
$30,000 Scholarship Competition
Illinois American Water Reminds
Customers about Customer Assistance Program and Payment
Will continue moratorium on shut-offs through August
Late fees will resume in September bills
Payment plans available
Pritzker Announces $21.3 Billion Roads
and Bridges Improvement Plan Funded by Rebuild Illinois
FY2021-26 Multi-Year Plan Will Improve 3,356 Miles of Roads
and 8.4 Million Square Feet of Bridge Deck
Wednesday, July
22, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
4,541 tested - 4.483 negative - 58 positive - 27 recovered -
zero fatalities
Wednesday, July
22, 2020
COVID-19 cases increased by two on
Wednesday - Pdf
Humane Society of Logan County once
again requests visits by appointment only through the end of
the month
Wednesday, July
22, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 1,598
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Fraud Penetrating All State
Unemployment Systems, IDES Taking Steps to Detect, Mitigate,
and Pursue Fraudsters
Federal Guidelines Make Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
Program Susceptible to Fraud
Pritzker Announces Notice of Funding
Opportunity for Community Organizations to Expand COVID-19
Contact Tracing Efforts
57 Local Health Departments to Receive $50 Million to Hire
Additional Contact Tracers, 1,600 Tracers Now Online
Wednesday, July 22
Tuesday, July 21
Democratic Party 18th Congressional District
candidate visits Logan County
County begins new bridge project the first week
in August
Salt Creek bridge north of Chestnut to be closed
until December
Lincoln Police Department
Monthly report for June, 2020 - Pdf
Chester-East Lincoln School District 61
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 Meeting Agenda - Pdf
Heartland Community College Board of Trustees
Logan County Health Experts:
Remain Steadfast Against COVID-19
Thirty-one cases in 10 days causes much concern
Lincoln Public Library to close temporarily
starting Wednesday, July 22nd
Will be closed throughout the rest of the month
Curbside services still available
Monday, July 20, 2020
Six new cases Monday bring Logan County Covid
total to 50 - Pdf
Monday, July 20, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
4,344 tested - 4.294 negative - 50 positive - 20
recovered - zero fatalities
Public Health Officials Announce 1,173 New
Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Monday, July 20
Lincoln City
Monday, July 20, 2020 Public Hearing
Agenda - Pdf
Monday, July 20, 2020 Regular Meeting
Agenda - Pdf
Farewell to the master
Lincoln’s art muse celebrated in solo show
Lincoln-Broadwell School District 92
Monday, July 20, 2020 Meeting Agenda -
Community Action Partnership of
Central Illinois (CAPCIL) Hosts Blitz Week August 3rd
through 6th
LIHEAP and rental/mortgage assistance offered at outdoor
'walk-up' event
Illinois Supreme Court adopts new rule
for eviction cases
University of
Illinois College of ACES
University research and the private
sector: How a jelly ingredient factors in
Sunday, July 19,
Logan County Dashboard
3,810 tested - 3,765 negative - one waiting results - 44
positive - 19 recovered - zero fatalities