Monday, June 22, 2015
Top Stories from the past week
Monday, June 22
2015 Relay for Life
Opening ceremony and Team Lap kick-off the event - slideshow\
Special laps at the start of the day - slideshow
Trash Band, and Good News perform - slideshow
Praise Hand Made and Lesleigh Bennett perform - slideshow
Relay for Life 'Survivors Dinner' a meaningful time
Survivor Dinner - slideshow
Honorary chairs Kathleen Brumbaugh and Carolyn Motley share what Relay for Life and support mean
Survivor Lap - slideshow
The Caregiver Lap - slideshow
Live auction brings in dollars for this year’s fundraising effort - slideshow
The reading of the Luminaria - slideshow
Keeping the track warm - slideshow
Other activities fill the day - slideshow
Biggs places second in National weather forecasting competition
Glascock named June ALMH Employee of the Month
Saturday, June 20
New Aquatic Center opens today - slideshow Sneak peek Thursday night shows much to look forward to
Community prayer vigil to be held Sunday at Allen Chapel
Community Action seeks volunteers
Graduate list from MacMurray and Monmouth Colleges
Lincoln heart attack survivor: "I feel better than ever"
Wet Soil Conditions in Illinois
Behind the scenes as a president steps aside Lincoln Presidential Library presents author of new book on presidential transitions June 23
New walking tour explores Lincoln romance Lincoln Presidential Library launches tour of sites from the Lincolns’ courtship and marriage
Slim Randles' Home Country “You don’t know what lonesome is, ‘til you start herdin’ co-o-o-o-o-o-ows!”
Friday, June 19
Logan County Board approves appointments to Rural Fire, Cemetery, and Housing Boards
Tourism Bureau reviews memorandum of understanding for the Tropics sign
ALMH Foundation Gifts Certified Course to Public Ceremony and ribbon cut to be held July 8th
Excitement of Hanson Family Unicycle and Jugglers launches Lincoln's summer reading program
The Hanson Family Unicycle and Jugglers - slideshow
Notice of Special Finance Meeting for the Logan County Board
First Posted Thursday Mother/daughter duo book signing Saturday Kids activities at Prairie Years
City of Mount Pulaski announces water rate increases effective with July billing
Red Cross urges blood donations to maintain summer blood supply
Midwest Central to Launch IPhone Android App
Prevent Plant and Failed Acreage Reporting
May Jobs in Illinois increase +9,200; job growth still lagging behind other states Illinois Unemployment Rate remains at 6 percent
Thursday, June 18
C-EL ends year in good financial shape
Lincoln Historic Preservation seeks to become more visible
Hit the Road! – How Far Can You Go?! Atlanta adds a new Rt. 66 attraction
"Hope Grows" in Lincoln Community Gardens - Album
Mid-day post Mother/daughter duo book signing Saturday Kids activities at Prairie Years
Logan County Board Minutes
February Road and Bridge Meeting
February Logan County Joint Solid Waste Agency
February Workshop Meeting
February Regular Meeting
Troy Rawlings awarded $1,500 America’s Farmers Grow Ag Leaders scholarship
Bruce Otto honored at Cetera Financial Specialists’ Connect Conference
Column Soldier Beetles, Fall Webworms, and To Do List By John Fulton
Wednesday, June 17
City Briefs: Aldermen hear from Lincoln Park District, approves appointments, and a new Mayor Pro-tem
Tourism Bureau considers funding requests from Middletown Fire Department and The Mill on Route 66
Middletown Fire Protection District celebrating 60th Anniversary
LCHS BOE welcomes Awe back, looks at budget and potential state actions, higher state EAV lowers district’s property tax rate
February Finance Meeting
February Insurance and Legislative Meeting
February Ambulance, Coroner, EMA, and Sheriff Meetings
February Planning & Zoning Meeting
IEMA, IDOT, IDNR urge residents to stay safe around flood waters More heavy rain expected this week raises flood concerns
Tuesday, June 16
Public transportation program plans expansions
Zion Lutheran School Celebrates 40 years and bids farewell to Principal Steve Schumacher
February Airport and Farm Meeting
February Animal Control Committee
February Building and Grounds Committee Meeting
February Executive/Economic Development Meeting
Purple Ribbons and a new thermometer mark the coming of Relay for Life
Culver’s of Lincoln Partners with Relay for Life to make a difference June 17th
USDA Opens Enrollment Period for Agriculture Risk Coverage and Price Loss Coverage Safety-Net Programs
Monday, June 15
County executives discuss website uses, appointment processes and sponsorships
Office of the Logan County Clerk Sally Turner Announcement of Polling places and ballot colors for July 7 special primary
Atlanta Ribs & Rides brings cars, cooks, and a whole lot of fun
Classics and Muscles fill downtown Atlanta - slideshow
Good music and great food add to the day - slideshow
Atlanta museums offer a cool spot on a warm day - slideshow
Folks turn out to enjoy the cars, food, and fellowship - slideshow
January 6 Special Regular Meeting
January 15 Workshop Meeting
January 21 Regular Meeting
January 28 joint meeting of the Logan County Board and Lincoln City Council
School tax report
Hidden treasures in Bloomington-Normal David Davis Mansion State Historic Site hosts Garden Festival tour June 19-20
Registration Opens for Memorial SportsCare’s Eighth Annual Women’s Biathlon; Training Program Begins in July
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