Sept. 11
Part 1:
Budget preparations
The story of Healthy Communities Partnership
Part 5:
ATOD Task Force measuring successes, striving for more impact
Crimsons' air attack downs Railers 63-31
Senate week in review
This day in history
Sept. 10
Part 4: Healthy
Families Task Force focuses on prevention, education and resources
Railers prepared for
Crimson aerial attack
Illinois counties pay
millions to get state, fed cash
Quinn within days of
privatizing state lottery
This day in history
Sept. 9
Part 3:
Looking out for a part of our population oft overlooked: seniors
Lincoln motorists not belted: get ticketed
MAP denials top 100,000 at start of
GOP momentum has Dems
spending for Statehouse seats
Highway deaths fall to lowest
level since 1950
This day in history

Sept. 8
Part 2:
Newest task force gearing up to change Logan County's standing in education
Nominating petitions for
LCHS school board now available
Displaced family needs
Business Spotlight:
White's Auction Services
Part 2
Fall Farm Day
featured stop: J.H. Hawes Grain Elevator
Push for road money hits same
political speed bump
USDA flood help coming; many
farmers may pass
This day in history
Society, Lincoln Jaycees, Lincoln Woman's Club, library exhibit and balloon fest
survey make Close Up
Sept. 7
Part 1: Health
department vision put Logan County ahead
Business Spotlight:
White's Auction Service
Part 1
Lincoln Woman's Club readying
socks for troops
Home invasion suspect
arrested in Waynesville
This day in history
Sept. 6
(Labor Day holiday)
Sept. 4