Saturday, June 27
Friday, June 26
Thursday, June 25
Chicken debate continues in Lincoln
Logan County
Thursday, June 25, 2020 Special
Regular Board meeting agenda - Pdf
Five Ag Day Scholarship winners
U of I Extension
Virtual STEAM Career Exploration
offered for Middle Schoolers
Millikin University School of Music
Preparatory Department offering online summer music camps
LaHood Cosponsors the JUSTICE Act
Local governments encouraged to expand
racial equity policies
Supreme Court releases statement on
racial justice, next steps for judicial branch
Will start recruitment for new Chief Diversity & Inclusion
Pritzker Announces $50 Million in
Grants to Kick Off State’s Largest-Ever Broadband Expansion
First round of Connect Illinois to bring in $65 million in
nonstate match for a $115 million investment in high-speed
internet for more than 26,000 homes and businesses
ICC Issues Resolution on FCC Lifeline
Program to Help Low-Income Consumers Stay Connected Through
COVID-19 Pandemic
Wednesday, June
24, 2020
Logan County Dashboard - no change
2,008 tested - 1,994 negative - 14 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
Wednesday, June
24, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 715
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Pritzker administration opens
applications for $85 million in hew grants to help business
and communities recover
New equity-driven programs through DCEO to provide a boost
for communities and businesses hit hardest during COVID-19
Wednesday, June 24
Soft opening at Market on the Hill
shows great promise
A Walk-through at the new Market on
the Hill - slideshow
Illinois American Water replacing over
3,100 feet of water main in Lincoln water system
Jefferson Street from Short 11th to Woodlawn Road
19th Street from Palmer to Union
Right time, right place, right
friends: Historic aircraft with engine concern lands Logan
County Airport
Historic airplane lands in Lincoln -
Heartland students named to Phi Theta
Kappa honor society
Tuesday, June
23, 2020
Logan County Dashboard
2,008 tested - 1,994 negative - 14 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
Tuesday, June
23, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 601
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
IDFPR Announces PPP Loan Forgiveness
Partnership with Small Business Administration Helps
Businesses, Lenders During COVID-19 Pandemic
Pritzker Announces Guidelines for
Illinois Education Institutions to Safely Return to
In-Person Instruction as State Advances to Phase 4 of
Restore Illinois Plan
- Administration to Provide 2.5 Million Face Masks to Every
K-12 Public School District for Students, Staff
- Financial Assistance Available for Students Returning to
Colleges and Universities
Pritzker administration opens
applications for $85 million in hew grants to help business
and communities recover
New equity-driven programs through DCEO to provide a boost
for communities and businesses hit hardest during COVID-19

Tuesday, June 23
Logan County Board briefs – June
Lincoln City
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Committee of
the Whole meeting agenda - Pdf
Pritzker Releases Guidelines to Safely
Reopen Additional Businesses and Industries as State
Advances to Next Phase of Restore Illinois
400,000 Illinois residents set to return to work as state
moves into Phase 4 on June 26; New guidelines will allow key
leisure, recreation and business sectors to safely reopen
Lincoln College Contemporary Jazz Film
“The Jump Jive Jukebox” Online Premiere
Mount Pulaski Junk Drop Off Days this
Heartland Athletics prepares for Fall
2020 Season, will begin play in August
Lincoln School District 61
Tuesday, June 23, 2020 Board of
Education meeting agenda - Pdf
U of I Extension
Growing Irises: How to plant, grow and
care for iris
University of
Illinois College of Aces
Weed’s wily ways explained in Illinois
New diagnosis brings Logan County
COVID-19 cases to 14 - Pdf
Monday, June 22,
Logan County Dashboard
1,948 tested - 1,934 negative - 14 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
Monday, June 22,
Public Health Officials Announce 462
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Monday, June 22
Chicago man dies after crash in Mount
Juneteenth celebrated in Scully Park
Community celebrates a milestone day
in Black History - slideshow
Juneteeth Celebration in Lincoln - You
Tube Video Link
Video provided by Jacob Tyler Mason
St. Clara's celebrates CNA Week -
Junior Achievement of Central Illinois
Receives $10,000 Grant from Bayer Fund
Donation to support STEM Career Exploration through GP
IDPH Investigating Increase In
Foodborne Illnesses
Cyclosporiasis cases reported across Illinois
Aldi packaged salads part of the investigation
June, 2020 FSA Newsletter
Summer Home &
Garden Special Feature
Support your local Lawn, Garden and
Home Improvement businesses
Sunday, June 21,
Logan County Dashboard
1,837 tested - 1,824 negative - 13 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
Saturday, June
20, 2020
Public Health Officials Announce 634
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Sunday, June 21,
Public Health Officials Announce 658
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
IDES Securing Unemployment Benefit
Payment Funds for Coming Months
Trust Fund Usually Replenished by Employer Taxes During
Recoveries, Administration Pursuing Additional Federal
Options to Cover Unemployment Expenses Across Nation
Saturday, June 20
Logan County to crown new 2020 Fair
Market on the Hill opens next week
Cooperative Grocery Opens in Mount Pulaski on Monday, June
Summer begins 4:44 p.m. Saturday What
Is a Solstice? - LINK
2020 Midwest Technical Institute
Springfield, Illinois Campus High School Scholarship Winners
Summer Home &
Garden Special Feature
Support your local Lawn, Garden and
Home Improvement businesses
Logan County
Department of Public Health and ALMH Coronavirus Update
Thirteenth positives recorded in Logan
Friday, June 19,
Logan County Dashboard
1,837 tested - 1,824 negative - 13 positive - 12 recovered -
zero fatalities
San Jose Summer Concerts canceled for
June and July
Friday, June 19,
Public Health Officials Announce 692
New Confirmed Cases of Coronavirus Disease
Slim Randles'
Home Country
Some communities just have radio and
television for entertainment
Protect Your Landscape from Hungry
by Melinda Myers
LaHood Discuses Phase One Trade Deal
with China, Expanding American Competitiveness on China Task
Force at Hearing with U.S. Trade Representative