Archived articles
Toilet paper and a parking spot brought
director to Oasis: Dom Dalpoas
April 13, 2009
Coleen Moore: Her caring attitude
profoundly influences kids and child care workers
April 6, 2009
Charlene Bowers: She's
looking out for her neighbors' good health
March 30, 2009
John Sutton: Skilled craftsman focuses on
March 23, 2009
Banker Steve Aughenbaugh: good with more than
March 16, 2009
Jim Ash:
the voice of Logan County for 3 decades
March 9, 2009
Paul Gleason: a man with many hats ... all
tied to our history
March 2, 2009
All career paths led tourism
director to Lincoln: Geoff Ladd
Feb. 23, 2009
The rescuers, Logan County's pet saviors
Feb. 16, 2009
Pam Mulford-Hill: She brings the gift of
calm to people with memory loss and their families
Feb. 9, 2009
He can turn things around and does it with
a smile: Bill Martin
Feb. 2, 2009
Shirley Bartelmay and volunteers save Postville Courthouse --
Jan. 26, 2009
A leader in everything he does: Don
Jan. 19, 2009
Community leader, Kroger employee
respected in multiple roles: Kathy Horn
Jan. 12, 2009
Melody Shew: A 27-year commitment to
downtown Lincoln as good as gold
Jan. 5, 2009
