UP Zooming
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By Mike Fak
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Archived columns
Submit your pictures, Lincoln Youth Wrestling,
air rifle group, goodbye Google, Lucky Six winners and Humane Society in the Close Up
Jan. 19, 2010
Genealogical society, Jaycees, Ellen Olson,
WL-B honor roll, Carroll Catholic honor roll and students of the month in Close
Jan. 15, 2010
Vonderlieth, Deron Powell, Celebration of
Life, Chamber Stimulus Raffle, Lincoln Farmer's Market, Lincoln
Youth Wrestling and Humane
Society all in Close Up
Jan. 12, 2010
Tree pickup, FAFSA workshop, United Way and
Humane Society news in Close Up
Jan. 5, 2010
Lincoln Parents' Center, Lincoln Youth
Wrestling results and YMCA girls basketball, Hyunh sisters and
Holland Barry & Bennett calendars in Close Up
Dec. 22, 2009
Updated Dec. 24, 2009
Kroger Christmas story, winter concert weekend, Global Tech grads,
YMCA and Lincoln Park District in Close Up
Dec. 18, 2009
Lucky Six drawing dates, Lincoln Youth
Wrestling, Erich Maxheimer and Jordyn Lindsey Hull make Close Up
Dec. 15, 2009
Zion Lutheran honor roll, Zion drive-through
Nativity, Morgan Litterly, LCHS band concert, ALMH card party
winners, Ill. Drug Free Youth ornaments and Lincoln Youth Wrestling
results all in Close Up
Dec. 11, 2009
Lutheran School student council clothing drive, Atlanta Methodist
Church, Harvest of Talents Christmas program, Santa in New Holland,
snow art at the YMCA and the park district's Christmas home
decorating contest all in Close Up
Dec. 8, 2009
Christmas in the Chapel, Harvest of Talents cookie walk, a busy
Saturday in Elkhart, Nicholas Haferkamp, Schyler Conrady, Melissa
Van, Sana Wahab, Ashley Nguyen and YMCA winter break Fun Days in
Close Up
Dec. 4, 2009
Railer Nation and Jeff Benjamin, Humane
Society, blood drives, park district Treats with Santa, Christmas
parade, First Baptist Church and a happy birthday to paramedic
association, all in Close Up
Dec. 1, 2009
mystery at the library, Festival of Trees, Michael Loeffelholz, LCHS
Wrestling Boosters, Pride of the Prairie and YMCA girls basketball
in Close Up
Nov. 24, 2009
Humane Society, Haylie Stone, Kyley Wyss and
LCHS Madrigal Dinner make the Close Up
Nov. 20, 2009
Humane Society news, Washington-Monroe honor
roll, the Ball Brothers in Mount Pulaski in today's Close Up
Nov. 17, 2009
The YMCA, Lincoln Public Library, Justin
Broom, Jonah Pellinghelli-Drake, Emmery Mammen, Luke Morrow,
MacKenzie Merreighn, and Duane and Marjory Smalley all in Close Up
Nov. 13, 2009
Quilters at Heart Quilt Guild, Mount Pulaski
HS honor roll, Lincoln Jaycees, Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
Kiwanis and Home Based Business Expo make Close Up
Nov. 10, 2009
Last chance for monument opinion, Special
Olympics, Lincoln Park
District, Daisy Girl Scouts, United Methodist, Carroll Catholic
honor roll and coin club make Close Up
Nov. 6, 2009
John youth and veterans, Special Olympics, Humane Society, Relay for Life, and local
authors at Lincoln College in Close Up
Nov. 3, 2009
Zonta dinner, Vonderlieth, Christian Village,
Eminence Ladies Aid, Trick or Treat with the Mayor and indoor
quarter midget races make Close Up
Oct. 30, 2009
St. John United Church youth, local blood
drives, West Lincoln-Broadwell honor roll, Michael Cusey, Hollie
Dollinger, Mount Pulaski Rotary citrus sale, Carroll Catholic Oct.
Students of the Month and Lincoln Weight
Watchers all make Close Up
Oct. 27, 2009
San Jose United Methodist, still time to vote
on statue, Cumberland Presbyterian, YMCA Halloween party, Harvest of
Talents and Jaycees Haunted House in Close Up
Oct. 23, 2009
Middletown United Methodist Church,
Humane Society meeting, Dave Hennessy, Christian Child Care, Brad
Miller, Lucky Six winners and the Quilters at Heart Quilt Guild all
in Close Up
Oct. 20, 2009
Little Lambs Day Care, Relay for Life, Mount
Pulaski Halloween hours, Lincoln FFA, Main Street Lincoln and the
Lincoln Public Library all in Close Up
Oct. 16, 2009
ALS fundraiser in Elkhart, genealogical
society, Toys for Tots, Child ID Day and Jaycees Haunted House in
Close Up
Oct. 13, 2009
soldier's monument poll, LCHS College and Career night, floral
design class at park district, historical society news and
rescheduled YMCA Bike Blast make Close Up
Oct. 9, 2009
Kiwanis Club, chamber contest, fish
pictures, Junior Achievement, Gail's Pumpkin Patch, 'The Curious
Savage' at LCU, Habitat for Humanity and cruise-in at The Mill all
crowd into Close Up
Oct. 6, 2009
Holy Family Parish, New Holland firemen, Logan
County CROP Walk, calligraphy class and Biking Blast in Close Up
Oct. 2, 2009
Lincoln/Logan County Arts & Crafts Guild, Eric
and Joe Horn, Habitat playhouse winner, United Way, Mill cookbook and Grab Your
Fork news make Close Up
Sept. 29, 2009
Personality of the Week info, Together for
Lincoln clothes swap, Habitat informational meeting, Eric Horn,
Lincoln Emblem Club and KC Electric bowlers make the Close Up Sept. 25, 2009
Ashley O'Neill goes perfect, Humane Society,
calligraphy class and YMCA's School's Out Fun days all in Close Up Sept. 22, 2009
The Scouts and Culver's, broadband in
Broadwell, Humane Society, LC Genealogical & Historical Society, Krystine Schnautz
and Megan Callahan at the 'U,' and the Lincoln Jaycees make the Close
Up Sept. 18, 2009
Walk for ALS, Trina McGraw, United Way of
Logan County, Humane Society, Habitat for Humanity, YMCA Bike Blast
and Lincoln Public Library all in Close Up Sept. 15, 2009
United Way, hospice volunteers, Lincoln Park
District, Don Wheal, changes at LDN, glass recycling and Harvest of
Talents all in Close Up
Sept. 11, 2009
Rachel's Challenge at LCHS, the Mount Pulaski Fall
Festival, the Atlanta Fall Festival, caregiver program
at Vonderlieth, blood drive, a cruise-in and St. John's
Hartsburg make Close Up
Sept. 8, 2009

Humane Society, Lincoln Community High School,
Mount Pulaski Water Dept., glass recycling, Jefferson St. Christian
Church and State Bank bocce ball tournament winners all in Close Up Sept. 4, 2009
Grab Your Fork winners, Zonta, Cindy Wendlandt
benefit, Gail's Pumpkin Patch, art fair winners and Zion Lutheran
Family Fun Fest make Close Up Sept. 1, 2009
Balloon fest quiz answers, Tracy Cusey and the
YMCA make Close Up Aug. 28, 2009
Lincoln Christian University, quilters, blood drives,
Lincoln Church of God and plenty to do at the Lincoln Park District
make Close Up
Aug. 25, 2009
Lincoln Christian University hosting lectures,
plenty to do at the park district, and balloon fest quiz in Close Up Aug. 21, 2009
cooking class, quarter midget regional race, Humane Society, and
complete art and balloon fest information all in Close Up Aug. 18, 2009
City balloon fest contest, town hall meeting in
support of correctional officers, Grab Your Fork and
fundraiser for Josh Quisenberry/Katrina Johnson family
all in Close Up Aug. 14, 2009
Sunney Art Center, Linpro Dance Club, Hardee's
and Toys for Tots, cruise-in at Culver's, and bike ride at Latham
Park make the Close Up
Aug. 11, 2009
Lincoln to Peoria Run, Brent Sherman and Marc
Arulfo, YMCA flag football and Legion baseball honors in Close Up
Aug. 7, 2009
Lincoln College at Peoria Chiefs, Wesley Dean
Tucker, Habitat for Humanity, LCHS Band Boosters, ALMH and United
Way in the Close Up
Aug. 4, 2009
LCHS Class of '89, National Night Out, Grab
Your Fork drawing winners, library craft hour and Humane Society
adopt-a-thon make Close Up
July 31, 2009
'Troops are coming home Thursday. Line the
streets,' AFSCME and First United Methodist Church Kids Club in
Close Up July 28, 2009
Josh Davenport, the spirit of things, 'Pirates
of Penzance,' library reading awards, Oasis bunco and travel soccer
at the YMCA make the Close Up July 24, 2009
Street Lincoln, Emden Historical Society, 'ghostwalk,' Mill
anniversary and cruise-in make the Close Up
July 21, 2009
The Linpro dancers, win $500 contest, Grab
Your Fork, Middletown Bible Church, petting zoo and First Baptist
Church of Lincoln all make Close Up
July 17, 2009
Ales for Tails, Elkhart Fire Summerfest, Max
Cook, Chad Burnham Flag Football, Habitat for Humanity, quilters and
dance class in Close Up
July 14, 2009
First Presbyterian Church annual barbecue,
announcements always free in LDN, Zion Lutheran's Megan Opperman,
Kayla Huskins, YMCA field trips and Heartland Community College news make the Close
Up July 10, 2009
Habitat for Humanity, Logan Lanes, new classes
at the Logan County Fair, a 4-generation picture, LCGHS open house
and 'Putting On a Play' at the park district all make Close Up July 7, 2009
Grab Your Fork, Zonta Club, Lincoln Park
District, Logan Lanes and free cab ride home make the Close Up July 3, 2009
'The Pirates of Penzance,' Lincoln Masonic
Center blood drive, Lincoln Lions Club, Immanuel Lutheran Church and
Lincoln Heritage Days celebration in Close Up
June 30, 2009
Humane Society, St. John's anniversary in
Hartsburg, 2009 CROP Walk, Lincoln
College baseball outings, Land of Lincoln Soil Savers outing and
Lincoln Farmers' Market in Close Up June 26, 2009
Middletown Presbyterian Church, Quilters at
Heart, flag football at the YMCA, Super Cruise for St. Jude, Nitro
Joe and Lucky Six winners make the Close Up June 22, 2009
Relay for Life, blood drive,
Lincoln Air Rifle Klub and Junior Master Gardeners make
Close Up June 19, 2009
The Humane Society, Zion Lutheran,
Habitat for Humanity, benefit for Nick Tibbs and the
YMCA in Close Up
June 16,
LCHS Class of '77, Humane Society,
Friday night bike rides, Culver's, Cumberland
Presbyterian, Lincoln Circuit Ride and Zion honor roll
all in Close Up
June 12,
ALMH golf outing and dinner,
Washington-Monroe honor roll, West Lincoln-Broadwell
honor roll, and YMCA field trips all in Close Up June 9, 2009
Zonta, Catholic Charities, Megan
Siddens, Tifanee Reeves, Natalie Schaller, Megan
Opperman, Kristen Marten and Cumberland Presbyterian
Women's Ministry all in Close Up June 5, 2009
DAR scholastic awards; West
Lincoln-Broadwell, Mount Pulaski Grade School, Mount
Pulaski High School and New Holland-Middletown
Elementary District 88 announce their academic awards
for Close Up June 2, 2009
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